Start with an Archangel

Chapter 246 Preparation before encounter

It is very difficult for players to upgrade in the Hero World. As of the game's open beta, the mainstream player level is around 20. They have just started to get exposed to level 5 soldiers, and level 3 and 4 soldiers are still the main force.

But no matter what game, there are leveling madmen.

There is news that there is already a strong man in Japan who has reached level 27, and he is also the only one who is confirmed to be the first person to be level 27.

Below level 27 are levels 26 and 25, which are the first echelons of player levels and are the real top players. Because there are no equipment or high-level soldiers, it is impossible to level up so quickly.

Take Daliang himself as an example. After experiencing the Battle of Qingye Island, his level reached level 24. His experience bar increased by more than half and he reached the threshold of level 25.

Although Daliang did not take time to spawn monsters and upgrades, he fought large-scale wars every time. More than ten level 13 and 14 ultimate creatures died in his hands, allowing him to maintain a relatively high level. grade.

Those who can surpass him in level are really a bit perverted.

Daliang's purpose in gathering these perverted players was to carry out a decapitation operation. As long as the leader of the orc army was killed, the combat effectiveness of the orc army would be reduced by half.

To kill the orc leader requires a small team of players with extremely strong combat capabilities. Those players who are at the top of the level are the best candidates.

As private messages came one after another, Daliang summoned five top players whose level reached or exceeded level 25.

The No. 1 leveling madman in China: Looking back at the bright moon, level 26, undead death knight, specialty: Death Lord (the blood volume of one's own undead creatures within the command range is restored by 10 points per second, combat effectiveness is increased by 15%, death trample: active skill , launches a charge attack, and the lethality is increased by 50%. For each additional Dark Knight or Terror Knight in the team, the lethality is increased by 5%, and the upper limit is increased by 50%). Military strength: 1 Terror Knight, 4 Dark Knights, 1 Vampire King (can be ridden in giant bat form).

The first mage in China: Tianfa Dao Natural, level 26, academic warlock, specialty: water element master (water element magic effect increased by 25%, summon water element: active, level 5 water element magic.). Military strength: 1 Naga Queen, 5 Monster Lords.

Yi Xian Wu Yao Hua, level 25, elf druid, speciality: Son of Nature (elf troops within the command range always have advanced attack acceleration status, active: immortal body), military power 1 unicorn beast, 5 deadwood warriors.

Prosperity is easy to fall, Level 25, Hell Abyss Demon, Specialty: Burning Footprints (generates continuous burning flames wherever you walk, you can choose to turn it off or on. Fire magic damage is reduced by 50%. Active: The flames produce a splash effect.) Military strength: 6 nightmare beasts.

Dugu Tiexin, level 25, human knight, specialty: sergeant major (morale +1, Crusader attack and defense +0.5 for each level, you can upgrade the swordsman to a crusader). Military strength: 6 Crusaders.

Including Daliang, the six of them were the members who carried out the beheading operation.

"We called everyone here just in case."

Daliang gathered five of the top players in the Chinese region on a hillside and looked at the advancing army. He said: "Tomorrow at noon we will encounter the main force in the Mongolian region. Although we have many people, I don't think so. We can win easily.

You are all the top players in this game, and you should have a better understanding of the combat effectiveness of the system's army than ordinary players. They are very strong, especially when they reach a certain scale, and under the command of powerful heroes, they can completely massacre the player's army with low damage. .

Tomorrow's battle will be very difficult, and we may even be overwhelmed by the opponent and annihilated on a large scale.

In order to deal with this situation, I have gathered together all of you, the strongest players in the game.

Our mission is to break through the orc army when the battle is most dangerous, assassinate their general in the shortest possible time, and disintegrate the high commanding attributes of the orc army.

Regardless of whether the mission fails or succeeds, we are very likely to die and lose one level, and all our senior soldiers will die in battle.

This is a voluntary action, and those who do not want to participate can withdraw. "

The five people who were able to raise the level to such a high level all know this game very well. Moreover, each of them has capable soldiers. Naturally, they perform very high task levels in their respective cities, and they have a very clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of the system's army.

They knew that Daliang's words were not alarmist. On this open grassland, without terrain obstruction, the combat effectiveness of the system's army would be fully unleashed, and tomorrow's battle would definitely be very difficult. If the players in the rear are too scared to come to support, then it is not impossible that their army deep into the Mongolian grasslands will be defeated.

It was just a beheading operation within the orc army, and the people involved had almost no chance of coming out alive.

It is very difficult to upgrade now, and the troops are all accumulated through hard work. After a raid, there will be nothing left.

Therefore, none of the five people immediately agreed to Daliang.

As the top player in China, he looked back at Mingyue and said: "Since I have come to participate in this national war, death and loss of soldiers are all under my consideration. It doesn't matter if I can win and die the last time. I want to hear it first According to your plan, the enemy general must be surrounded by heavy protection. He is also a powerful hero. Can the six of us kill him?"

"Yes, yes, yes, since we came here with a large army, we must do our duty to die, but we cannot die casually. The enemy's general will definitely be with the ancient Behemoth. I guess our soldiers are not enough to give the ancient Behemoth a few slaps." of."

Others also strongly agreed with Looking Back at Mingyue's opinion, listen to the plan first, and then choose whether to participate or not.

Daliang knew that everyone had no subordinate relationship, and he did not have the ability to make these proud players work for their lives with just one word.

The five people didn't just turn around and leave, so they had already lost face.

"My plan is..."

the next day.

After the sun illuminated the grassland, Daliang appeared on the national channel.

"We will encounter the main force in the Mongolian area at noon. This will be a very exciting battle. In order to wipe out this army cleanly, I have formulated a combat plan. It is not clear on the national channel, please log in The national war section of the official website of Shangjiang University Alliance."

Every Chinese player in the team was looking forward to the upcoming battle. When they heard that the attack plan had been released, everyone logged on to the official website of the Shangjiang University Alliance.

Daliang continued on the national channel: "In order to give full play to our numerical advantage, we have divided the existing army into 20 group armies. Based on your current coordinates, you can know which group army you belong to, and then report to your group army. The coordinates are moved together.

The brothers coming from behind took a look in advance at the group army that needed to replenish manpower.

It's almost time to take action, we need to be assembled before the battle at noon.

All brothers who have flying mounts, gather at coordinates ****:****. The orcs have too many rocs, and the air supremacy may not be on our side. Those of us who can fly must act in unison. "

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