Start with an Archangel

Chapter 249 Assault

The archangel killed Dapeng with one sword, which greatly inspired the army's morale.

With such a powerful level 14 creature pressing down on the field, the chance of success in decapitation is extremely high.

There is no blocking.

"Meteor Shower" released.

The red fire rain reflected the dark night, meteorites roared down, and high-altitude magic bombing covered the military camp below.

The orc military camp below was immediately engulfed in flames.

The continuous magic had just ended, and Daliang led the assault troops to swoop down with the last splash of fire rain.

The falling lava killed every orc soldier that was hit, and then set the tents on fire. In an instant, the middle of the orc army was full of fire.

The orc soldiers in the camp became confused. Most of them didn't know where the attack came from, and who could break through the layers of their own troops outside to attack here.

At this time, a large number of enemies fell from the sky.

The player responsible for blocking immediately releases the soldiers in his soldier card after falling to block the orc soldiers from supporting the Chinese army's tent.

And Daliang led the beheading team to fall at the core of the orc army. This was the center of the "Meteor Shower" bombing, and there were broken red meteorites everywhere.

The orcs' central tent had been smashed down and burned. An armored ogre hero stared at the invading enemies with a mace. Beside him, the tall ancient Behemoth let out a roar, and in the meteor fire The orc soldiers who survived the rain rushed over together.

"Ice Magic Ring"

This is Tianfa Dao's natural signature skill. He learned advanced water magic by chance and began to specialize in water magic. The top-grade soldier's weaponry increased his intelligence to 80+, and the power of water magic was extremely terrifying.

The ice ring exploded with the decapitation team as the center, and the orc soldiers coming out from all around instantly turned into ice sculptures.

"Release all the soldiers, I will increase your status and kill the Armored Marquis quickly."

Da Liang summoned all five magic mages in the weapon card, and the other five also released their strongest troops. Naturally, Tianfa Dao recruited more than 80 water elements in one go, all of which had mid- to high-level troops. An army of soldiers formed in the hands of six people in an instant.

The magic mage begins to apply magic status to the army,

Senior Holy Spirit Zuoyou

Advanced attack acceleration

Advanced bloodthirsty thaumaturgy

Advanced stone skin care

Advanced Atmospheric Aegis

Senior Rejoice

A string of high-level magic containing four series was applied to this army. Seeing the dazzling high-level magic states on their respective soldiers, the five top players were stunned.

I thought that having an Archangel in Daliang's hand was already awesome, but I didn't expect that he also had such an awesome strategic unit.

Now that Daliang had revealed all his belongings for this beheading, the other five top players no longer worried about the gains and losses of their senior soldiers.

"Big brother Da Liang is so heroic, so many valuable soldiers have been released, we will risk our lives to accompany the gentleman. Charge!"

When looking back at the bright moon, after the Dark Knight and Terror Knight under his command were possessed by various status magics, they immediately activated the Death Lord skill, and a row of knights rushed towards the Armored Marquis.

Ancient Behemoth wanted to step forward to intercept, but the Archangel had already swooped down from the air and slashed at Ancient Behemoth's back with a slash in the air.

No creature dared to turn its back on the Archangel's attack, so Ancient Behemoth turned back to fight.

"Tianfa is natural, that high-level magician is coming, you go up and don't give him a chance to use high-level magic.

With a string of dancing demons, let your dead wood warriors go up and wrap them with tree roots to entangle the Thorny Marquis. The unicorn beast will hit him and make him blind.

Prosperity is easy to fall, so run and set fire, take your nightmare beast to clear out the miscellaneous soldiers, and come to support after clearing it quickly.

Dugu Tiexin, lead your crusaders to the top. "

"Boys, work quickly. We can't hold it anymore!"

The decapitation team began to besiege the Armored Marquis, and the players who resisted the orc soldiers on the outside struggled to support them. Especially when a team of Cyclops threw boulders at them, the players' soldiers simply used human heads to block the holes of the gun. Block the orc soldiers who want to rescue their general.

When the fastest man looked back at Mingyue, he had already led his dark knights and terror knights in a line and rushed in front of the Thorny Marquis, and the sabers raised high fell one by one.

The thorn-armored Marquis let out a violent roar, and the leading dark knight rolled down from the skeleton horse, and then was hit half of his body by the sweeping mace.

A dark knight died, and the terrifying knight who followed up hit the Armored Marquis, and then he was swept away by the mace swept by the Armored Marquis with his backhand, and he and his horse were swept away.

When looking back at Mingyue, he ignored the fearful knight and continued to charge with the dark knight.

The magic mage's attack arrived in time.

Advanced weakness

Advanced Slowness Dafa

Advanced Light of Destruction

Senior Disaster Is Coming

The debuff magic shrouded the Thorny Marquis and the ancient Behemoth, and at the same time, a special magic mixed in many magic beams hit the Thorny Marquis.


A level 4 magic caused the Thorny Marquis to fall into chaos, and also allowed Looking Back at Mingyue to avoid the incoming mace.

The Dark Knight attacked in one round, and when he looked back at the bright moon, he threw the healing magic at the Terror Knight who had just gotten up, and shouted: "Wither Wood Warriors, hurry up and surround him and entangle him. Da Liang's control magic just now is really powerful, otherwise I was stunned by him."

Da Liang ordered the magic mage to start a long-range attack, and then said: "Output, output with all your strength, this Marquis level is too high, and the chaos will not last too long. Yi Xian Wu Yao Hua, your dead wood warriors must wrap around him tightly, even if he dies. retreat."

"I got it." The specialty of the Son of Nature allows Yi Xian Wu Yaohua's elf troops to always be in a magical state of advanced attack acceleration, which gives his army excellent mobility. Even the elf troops who were originally known for their slow movements Deadwood warriors can also run.

After the first round of attacks when looking back at Mingyue, the five deadwood warriors surrounded the chaotic Thorny Marquis.


The roots of the tree were entangled, and the Thorny Marquis escaped from the chaos and was trapped in place again.

The magic mage's magic ball came, and the players launched a magic bombardment together.

A dead wood warrior was broken into two pieces under the attack of the mace, and Dugu Tiexin and his crusaders rushed forward.

Cut with the trend and chop with the backhand.

Dugu Tiexin's military specialization allows the Crusaders under his command to have nearly double the attack power of the Crusaders commanded by ordinary heroes.

The long sword was flying, and the Crusaders attacked the Thorny Marquis crazily, and were also hit by the Thorny Marquis's crazy attack.

After charging up, he looked back at the bright moon and led the Dark Knight and Terror Knight to charge again.

Fuhua Yiluo also came with his Nightmare Beast for support.

At this time, he had already run around the battlefield, and the blazing flames were burning, and those longing splashing flames blocked the approach of the orc soldiers.

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