Start with an Archangel

Chapter 267 United Fleet

Daliang then contacted Xu Man: "I have commissioned four shipyards in Pudong, Chongming, Baoshan and Nanhui to start building 220 single-masted warships. They will be delivered in two days. The Pudong fleet will support a small fleet, with two three-masted warships and It consists of five two-masted battleships. How to fight this battle?"

Xu Man was so excited that he couldn't help but imagine the scene of these 200+ single-masted battleships being built together on the shipbuilding berth. This can be said to be the largest fleet in the entire Western Pacific, and in two days it will be revealed in its own hands.

"With 220 single-masted battleships, my maritime strength will surpass the invading lords' combined fleet in one fell swoop. Our strategic goal should no longer be limited to destroying them, but should counterattack. How they deal with us, we will deal with them.

The Sun Moon God Territory is too close to the Dragon Star Territory, so we will attack the Dongyue Territory first, bombard their legion base, and force them to sign a city alliance with us.

Then see if we can sign a treaty with Tianyu Territory, the third territory in China of the East Three Alliance.

In this case, our north will be temporarily safe and the south cannot go. We will run maritime trade in the northern part of the mainland, the Korean Peninsula and Japan, so as to get rid of the blockade imposed on us by the lords. "

Da Liang, who was moving with the Black Fire Fleet, replied: "You formulate the big strategy, I will just fight."

"Okay, let's make a battle plan now. You can check it at any time with your own authority. If there are any shortcomings, let them change it at any time."


The Black Fire Fleet was marching, and the three-masted battleship "Skeleton Warrior" on Feichen Island entered the Black Fire Fleet's formation.

Daliang entered the bridge of the "Skeleton Warrior" and said: "Sidney, there is no way to kill a chicken with a knife. This time we are dealing with rookies. You have to rest first. I will command this naval battle."

"Okay, my lord."

The Skeleton Soldier lowered the flagship flag, and the Skeleton Warrior then raised the flagship flag high.

Five two-masted warships were piloting in front of the fleet in a fan shape on the sea, and two three-masted warships were lined up side by side. The entire fleet was heading towards the ruling station.

The sound of artillery gradually came, and the peripheral guard ships of the Lords United Fleet appeared on the sea ahead. In the distance, above the port where the Judgment Station was located, the fighting air forces could be vaguely seen.

Da Liang did not let the Black Fire Fleet continue to approach the battle area, but stopped outside the warning area of ​​the Lords United Fleet.

A fleet under the banner of Pudong Fleet appeared in the northern waters, and the Lords' Combined Fleet immediately stopped attacking the Judgment Legion's station.

The air force returned to the fleet and landed on the brig that came with the fleet. The warships that entered the bay port also withdrew, and the fleet formed a guard formation facing the north.

"Boss Fei, the Pudong fleet is coming, should we retreat?"

The arrival of two three-masted warships and five two-masted warships put a lot of pressure on the lords. For the current lords' combined fleet, the Pudong fleet is a real behemoth.

Shi Fei, who was sitting in the three-masted battleship "Yinglong", the flagship of the lords' combined fleet, also received news that the Pudong Fleet sent a small fleet. He said to the lords who were thinking of retreating: "The system navy will not interfere with the players. This is just a fleet that came to monitor us. If the Pudong fleet wants to attack us, it will definitely not be a fleet of this size. As long as we do not extend the scope of the battle beyond the jurisdiction of the Judgment Corps, they will not intervene. fighting."

The fleet that sailed over stopped outside the battle area, which seemed to confirm Shi Fei's words and had no intention of intervening in the battle.

The lords felt relieved, but someone else said to Shi Fei: "Now that the Judgment Legion has received a large number of flying units, we no longer have an advantage in the air battlefield. If we continue to fight like this, we may not be able to draw out Da Liang and his Archangel. In addition, I think Da Liang sent his flying troops instead of letting the archangel directly solve the aerial battlefield. He may have seen our ambush against him."

Shi Fei agreed: "I also think that Daliang has seen our arrangement against him, but so what. Their fleet has been wiped out by us, and without using Archangel, he can do nothing to our fleet with his air force. We are guarding the Shangjiang sea area. The university alliance cannot run business. If we block it and lose its face, it will naturally become unstable internally.

If Lie Hongshang wants to keep the college alliance alive, he can only negotiate with us, accept my conditions, and drive the gold coin trading market out of Shangjiang City.

Through this national war, we can see that the University Alliance and Daliang are the thugs of the five major gold merchants. As long as Yunxiao Leader does not stand on the side of our lords, we will be a passive party in the cooperation with the gold merchants.

The Yunxiao leader in Shangjiang makes us feel too uncomfortable. He can cut off our north-south waterway at any time. This is a sharp knife inserted by the gold merchants on our lord. If I don't pull it out, I will not be able to have an equal dialogue with the gold merchants. In the end They will be reduced to thugs who make money for them. "

Shi Fei's words were recognized by all the coastal lords.

In the gold coin battle, the lords lost extremely cowardly, and their good form was ruined by the gold merchants and Da Liang. In the end, for the sake of the reputation of the guild and the territory, they had to join the national war chariot and work on the border for the gold merchants' money-making plans. A useless fight was fought.

It's really a loss of my wife and a loss of soldiers.

Although the lords have resumed cooperation with the gold merchants, they can feel the arrogant attitude of the gold merchants. The pricing power is completely in the hands of the gold merchants. In order to obtain low-price gold coins, these leaders have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. The player lords had to pretend to be grandsons and force a smile.

Therefore, the lords also held a grudge against Daliang and the University Alliance, who were close to the gold merchants.

So this fight for gold mines became a trigger.

With the reason to launch a war, the lords in China who had legions stationed along the coast, under the leadership of Shi Fei, immediately dispatched their respective fleets to launch an attack on the College Alliance.

This time, we must give the College Alliance and Daliang a hard lesson, letting them and the gold merchants know who has the stronger army in this game and who is the boss.

If the College Alliance still wants to get involved in the sea in the future, it will drive the gold merchants' gold coin trading market out of Shangjiang City, stand with the lords, and fight in the same camp against the gold merchants' exploitation of the lords.

The conflict between the gold merchants and the lords made the lords very determined to conquer the college alliance.

The most important legion in the College Alliance is the Judgment Legion led by Daliang. Since the Judgment Legion is stationed near the ocean, it has become a key target of the lords' combined fleet.

At the same time, because Daliang owned the archangel, the lords and Shi Fei formulated a plan to kill the archangel.

It’s just that this plan seems to have been seen through.

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