Start with an Archangel

Chapter 270 Frost Thunderstorm

It has entered dark night in the game. Except for dungeons and some creatures with dark vision, most creatures will avoid war during this period.

The sea became calm. Both the Judgment Legion and the Lords United Fleet sent players from the dungeon to monitor each other, and neither of them had any intention of attacking the other party.

Daliang asked the Black Fire Fleet to gather together, and after asking Shu Xiao to take care of him, he teleported all the way to Jiading City.

Jiading City has upgraded its city level to level 11.

Although Marquis Stanley was greedy for money, he was not stingy and was never vague when it came to spending money. The operation of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce gave him a lot of wealth. In order to keep this wealth, he invested all the money he earned into urban construction.

Jiading City was full of construction and upgrade sites, and dark knights began to appear in Marquis Stanley's army.

The prosperous scene and powerful army made the merchants who had been waiting on the sidelines begin to invest in Jiading City. The city entered a period of rapid development. The prosperous streets made it almost unrecognizable as a city of the undead.

Regarding the upgrade of Jiading City, Shangjiang City's reaction was just as Daliang expected.

A war, or a failed assassination, caused the King of East China Sea to lose control outside Shangjiang City. Facing pressure from the north and the south, they would not be willing to lose Jiading City as an ally.

Now the entire Shangjiang area has entered an invisible military race, and both Joshua and Howard are upgrading the cities they control. The King of Donghai also knew that upgrading Jiading City was a way to quench thirst, but he had no choice but to hope that a Shuntong Chamber of Commerce could make this undead city with great potential stand on his side.

Daliang came to Jiading City again and found Marquis Stanley. The Marquis's enthusiasm still made Daliang a little unbearable. Late at night, Marquis Stanley took Daliang to the top of the castle and took a good look at the market outside Jiading City before giving Daliang all the architectural drawings of the fourth-level territory.

At the same time, Marquis Stanley gave Da Liang permission to use the Skeleton Transformation Field.

So Daliang didn't go anywhere, and just waited here for the arrival of the red dragon's body.

Feichen Viscount's goods have always been smooth in the logistics coverage network of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Two large trucks with fifteen skeleton horses ran wildly on the road from the entrance of the stone cave to Jiading City, and it took only three hours to transport the red dragon's body to Daliang.

After using up the remaining two recovery potions, the red dragon was pushed into the skeleton transformation field, and Da Liang obtained two bone dragons.

After another teleportation, Daliang returned to the Black Fire Territory with two bone dragons.

At this time, the Black Fire Territory has completed the upgrade of the fourth-level territory and can have four evil temples that produce skeleton soldiers and two cemeteries that produce walking corpses.

In order to open up the Black Fire Territory's waterway as soon as possible, Daliang, who had enough labor, built 100 quarries in one breath. At the same time, he also invested a lot of money and labor in the construction of the city wall, and the speed of reclamation accelerated again.

Enchanting Materials Workshop

Integral wood processing workshop

Finely woven canvas weaving yard

High-strength cable production workshop

hydraulic press

The prototypes of large-scale manufacturing have begun to appear in the fourth-level territorial buildings, providing pre-requisite technology for the manufacturing of various appliances that will appear in fifth-level cities.

What Daliang is more concerned about is that shipyards can be built in the fifth-level territory, and then the Black Fire Territory can produce single-masted ships on its own.

By then, the Black Fire Territory, which has five evil temples, will have recruited a large number of skeleton soldiers. Now that Da Liang has mastered the ability to mass-produce single-masted ship blueprints, the single-masted warships crewed by skeleton soldiers will become a very useful territorial defense force. At the same time, they can also train qualified sailors and captains for the Blackfire Fleet. .

Along the way, he clicked on buildings to build according to the resources stored in the Black Fire Territory, and Daliang entered the territory meeting hall with two skull dragons.

The hall built by the angels exudes a sacred atmosphere, which is somewhat incompatible with the cemetery of the dead. Bloody flames were still burning inside the evil prison, and violent aura was raging, but he was trapped inside.

The nightmare unicorn Hayate, who had been waiting for his enemy to enter the prison, saw Daliang and Bone Dragon and said: "Dear Lord, I am surprised at the speed at which your strength has increased. Last time you brought two Bone Dragons, it seemed that they were just Not long ago.”

Daliang smiled and said: "My enemies are very strong. In order to survive, I can only work hard to increase my strength. But... I am also very curious. What will you become in the end as you continue to absorb energy in the evil prison? I hope We are not enemies in the end.”

"I just want revenge and have no intention of becoming your enemy."

"I have no intention of being your enemy. Now I will let the bone dragon go in, and I will leave the transformation of the bone dragon to you."

"Ask what you need."

Daliang let a bone dragon enter the prison.

Conversion begins.

The death energy emanates from the bone dragon's body to resist the invasion of evil breath, and slowly turns into solid horn during the calcination.

Gale used his power to control the burning of the bone dragon by the blood fire.

The expectation of success and the worry of failure made Daliang watch the changes of Bone Dragon intently.

Everything went very smoothly.

After a dragon roar, a giant frost dragon walked out of the evil prison.

A success, today went very smoothly!

Riding on the joy of the successful transformation, Daliang took advantage of his "European Emperor State" to quickly let another bone dragon enter the evil prison, and then clicked on the attributes of the frost dragon.


Frost Dragon (Level 14, half undead, half demon)

Attack: 25

Defense: 25

Kill: 400-500

HP: 3000

Characteristics of the unit: flying creature, soul-freezing breath (the condensed breath of death can freeze the soul, reducing mobility by 25%, and cannot be dispelled by magic. The lasting effect is related to the strength of the soul), enemy morale -1

Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 14


Intelligence: 11

Knowledge: 10

Hero specialty: Singing and marching forward (within the range of the roar, the attack of all friendly forces is increased by 10% and the speed is increased by 20%. Range = intelligence × 1000 meters)

Hero skills: primary air magic, primary spiritualism

Magic Skills: Attack Acceleration

Not bad.

Unlike Astro, who is both offensive and defensive, Thunderstorm's hero specialty is more inclined to lead the army on the offensive. This overall speed-increasing halo-type skill is not limited to one's own army. Other players and their soldiers can enjoy attribute bonuses as long as they are friendly forces and within the scope of the heroic advance.

Especially in air combat, speed is the most important attribute. A 20% speed increase can definitely qualitatively improve the combat effectiveness of an air force.

Daliang felt that he did not often command large-scale air operations, and Thunderstorm was a bit incompetent in his hands. If it were left to Shu Xiao...

Thunderstorm has an excellent knight, and his own fighting ability can be brought into full play. And Shu Xiao has an excellent mount, which can greatly improve the air power of the Judgment Legion.

It just so happened that my brother, who was a master, promised Shu Xiao to give her a dragon. The undead dragon was also a dragon, so it was an advantage for her.

"Because the creatures you put into the evil prison cannot withstand the erosion of evil, they are automatically converted into sacrifices. The sacrifice at level 13 is 75%."


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