Start with an Archangel

Chapter 294 Wedding

After walking out of the palace, the two separated, and Shu Xiao continued to level up with the legion members.

Now the Frost Dragon Thunderstorm has simply become a benefit to the Judgment Legion. With a roar, the combat power of friendly forces within the range skyrocketed. After the speed is increased, the Judgment Legion will directly start hunting at the place where monsters are spawned.

First, fast members conduct aerial reconnaissance. After discovering the prey group, there is a background data link to assign members to contain it. By luring and driving prey into groups.

Small groups of prey are handed over to the attack team for encirclement and killing. After large groups of prey are gathered, the frost dragon will arrive with the main attack force. The thunderstorm sweeps away with dragon breath. The frost dragon's unit characteristics will reduce the enemy's morale by -1. The prey will soon lose the will to fight under the attack of the thunderstorm, and then the main attacking troops will rush in to clean up the battlefield and gain experience.

After another prey group is gathered, the main attacking force immediately transfers.

Teamwork with the ability to coordinate, and under the leadership of the Frost Dragon, the speed of gaining experience is accelerated exponentially.

Adjudication members quickly regain levels lost during the war.

Shu Xiao returned to the leveling field, and the Judgment Legion channel burst into cheers.

On the way back to the Gis ship model cabin, Daliang contacted Gu Tao: "Are you free the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, I have."

"I have a task that I would like to ask you to help with."

"Okay, I feel like throwing up after doing these ordinary tasks all day long. The tasks you take on must be fun and exciting."

The successful appointment with Gu Tao made Daliang very happy: "I don't dare to insist on whether it's fun or not. There will definitely be excitement. Prepare more human shields... The dead wood warriors of the elves are too big, so just bring your unicorn." The beast will add magic immunity to us, and I will give you a few more Crusaders. When the time comes, save your life first, and just follow my orders when you are in danger."

"No problem. Just tell me in advance when you're going to take action. I'll skip class first."

Does this count as damaging the pillars of the country?

But... Gu Tao is still loyal. As soon as he says he needs help, he will skip the class. Unlike Shu Xiao, who would only commit crimes under coercion and inducement, and even came to the banquet reluctantly. In the end, there are still benefits, getting so many jewels from Marquis Stanley...

No, jewelry... No wonder Shu Xiao ran so fast out of the palace. It turned out that she was afraid that I would remember to ask her about sharing the stolen goods.

He doesn't respect his teacher at all, so what's the use of this apprentice?

Daliang returned to Flea Street angrily and continued to study the design of a single-masted battleship.

When Gis knew that Daliang was going to enter the sewers of Shangjiang City, he did not go out the next morning. Instead, he continued to teach techniques on how to reduce lateral resistance in ship design.

The lateral force of sea water will cause the hull to sway. In order to maintain balance, the hull needs to consume power to offset the losses in the sway, thus reducing the speed.

When the ship moves forward, the starting point of lateral resistance is the bow. Nowadays, the bow of a single-masted battleship is a pointed bow, which has a good wave-breaking effect and greatly reduces the longitudinal resistance of the ship body, but the lateral resistance is relatively large.

Therefore, in Guice's theory, changing the design of the sloop's bow can increase the ship's speed without weakening other attributes.

However, to reduce transverse resistance, the ship needs to widen the bow, and widening the bow will increase longitudinal resistance.

Therefore, if Daliang wants to complete this new single-masted battleship, he needs to find a balance point that takes into account both lateral resistance and longitudinal resistance in the design of the bow.

The theory and techniques have all been taught to Daliang, and the rest needs to be explored and practiced by Daliang himself.

While Da Liang was struggling with a pile of blueprints in Giese's ship model cabin, the King of East China Sea summoned Archduke Howard after pondering for a whole day.

And secretly discussed with Howard alone for a long time.

After Howard left, the King of East China Sea announced that the wedding of Crown Prince William and Pudong Fleet Admiral Joyce would be held in ten days. After the wedding, he would abdicate the throne, recuperate in peace of mind, and never interfere with the political affairs of Shangjiang City.

Everyone knew that King Donghai's body could no longer hold on and he was making his last effort for the city. No one except the invited Holy Bella knew what he said to Duke Howard, but Duke Howard did not leave Shangjiang City but returned to his mansion after leaving King Donghai's bedroom, which seemed to indicate that the situation was getting better. develop.

Joyce can be said to be the busiest person in Shangjiang City at this time.

King Donghai's announcement of her wedding to Prince William was a bit sudden, and she only had ten days to prepare.

This is a royal wedding. After the wedding, she will move into the palace. The moment William puts on the crown, she will be the queen of this city.

The queen definitely cannot hold the post of admiral of the Pudong Fleet at the same time. She needs a capable and prestigious confidant to control the Pudong Fleet for her.

At the same time, a naval battle with Jeju City is imminent. Just the delivery of the fleet and the deployment at sea are enough to keep Joyce busy.

In addition to these, she also wanted to stabilize Shangjiang City's political situation as soon as possible, with its corrupt finances, the army in chaos, and the nobles who were confused and didn't know which side to turn to.

These should have been William's affairs, but if it was peacetime, Shangjiang could do whatever William wanted to do. Now he could only hope that William would not cause trouble.

Of course, there is also the Hell Lord King who gives Joyce an even bigger headache.

When the time came to enter the sewers, Joyce, who was busy with his busy schedule, gave Daliang an order: "The sewers are in a narrow terrain, and too many soldiers cannot move through them. All 60 crusaders and 40 priests are my soldiers." Elite, we are now temporarily under your jurisdiction. Holy Bella and her archangel guards are ready. I wish you good luck and everything goes well."

Da Liang, who holds a trump card in his hand, is still very confident in this trip. He said: "As long as Ergus is in the sewer, we will definitely be able to catch him, and we can definitely make it in time to attend the adults' wedding."

Speaking of the wedding, Joyce's face couldn't help but darken.

This wedding was entirely a political necessity, exchanging Joyce's happiness for Shangjiang's stability.

"Go ahead. As long as this thing is done well, when I become the queen, I will give you great officials."

Knowing that he said something wrong, Daliang quickly took the transfer order and left.

The troops that entered the sewers here have completed their assembly, and Daliang took out the transfer order and successfully received the troops.

Then, after arriving at the palace and meeting the archangels of Holy Bella, a large group of people walked into the flea street.

Shu Xiao and Gu Tao are already waiting here.

Polly led five thieves to open the entrance to a sewer: "Sir, I am very happy to serve you. Let's go down from here. This sewer has been cleaned by us long ago, and we are very familiar with the terrain. Enter the second floor I have also found the entrance in advance."

Da Liang looked at the sacred Bella beside him.

In order not to attract too much attention along the way, the archangels folded their wings, making them look like ordinary heroic units.

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