Start with an Archangel

Chapter 314 Get the reward

"Master is the best."

Shu Xiao made a secret "OK" gesture to Gu Tao.

Gu Tao pursed her lips and snickered knowingly. She was well aware of Daliang's rogue energy.

At this time, Holy Bella was sitting on a chair, leaning back against the backrest, with her right leg resting on her left leg, looking arrogant. Seeing Da Liang coming in, he said: "Although the Hell Lord King was not captured this time, their conspiracy was defeated. Things are back to the starting point. How do you think we should find them again?"

Daliang brought a chair and sat opposite Holy Bella, saying, "We have lost two kings."

Holy Bella didn't have much thought about the deaths of the two East China Sea Kings. She said: "In terms of the long river of time, the lifespan of your human race, there is not much difference between dying a few decades earlier and dying a few decades later. The top priority now is It’s about finding the Hell Lord King as soon as possible and catching them.”

Daliang continued: "The throne in the palace hall has now turned into a big hole."

"The hole created by Ergos can be filled with soil. What we are discussing now is the Lord King of Hell. They are very cunning. We must make a perfect plan when we capture them next time. "

"Most of the nobles in Shangjiang City died. Archduke Howard was devastated because his family was killed. We don't know if he is still willing to ascend the throne."

"That's enough." Holy Bella angrily said, "I said I have no interest in your game at all. My mission is to capture the Hell Lord King. Don't talk to me about other things."

Daliang smiled and said: "Actually, I have no interest in you catching the Lord King of Hell. Why do you let people like us who only have a lifespan of a hundred years participate in the war between Yunzhong City and Hell for tens of thousands of years? What the Lord King of Hell wants to do is none of our business. In the long river of time, there is no difference between dying decades earlier and dying decades later. I am very interested in the game we are playing now. I am a noble of this city. The stability and prosperity of this city are what I care about. of.

If you want to talk to me about the Hell Lord King, let's talk about our losses first. "

Holy Bella said: "The war against the Lord King of Hell is to maintain justice and order, and sacrifice is inevitable and necessary..."

Daliang interrupted Holy Bella: "I'm sorry, we humble creatures can't understand the noble sentiments of your angels. Now there are two hell lord kings in Shangjiang City, which we can't deal with. We need all-round protection from Yunzhong City Support, weapons, equipment, angels, artifacts, if you want us to be cannon fodder, you have to arm the cannon fodder, right?"

Holy Bella didn't expect Daliang to be so open-mouthed, asking for the artifact. Angrily, he laughed and said, "If there is a divine weapon, can I still use it and ask you for help?"

Daliang said: "You also admitted that you asked us for help, so don't act like we owe you.

Then let me make some constructive comments. Apparently, in addition to Ergos, Angela is also found here. You should have reported the news about the two hell lord kings in Shangjiang City to Yunzhong City. But now that you are asking us for help, it means that Yunzhong City has not sent you reinforcements. We can't let everyone know what the Hell Lord King is here, so we can only use a small number of elite troops. So far it seems that they are your angels and my people.

Strengthening my strength means increasing my chances of catching the Hell Lord King.

If you regard me as a servant who can be lost at any time, who can come and go at a moment's notice, then I will also treat you as a young lady who cannot afford to serve you.

Let's break up, you capture your hell lord king, I will be my noble viscount. "

Although Holy Bella was extremely angry at Daliang's words, she could only try her best to control her emotions.

In fact, Daliang's guess was correct. Yunzhong City's main focus was on chasing Satan. In the eyes of the angels, the other four escaped hell lord kings combined, there was no Satan plus the Doomsday Blade to worry them. .

After Holy Bella reported to Yunzhong City that Angela was found in Shangjiang City, Yunzhong City really did not send reinforcements.

Angela is the weakest among the five Hell Lord Kings. Now that she is in a weak state, Holy Bella and her angel guards can completely deal with her. As for Ergos, as long as Daliang stood on the side of Yunzhong City holding a distress letter, this powerful python could only hide and walk away.

So, in the eyes of Yunzhong City.

With the presence of Holy Bella and Daliang in Shangjiang, even if they cannot catch these two hell lord kings, they can still prevent them from playing any tricks.

The current focus of Yunzhong City is on Satan. As long as Satan can be caught, the other four hell lord kings will not have the strength to take back hell. The base camps of other races will not risk offending both Cloud City and Hell to take them in. They can only hide in the main plane and will be caught sooner or later.

No reinforcements will arrive from Yunzhong City in Shangjiang City in a short time. If they want to deal with Ergus and Angela, Holy Bella can only cooperate with Daliang.

And Daliang is now showing that he will not cooperate without giving benefits.

"Whatever hell lord king has nothing to do with us." Looking like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, Holy Bella found that she was really helpless towards him.

Without Da Liang to contain Ergos, Holy Bella would not have the ability to deal with two hell lord kings at the same time. This determines that her relationship with Daliang cannot be broken, and it is also the reason why Daliang relies on her now.

"Okay," Holy Bella said, "Before catching the Hell Lord King, I can personally provide you with some help.

Viscount Feichen, you should have the ability to train magic mages. When you raise any two lines of magic to advanced levels, you will have the opportunity to enter the magic forest. There are some very powerful dragons living inside. They are not as powerful as the dragons, but they have magical talents that are the envy of all creatures. If you can recruit them to join your army, the magical power you have will reach a very terrifying level. Degree.

Of course, we also hope that you can convince them to stand on the side of justice in the war between Cloud City and Hell. "

A dragon that can cast magic?

Daliang has come into contact with black dragons, golden dragons, red dragons, and green dragons. These dragons have strong bodies and magical immunity, which also prevents them from learning magic and can only fight with the dragon's breath with physical strength.

Now there are actually dragons that can cast magic, which is very suitable for their profession. Magic double C bombs, meteors and fire rain wash the ground, any army can wipe them out.

Daliang quickly asked: "Where is the magic forest?"

"An independent plane, you will know it when the time comes."

A powerful soldier waved to him, and Daliang felt happy, but...

Since I will know how to get to the Enchanted Forest when I arrive, is this reward a bit too watery?

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