Start with an Archangel

Chapter 349 Winner Prize

The changes that Gies mentioned about the watertight cabin technology on the internal design of the battleship have also been seen by the jury masters on the sloop.

In order to achieve the isolation effect, a large number of supporting ribs were removed. After Giese's reminder, the masters immediately thought of the disadvantages caused by the watertight cabin.

If it is necessary to reduce the number of ship decks and reduce the height, then the watertight compartment will not be worth the loss for a warship.

But it would be really uncomfortable for the jury to admit their mistakes and then forward the winning award to Da Liang.

"Yes, the watertight cabin technology is indeed not mature yet and cannot be applied to large battleships, but we can still see the changes it has made to single-masted battleships. Watertight cabins give single-masted battleships greater survivability, making the original The single-masted battleship, which can only roam around the periphery of the battlefield, has the ability to participate in artillery battles against large battleships.

I think based on this alone, the sloop is a great design, enough to win this selection. "

Unexpectedly, the master of the jury was still tough. Keith said calmly: "Before you make a decision, I suggest you conduct an overload bombardment test on this single-masted combat ship to see whether it can really compete in naval battles." character of."

Giese's words made the masters of the jury suddenly realize that they had overlooked one point. The watertight cabin will weaken the ship's vertical pressure resistance. In addition to the downward pressure generated by the superstructure of the ship, the recoil of the artillery when it is fired also increases. Down.

Can the sloop withstand the pressure of a salvo of artillery fire on the hull?

Although in the test just now, the jury also asked the single-masted combat ship to come in for a bombardment test to observe the changes in the hull during the bombardment.

But there was just a salvo, and a real naval battle would not end with just one shell.

The overload bombardment test that Giese refers to is to simulate the intensity of bombardment in a naval battle and conduct continuous firing to observe changes in damage to the ship's hull.

The masters of the jury did not dare to reject the evaluation proposed by Giese. If this single-masted battleship really cannot withstand the damage caused to the hull by overloaded bombardment, and they judge this design as the winner, once such a battleship is built in the future, If a serious design accident occurs, it will be a major blow to the reputation of the five reviewers.

Although the masters of the jury felt that the internal structure of the sloop should be able to withstand the recoil of ten guns, they allowed further testing of the sloop just in case.

A group of gun testers were added to the sloop.

The battleship once again left the dock and headed for the distant sea.

At this time, everyone on the shore was paying attention to the sloop that was about to undergo a bombardment test. Da Liang took this opportunity to order Sidney to salvage the Titan corpse underwater at the dock.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The sloop fired into the empty water.

The sound was deafening, covering up several slight sounds of falling water.

The bombardment test began, and the sound of gunfire continued.

Several skeleton soldiers fell to the bottom of the sea with ropes tied to their bodies, led by an undead hero.

The salvage of dragon corpses in the waters of Qingye Island gave the Black Fire Fleet a wealth of experience in seabed salvage. The Ship Designers Association dock is not large, and Titan's body was not covered by the sediment on the seabed, so it was easily found by the salvage team.

The shelling on the distant sea caused underwater turmoil, and sea fish frightened by the sound waves fled in all directions.

The undead were not affected by this harsh environment. They skillfully tied the cables they brought down to the Titan's body, tying the Titan tightly one after another.

The search and binding work was quickly completed, and the underwater undead were quietly pulled onto the boat.

"Sir, the mission has been completed."

After receiving Sidney's reply, Da Liang turned his attention back to the sea this time.

Suddenly, the gunfire of the single-masted battleship stopped, and then the battleship quickly turned around and headed towards the dock under the operation of the sailors.

However, its speed was obviously unable to increase, and the waterline outside the hull continued to move upward.

It was obvious that the single-masted combat ship was taking in a lot of water.

The impact of the watertight compartment on the ship was as expected. The pressure of the shelling caused cracks in the hull, and seawater poured in. The single-masted combat ship sank before it sailed very far. The personnel on the shore quickly sent people to Rescue the sailors in distress.

The masters of the jury were equally silent.

A warship that cannot even withstand its own bombardment may not be qualified to participate in a naval war.

Now that the dhow was silent, the jury had run out of options.

Daliang got his wish and got the intermediate ship designer certificate. Not only was he promoted to an intermediate ship designer, but the drawing rate of the two-masted ship increased by 10%.

In addition, the speed-enhanced single-mast No. 1 ship also won the championship in this ship design review.

Obtained a Ship Design Master Medal.

Ship Design Master Medal: The basic ship design drawing rate is increased by 10%, and there is a 5% chance of high-quality warship drawings appearing.

Ships are divided into five categories according to their quality: ordinary (basic attributes); premium (with ship skills); legendary (with ship skills and flagship skills); mythical (with ship skills, flagship skills and law-like weapons).

Premium and legendary levels can be transformed through alchemical means.

No one in the Daliang Blackfire Fleet can reach this level among boutique-level battleships. It requires the territory's alchemy technology to reach a certain level and the alchemy formula to enchant the ship or equipment.

The 5% chance of the appearance of high-quality battleship blueprints brought by the Ship Design Master Medal will allow Da Liang to quickly obtain a small number of high-quality warships to arm his fleet.

The intermediate ship designer certificate and ship design master medal increased Daliang's drawing rate by 20%.

In other words, even if Daliang uses blank blueprints, he can mass-produce two-masted battleships and improve his proficiency as long as he is willing to spend gold coins.

However, seeing that it cost 1,000 gold to generate a brigantine-class ship drawing, Daliang decided to learn the drawing and simplified drawing of a brigantine class ship first.

The Titan's body has been bundled with the "Skeleton Soldier".

Daliang knew that he had offended the Ship Designers Association, and was afraid that Ye Changmengduo would find something that people here should not discover, so after receiving the reward, he and Giss took the "Skeleton Soldier" and left North Star City.

The Titan's body was dragged out of the water by the Blackfire Fleet.

"This is your 'Flying Thunder God Technique' ring. You are very lucky. The ring made by our three masters is very close to the effect of my own 'Flying Thunder God Technique'."

Nicole and the Prophet reached the cabin of the "Skeleton Soldier" through short-distance teleportation, and the Titan was successfully brought out, just in the water below the ship.

The action went very smoothly, allowing Nicole to happily throw the ring to Da Liang.

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