Start with an Archangel

Chapter 361 Suspicion


Indoctrinated by Da Liang's conspiracy theory, the wizards became wary of those around them. After all, even someone of Frank's level has rebelled, so who else can't?

Among them, only Da Liang was definitely not from the City of Sighs. He could have watched these wizards being killed, but he rescued them all.

As for whether he has the trust of Elder Quentin?

Minia asked Jonathan: "Jonathan, you have been following Elder Quentin and are most familiar with his alchemy. Was the portal we just passed through made by Elder Quentin?"

Jonathan glanced at the destroyed portal, nodded and said, "Elder Quentin's alchemy techniques cannot be imitated. I am very sure that this portal was made by Elder Quentin."

Elder Quentin made the portal, but he didn't tell anyone but the human named "Eviscerate" in front of him. Does he trust this person more than we do? Could it be that in Elder Quentin's heart, there is still a traitor among us, but we just don't know who it is?

Minia knew that if wizards continued to be suspicious of each other, the entire Wizards Guild's City of Sighs branch would really be doomed. She asked Daliang: "I believe that all of us are loyal, and how do you think we can prove our respective loyalty?"

Da Liang said: "Kill Frank. He betrayed the Wizards Guild and caused us unbearable losses. He also killed Elder Quentin, my best friend. My friendship with Quentin has transcended the limitations of race and the age gap. He is a respectable undead and a pure wizard. He gave me the most selfless help when I was most confused. No one can understand the pain in my heart after the death of Elder Quentin. His death had a profound impact on the wizard. The guild is a loss, and it is a loss to me.

Do you know what the last words Elder Quentin said before he was killed by Frank? "

All the wizards looked at him expectantly.

Daliang looked at the endless wilderness in the distance and said slowly: "The souls of the dead are mortal, but witchcraft is eternal."

All the wizards lowered their heads and said in unison: "The souls of the dead are mortal, but only witchcraft is eternal."

It became...

Finally got through it.

When the wizards collectively remembered Elder Quentin, Daliang said: "You now go back to the headquarters to report what happened in the City of Sighs, especially before Frank's betrayal causes greater losses, and make repairs. I still have important things to do now. If you don’t do it, I won’t go with you.”

After saying that, Daliang was about to leave.

However, he found that his left hand was shackled.

Shackles of War: Combination of war props. (After the war shackles are used, the maximum distance between the two parties trapped by the shackles is no more than five kilometers. After the two shackles are reconnected, the status is released.)

Is there such a destructive prop in the game?

Trapped by the yoke of war, really no one can escape.

Daliang looked at a pair of silver handcuffs that appeared on his left wrist, looking at its attributes, with tears on his face.

The handcuffs put another ring on Miniya's right hand.

At this time, the war shackles had been put on the hands of Da Liang and Minia respectively, and the chains in the middle were broken. Now neither of them can move more than five kilometers away from the other until the chains are reattached.

Da Liang shook the shackles on his wrists and asked: "Miniya, what do you mean?"

Miniya also shook the shackles on her wrists: "I don't know whether you did it intentionally or unintentionally, but you successfully aroused suspicion among us wizards. I can guarantee that as soon as you leave, everyone among us will be If you don't believe it, you will leave separately. Although you don't want to admit it, you are indeed the only one among us who is definitely not the City of Sighs.

Since your friendship with Elder Quentin is so strong, I think you should lead us in assassinating Frank.

During this period, we will monitor each other. As long as we can kill Frank together, it will prove the loyalty of all of us.

At that time we will elect a true leader, and you will be alone to tell your secrets. "

At this time, Daliang really wanted to give himself a slap in the face, he was too involved in the acting!

It's okay now, I've fooled myself into it.

"Should I lead you to assassinate Frank?" Daliang pretended to think, waiting to see Jonathan's attitude. This terrifying knight would not be willing to be led by a weak human being.

"I agree with Minya."

Daliang looked at Jonathan in surprise. As a political opponent, shouldn't Miniya insist on what you oppose?

So unprincipled!

However, Jonathan's attitude is very clear: "There are only a dozen of us wizards left in the City of Sighs branch. If we want to rebuild the branch, we must make sure that there are no more traitors among us. Killing Frank is the best way to prove ourselves." Methods.

From now on, any action we take must be conducted by a minimum of two people, who can both collaborate and monitor each other.

Until Frank is killed, our actions will sound eviscerating.

Minea and I will always be by Eviscerate's protect him. "

Jonathan looked at Miniya, and it was obvious that he also wanted to meet Miniya.

Well, I have to take this pirate ship.

In this way, Da Liang, who was imprisoned by the shackles of war, could not use the return to the city and the legion gathering flag to leave. At the same time, he also shouldered the responsibility of leading this group of wizards to assassinate an unknown vampire.

I really want to vomit blood.

At this time, Daliang, who had no reason to shirk, could only take one step at a time, and agree first before making any decision.

"Since everyone has elected me to lead you to assassinate Frank, I will do my part. First, we must have a complete assassination plan, and before formulating the plan, we need to have a safe foothold.

Now I don't know if there is any safe place near the City of Sighs. Does any of you know a safe place, preferably inside the City of Sighs.

This will make it easier for us to carry out the assassination of Frank. "

Daliang threw the question to the wizards. He was really not familiar with the City of Sighs at all.

Miniya said: "I know there is a safer place. If you believe me, I can take you there."

Daliang said: "Of course I don't completely believe you. This time only Jonathan, I and you went into the city, and the other wizards were hiding outside the city.

And where is it hidden?

I will leave first with Jonathan and Minia. The other wizards stay here, and then it takes you to its hiding place. "

After that, Daliang summoned a demon spirit.

Although the wizards were very curious about this strange demon spirit, the human being in front of them had many secrets, so the wizards did not ask too many questions.

Then the remaining wizards from the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild were divided into two groups. One group was Da Liang, Jonathan and Minia. They would enter the City of Sighs first to prepare a plan to assassinate Frank.

The other group was hiding outside the city, waiting for the final move.

Da Liang looked at the map and found that their location was not far from the City of Sighs.

"Let's take action... All the dead are mortal, only witchcraft is eternal."

"All the dead are mortal, only witchcraft is eternal."

Something happened, two updates today.

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