Start with an Archangel

Chapter 367 Who are you?

Quiet alleys, broken earth walls, and half-open doors, plus the wails of ghosts coming from the distance. Daliang thinks that with a little decoration, it can be used as a haunted house to attract tourists.

This was meant to be a ghost town.

Walking along the alley, Da Liang quickly found No. 45 Shuiwa Lane.

One of the two rotten doors has been crooked, leaving a dark staircase leading downwards. With the door so wide open, there is no consciousness of a secret worker at all.

However, most of the residential houses in the City of the Undead are like this. Some lonely undead can stay in their rooms for decades or hundreds of years without coming out, so that the city of the undead always looks dilapidated.

Stepping over the door that was crooked on the ground, the rotten wooden board could no longer bear the weight of Da Liang. With a crisp "click" sound, one of Da Liang's feet sank.

Cursing secretly that it was bad luck, Daliang pulled out his foot and walked down the steps.

Soon, Daliang stood in a tomb again.

The simple furnishings show how simple the material needs of the undead are. The only large piece of furniture in the tomb is still a coffin, which is placed upright against the wall.

Although you can't tell what kind of wood this coffin is made of, the materials are thick, the carvings are exquisite, and the lacquerware is even and smooth with a glaze color, giving it a very high-end feel.

The contact person introduced by Holy Bella should be inside.

Da Liang didn't know how to greet the "dead man" sleeping in the coffin, so after hesitating for a moment, he knocked on the coffin lid and asked, "Is anyone there?"

After asking, Daliang felt like an idiot, but he could only ask this.

After a while, there was no response.

Do you want to open the coffin and take a look?

At this moment, Da Liang suddenly remembered that when Holy Bella gave him a letter of introduction, he also taught himself a code word to identify himself when communicating with the introducer.

The undead being entrusted with important tasks by the Wizards Guild and coming into contact with Yunzhong City are probably not ordinary heroes. At least the sound of him stepping on the door panel when he entered must have been heard by the other party. Now that the other party has not come out, it means that the code is not correct. This contact person has regarded himself as an intruder. If he wants to open the coffin and other further intrusions, he will probably face the attack of this undead hero.

Thinking of this, Daliang quickly found the code word that Saint Bella taught him, and then read it accordingly.

"I came down from above. I am in the coffin business. This time I brought fifteen pear wood coffins, all of which were made by Master Isabella. Would you like to take a look, sir?"

In this sentence, "above" represents the city in the clouds, "fifteen pear trees" represents the fifteenth-level holy angel, and "Isabella" is the second identity used by Holy Bella in the kingdom of death.

As for the coffin business, it is an excuse to avoid finding the wrong place to use as a contingency.

After Daliang finished speaking the joint code, a voice rang out from the tomb: "Coffin made of pear wood? My current coffin is made of Tie Haitang. You can tell it when you come over and knock on it. The material of my coffin is better than There are so many good things about pear wood.”

The other party's answer is completely correct, the code word is correct, and then they knock on the coffin. As long as the rhythm and points are correct, the identity of the other party can be confirmed.

This is what it feels like to be an underground worker.

Da Liang stepped forward and knocked on the coffin lid: "Dang-dang-dang-dong, Dang-dang-dang-dong, Dang-dang."

After Da Liang knocked the last time, the coffin lid opened, revealing a small door leading to another room inside.

Daliang walked in, and then the door behind him quickly closed.

This is a secret room of about fifteen or six square meters, with a magic lamp providing dim light to the room.

Before Da Liang saw the people in the room, the voice just now sounded from behind him.

"Are you a person sent by Holy Bella? She hasn't contacted me for a long time since the Wizards Guild got on track. Sometimes I really miss the assassination mission we performed with her, the same experienced warrior. Cooperation means there is a tacit understanding. I heard that she has been appointed by Michael as the Holy Right Wing and has formed a right wing escort to prepare for the war with hell. I hope to see her again in the future."

Da Liang turned around and saw a ghost with a translucent body. He should be the contact person introduced by Holy Bella.

Daliang took out Holy Bella's letter of introduction, and then said: "Holy Bella is hunting down the escaped Hell Lord King in the main world. I have some cooperation with her, and she is considered a member of the Yunzhong City camp. When Holy Bella learned that I She is the lord of the undead territory, and when she was about to come to the kingdom of death to seek architectural drawings for the territory, she suggested that I join the Wizards Guild and asked me to come to you."

The other party took the letter of introduction, opened it, read it once, burned it to ashes, and then saluted Daliang and said: "Hello, respected lord, my name is Motuo, and the friends of Holy Bella are my friends."

Daliang returned the greeting and said: "Hello, Mr. Motto, you can call me 'Eviscerate'."

"Eviscerate?" Moto whispered the name: "It seems that you intend to hide your identity in the Kingdom of Death. You are very safe in doing so. Joining the Wizards Guild is an enemy of the rulers of the Kingdom of Death. We treat personnel The review is very strict, but since you were introduced by Holy Bella, there won't be any problems.

However, our Wizards Guild branch in Sighing City seems to have encountered a little trouble. I cannot arrange for you to join the Wizards Guild in Sighing City for the time being. If you don't want to waste time, I suggest you go to other undead cities to go through the membership procedures. I can issue a letter of introduction for you. With our help, you can carry out your work smoothly. "

Little trouble.

Daliang said with a smile: "I think what the Wizards Guild encountered in Sighing City is not a small trouble. Your Wizards Guild's branch in Sighing City was completely pulled out, the contact points in Sighing City were destroyed, and the branch base outside the city It was captured and Elder Quentin was killed. There should be very few wizards left in the entire City of Sighs..."

Before Daliang finished speaking, he was pushed against the wall by a strong force, and a dagger was pointed at his eyebrows. Motuo's figure had completely disappeared, but Daliang could feel him floating in front of him.

Sure enough, Motuo's voice sounded in front of Daliang: "The attack on the Wizards Guild in Sighing City was very sudden. Even I only know a little bit of the news now. As you said, all the contact points of the Wizards Guild in Sighing City have been attacked. The army of Sighing City attacked. Will, the leader of the Holy See Knights of Sighing City, personally led the army to attack the branch base, and even used the magic weapon to ban the magic ball. I don't even know the situation of the branch base. How did you know? And how? Know that Elder Quentin was killed? Who...are you?"

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