Start with an Archangel

Chapter 370 The assassination plan continues

After Da Liang threw coins.

It brought a little turbulence to the originally calm foggy area.

What will a rich man bring to this poor urban area when he comes here? At least seeing Druid Old Mike leading a bunch of foggy area brains to bulldoze an uninhabited neighborhood and using magic to build a manor, it can be seen that they have obtained from the rich human race. an enviable benefit.

The residents of the foggy area who were still on the sidelines sent people one after another to find out the details of the so-called "evisceration".

Old Mike only said that he wanted to buy a house and planned to live in the foggy area permanently.

As for how much money they got from Da Liang, Old Mike had already told everyone when dividing the gold coins, "This information cannot be disclosed to anyone. Although the foggy area has the rules of the foggy area, we must first ensure that the evisceration is done in the foggy area." Settle down here instead of some simple-minded guy ruining the idea of ​​eviscerating and living here permanently.”

The foggy area became a little more energetic because of the arrival of Da Liang.

But Da Liang didn't know what kind of changes he had brought to the foggy area. He continuously used "Nicole's Jump" and "Stealth" to avoid the tail that might be behind him, and then returned to Minia's home.

Minia and Jonathan stood at opposite corners of the tomb, silent and motionless, as if they were wax figures.

When Da Liang came in, the two undead stepped forward and asked about the situation outside.

Daliang didn't say anything, but directly took out the badge Mo Tuo gave him.

"'Death Tentacle' Moto! You actually met Moto, the legendary assassin in the Wizards Guild!"

Miniya couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing what was behind the badge.

Jonathan was also a little uneasy: "You actually met Murtaugh? That's great. As long as Murtaugh is willing to take action, it will be easier for me to assassinate Frank."

It would be easier if the two undead knew Motto.

Daliang put away Motto's badge again, and then said to the two undead: "Yes, Motto is the secret liaison of the City of Sighs. I have told him the situation of the branch and the news of Frank's rebellion. At this time, Motto We have already set off back to the General Assembly to inform all branches to deal with the damage caused by Frank's rebellion as soon as possible. Therefore, Motto has no way to distract himself from assassinating Frank. The General Assembly will face this major crisis and will not give us any help in a short time. support.

Before leaving, Murtaugh asked us to give up the plan to assassinate Frank and wait for instructions from the General Assembly. "

Then Da Liang shook the war shackles on his wrists: "Now the task of the two of you is to protect the remaining wizards. Since there is no need to assassinate Frank, why don't you open the war shackles first? I really have a lot of important things to do. .”

Miniya had no intention of opening the shackles of war for Da Liang. She said: "Metto cannot understand the situation we are encountering now. The wizards of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild are now suspicious of each other. Jonathan and I No one can bow to the other. As a group without a leader and in chaos, I don’t know how long we can last.”

Jonathan also agreed with Minia's statement: "The mission to assassinate Frank must be carried out. Frank rebelled from our City of Sighs branch, so we should solve it ourselves. Minia, neither of us is convinced by the other, I propose Whoever kills Frank will be elected as the elder of the Lament City branch of the Wizards Guild."

"I agree! In addition, I think that before we killed Frank, there was still Eviscerate to lead us. He could see Murtaugh and was trusted by Elder Quentin. He was the only one of us who was absolutely loyal to the Wizards Guild. Lord Eviscerate, I deeply apologize for my doubts about your identity. Now only you can bring us wizards together. Please lead us to assassinate Frank. For the sake of your friendship with Elder Quentin..."

I am the only one who is not loyal to your Wizards Guild. I am not a member of your Wizards Guild now. I have never said a word to your elder Quentin.

But Daliang definitely couldn't say it in front of Minia and Jonathan.

He could only say: "You are right. No matter how important my current mission is, it is not as important as avenging Elder Quentin. If it is not convenient for you two to go out, leave it to me to find out Frank's whereabouts. When I find Frank's whereabouts, we'll make a plan to assassinate him."

Minia and Jonathan glanced at each other. Their appearance was known to Frank. It is estimated that the magical images of their wizards are already in the hands of every city guard in the City of Sighs. If they go out to inquire for information, they will be easily recognized. .

At present, only Ebony has not met Frank, and can only rely on him to go outside to find out information.

"Everything is gone, Lord Eviscerate."

"We are all our own people. You continue to hide here. I will go out and see if there is any news about Frank outside? The City of Sighs has wiped out the branch of the Wizards Guild here. It will be vigorously publicized, and Frank will also be rewarded."

Da Liang bid farewell to Minia and Jonathan, returned to the streets of the foggy area, and then found a random place to log off.

Inside the cathedral in the center of Sigh City. The master of this city, the seventh sad monarch in the kingdom of death, stands on a high position wearing a religious crown and holding a scepter in his hand.

In this palace of the God of Death, even the King of Death must maintain his due piety.

The Sad Lord is a corpse lich, with a pair of eyes on his withered face that emits a breathtaking blue light.

Below him, only two undead stood in the great church's hall.

One is a terrifying knight, and the other is a vampire wearing a red robe.

There was no sound in the hall, it was deathly quiet.

It wasn't until a long time passed that the Sad Lord let out a sigh that seemed to be heard by the whole world, and then said: "You did a good job. You removed the wizard's guild's eyes in the City of Sighs and destroyed them. branch base, and also killed Quentin. Ever since the wizards' guild came to the City of Sighs, my mood has never been so comfortable. Although I escaped a dozen wizards, those are just small reptiles. If they If you dare to show up in the City of Sighs, my soldiers will recognize them and kill them.

For your commendation Frank..."

When he heard the Sad Lord talking about himself, Frank immediately looked up expectantly, but after the Sad Lord looked at each other, he immediately lowered his head again.

The Sad Lord was very satisfied with Frank's current humble performance. He said: "It is your fault that you ran away a dozen wizards and failed to find Quentin's Gate of the Dead. But my promise to you remains unchanged, you You will become a distinguished bishop and you can do whatever you want in your diocese.

Now there is a district in my city that has exactly one church and one less bishop.

The foggy area will be yours from now on. "

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