Start with an Archangel

Chapter 374 Low-key

Xu Man, who presides over a huge university alliance, certainly knows the importance of gold coins.

A war can easily cost millions or tens of millions of gold coins.

Without gold coins, the alliance cannot function, and without gold coins the army cannot be formed. Without the support of gold merchants, the University Alliance would not have been able to build so many warships in a short period of time. It withstood the pressure from all parties and had already been suppressed by the lords and disbanded.

If the national financial wall is opened, the entire game world will immediately become a disordered world of the jungle. If you want to survive, you must continue to plunder. If you have any idea of ​​​​peaceful development, it will be self-destruction.

How to maintain independent development in this storm is a huge test for the new college alliances.

It is also a test of Xu Man's ability.

After thinking about the changes after the opening of the country's financial barriers, Xu Man asked: "What do gold merchants need from us?"

Daliang didn't think as far as Xu Man did. He was trapped in the country of death and had no energy to think about the impact of the opening of the country's financial barriers on the game.

"The five major gold dealers are preparing to go to Southeast Asia to buy gold coins. We need to use force to pressure the Korean game zone and the Japanese game zone in the north to reduce their competitiveness in the Southeast Asian gold coin market. At the same time, Feishanzoushi will also cooperate with the military in the south. Action. We are working together from the north to the south to help gold merchants cut the biggest piece of the cake in Southeast Asia.

In fact, I suggest that we also take the opportunity to reserve some gold coins from Southeast Asia. The price of gold there is really cheap. The price difference alone is enough to pay for our military expenses this time. What's more, Boss Jin and the others won't let us work in vain. "

"Threatening the Korean game area and the Japanese game area with force? The Korean game area, the sea power we control now can suppress them, but plus the Japanese game area? We have to take care of the naval battle plot in front of us, I am afraid there are not many ships that can Send it over.”

Indeed, following the Shangjiang fleet to earn merits and rewards is the most important thing for the college alliance. Pressuring the Korean region at sea is just a matter of chasing rabbits with a stick.

And the Japanese game area.

Japan is an island country, and in the game everyone is sailing, and its maritime strength is very strong. If they hadn't been in constant war, it wouldn't have been the turn of the Chinese lords to come to their offshore to grab gold mines.

To deal with the Japanese game area, a small number of fleets were useless in the past, and too many fleets would affect the mission progress of this naval battle plot.

Daliang thought for a while and said: "We will do our best for this kind of thing. The location of the Korean game area is very difficult for us. Our fleet will go out to the Pacific in the future, and we must always be on guard against Korean players causing trouble behind. I think we should deal with Korean games The district exerted full pressure to prevent them from obtaining too many gold coins in this opening of the country's financial barriers and restrict their development.

As for Japan... we will do our best to let our fleet threaten the Tsushima Strait and give the gold merchants an explanation.

After all, we are not strong enough to compete with South Korea and Japan at the same time, and Boss Jin and the others can understand that. "

The strategy mentioned by Daliang is also the most feasible method for the university alliance at present. Xu Man nodded, and a plan that could affect the situation in East Asia was passed in this small office.

This time when he came to the Judgment Legion Command Center, Daliang had a certain understanding of the current maritime situation. The sabotage of the Jeju fleet's logistics by the Shangjiang sailing players made the Jeju fleet want to have a decisive battle with the Shangjiang fleet, but it hesitated when the logistics ships were attacked one after another.

Under the protection of the University Alliance, the Shangjiang Fleet has an intelligence advantage over the Jeju Fleet. It often disappears from the Jeju Fleet's reconnaissance network, which further prevents the Jeju Fleet from pressing too hard.

Now the Jeju fleet can no longer rely on the players in Jeju City to protect its sea lanes, and can only dedicate its own warships to clear the way.

The decisive battle at sea will probably have to wait for some time.

In addition, Daliang didn't have much cash in his hand, and he had no interest in going to Southeast Asia to sweep gold coins, so he returned home after seeing that there was nothing important outside.


The originally bright bedroom instantly turned into a gray realm of death.

In a corner of the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs, Daliang met Julian who had flown all the way over.

Due to his extremely sensitive status as an angel in the kingdom of death, Julian put away all his sacred aura. After putting on a large cloak, he was no different from an ordinary human being as long as he didn't do anything.

"Sir, what should we do next?" Julian asked in a low voice next to Daliang.

There is a realm of the undead that can be dug up anywhere around, and no one can be too careful.

Daliang said: "I am still safe here for the time being. The defense of the fortress of the Boneyard is fully under the command of Monica, and let Astro, Howl, and Hurricane assist in the defense of the fortress. Find a place outside the City of Sighs Hide and wait until I arrange the accommodation here before taking the next step."

"Yes, sir."

Julian knew that it was not easy to stay here for a long time. After she saw that Daliang was not in danger, she left the city with peace of mind.

After Julian left, Da Liang also patted the dust on his body and walked back to the street.

Now that the wizards are bent on assassinating Frank, Daliang's persuasion is useless, which can be regarded as the most benevolent thing. Anyway, he has already connected with Motto, and the villains here in the foggy area seem to be easy to deal with, so he can just settle down here and look for clues for the territory map task.

As for finding Frank…

There is no problem in helping the wizards find him, and there is no problem in participating in formulating the assassination plan. The final assassin will definitely not participate.

My strategy in the Kingdom of the Dead is to keep a low profile...

"Mr. Eviscerate, Mister Eviscerate."

Just when Daliang was thinking about how he could keep a low profile and accept tasks in Sigh City, a loud voice sounded from the other end of the street.

Da Liang looked up and saw the dwarf Hans jumping in front of him and waving to him.

Judging from his agility, you can't see the half-dead appearance on the stretcher not long ago. It seems that Kuka and his group of ogres fought with great force, but they probably didn't hurt the dwarf very much.

At this time, Da Liang was not in the mood to care about the cost of treating the ogre to dinner, because the loud voice of the dwarf Hans had successfully diverted the attention of the creatures on the street to him.

This is definitely not low-key.

Da Liang ignored the call of Dwarf Hans and turned around and walked towards a fork in the road, but who would have thought that Dwarf Hans was so fast that he was already standing in front of Da Liang within a few steps.

"Mr. Ebony, the house we have prepared for you has been built. It is guaranteed to be the best and most luxurious manor in our foggy area. Only such a manor can match your status as a rich man."

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