Start with an Archangel

Chapter 384 Headache

Da Liang threw down the gold coins and returned directly to his manor and fortress.

Mike, Gus and Victor were left looking at each other, and three hundred thousand gold coins were thrown out so casually. They didn't take money seriously.

Under the watchful eyes of Gus and Victor, Mike did not put away the gold coins. He said to them: "Should you two take the gold coins and leave now, or wait until the banquet is over?"

Victor buried his head in his meal and said, "You won't have to eat until you leave. I'll eat before I leave. You should keep an eye on my gold coins."

Gus picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth: "Give me my gold coins. In addition, I remind you that you don't have the strength to compete with me. These 100,000 gold coins are Mr. Eviscerate's reason for you to quit. Listen to Eviscerate What does Mr. Bone’s last sentence mean? Give him 200,000 gold coins after ten days. It means that if you insist on participating in the competition, if you are eliminated in the end, not only will you not get the 100,000 gold coins, but you will also give him another 100,000. I advise You take this money that you may never see in your lifetime, live your small life in peace and contentment, and don't participate in this game that belongs to the rich."

Gus, who thought he was sure of victory, took his share of gold coins and left Destiny Manor with his people.

Victor continued to eat and drink there.

Mike sat next to Victor and put a glass of ale in front of him: "Are you going to take these 100,000 gold coins and stop competing? Or do you want to take a chance on your future?"

Victor didn't even raise his head: "I stayed here just to hear your thoughts. This time I'm out, and you can't beat Gus. Regardless of financial resources, manpower and power, you are no match for Gus. What do you plan to do?" Are you going to stop competing with these 100,000 gold coins? Or do you want to take a chance on your future?"

Mike didn't expect Victor to return his words intact. It was obvious that Victor was out, and Mike couldn't compete with Gus.

"I originally thought you were a stupid cow without a brain, but it seems you also have a smart side. I am now Mr. Eviscerate's butler, and there is no reason to miss this opportunity that can change my current life and become an influential person in the kingdom of death. people.

We should unite..."

Victor wiped his mouth: "I knew you would join forces with me. This is not the right place to discuss this matter. Let's make an appointment to discuss it slowly. I'm full, give me my gold coins."

Gus and Victor left one after another, and Mike continued to host the banquet, instructing the waiters to add food to some places that lacked wine and meat, and to carry some drunk guys to the carriage and send them home.

For those who are drunk and crazy, just beat them up and throw them out.

Da Liang left the banquet and returned to his room in the fortress.

Miniya and Jonathan were already waiting inside.

Da Liang walked to the window and looked at the still busy grass outside. After confirming that no one was paying attention, he said to the two undead, "Have you all seen it?"

Minia said: "I saw it. We didn't expect to see Frank so soon. He actually became the bishop of the Mist District."

Daliang said: "I am very pleased that you did not take drastic action. I was really worried that you would rush out and disrupt my plan."

Jonathan said with a somewhat unwilling tone: "If we weren't worried about accidentally injuring Mr. Eviscerate, we would have rushed over and killed the traitor. Now that we know that he is the Bishop of the Mist District, we can summon our wizards and work together The Church of the Mist killed him.”

Da Liang did not expect that the two undead did not attack Frank because they were afraid of accidentally hurting him. It seemed that he still had a certain weight in their hearts. However, Daliang's current territory mission has not yet been completed. To kill Frank, he must first find out how to receive the territory mission before taking action.

Daliang comforted the two undead: "I am now thinking of ways to rebuild the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild. This manor will be an important intelligence facility for the future branch. The environment in the foggy area can also allow us to operate under the eyes of the Sad Lord. Rebuild the branch quickly.

We cannot expose ourselves and Destiny Manor to the Unsullied Holy See by assassinating Frank.

Therefore, to assassinate Frank, we must have a complete plan, a plan that can kill Frank and reduce our losses. "

Minia asked: "Does Mr. Eviscerate have any ideas?"

Daliang said: "You know that the Church in the Mist District has a big conflict with the residents here. We disguised Frank's death as being done by the residents of the Mist District, so that the Unsullied Holy See will not doubt us. Tomorrow Frank invites me to his church Church, I will first go to see the terrain of the church and his thoughts, and then think of ways to provoke a dispute between him and the residents of the foggy area. As long as there is an appropriate time, we can rush into the church to kill Frank and pass all the responsibilities to residents here.

Bishops in the Mist District are often killed, but the Unsullied Holy See has never investigated them in depth. I suspect that this is where the Unsullied Holy See deals with those erring bishops.

Frank became the Bishop of the Mist District, indicating that the Melancholy Lord had found him worthless and abandoned him.

As long as Frank's death is not suspected to be the work of our Wizards Guild, it will not attract the attention of the Unsullied Holy See to the Mist Zone. "

Taking the overall situation into account, Daliang persuaded Miniya and Jonathan to give up their plan to kill Frank now.

While Jonathan was still deep in thought, Minia said first: "I agree with Mr. Eviscerate's idea. Frank is second only to Elder Quentin in strength. If we recklessly attack the church in the foggy area and cannot kill Frank quickly, we will be unable to do anything." The support from the Holy See will arrive soon. At that time, we will not only have to kill many of our companions, but also expose ourselves. It will not be easy to kill Frank again."

Miniya agreed with Daliang's point of view, and Jonathan was not a reckless guy. He nodded and said: "Assassinating Frank does require a careful plan. Mr. Eviscerate will meet Frank tomorrow, and then we will discuss how to act."

Daliang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two undead souls were finally comforted by him.

This time when I came to the Kingdom of Death, I was really stuck in a quagmire, getting deeper and deeper.

Outside, villains like Mike, Gus, and Victor are eyeing my brother's gold coins.

The remnants of the Wizards Guild inside are only thinking about the NPC task of killing Brother.

I have a headache!

After sending Miniya and Jonathan away, Daliang continued to practice his proficiency as an intermediate ship designer.

The party outside lasted from early evening until late at night.

The Blackfire Leader's convoy brought enough meat and wine, making everyone who came to the banquet very satisfied. The residents of the Mist Zone really hadn't eaten and drank so freely for a long time.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that the last batch of drunken people were sent out by the carriage of Destiny Manor.

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