Start with an Archangel

Chapter 386 Foreign Affairs Pope

The Unsullied Holy See believes in the God of Death and is the cornerstone of the Death Lord's rule over the Kingdom of Death.

Unsullied churches are found everywhere in the Kingdom of Death, and it is not an easy matter to become a missionary in the church and spread the teachings of the God of Death.

Even if you want to become a low-level missionary or a junior church knight, you must first be a heroic unit, and then a devout belief in the God of Death is the most basic condition. Then the reserve missionaries who have been initially selected will be sent to the religious academy in each diocese to learn the doctrines and combat skills of the Immaculate Church.

The study time is unlimited. As long as you can pass the bishop's assessment, you can be assigned to a church or church knights, become a servant of the God of Death, and spread the belief of the God of Death.

Therefore, the Immaculate Holy See is an institution with a strict system and strict review, and it is basically impossible for players to pass the assessment of the Unsullied Holy See and become a death missionary.

But the Mist District Church is a special case in the entire Unsullied Church system.

The church in the Mist Zone has been in a state of inactivity without a bishop for a long time. Missionaries and church knights cannot be trained, and there are no new additions. Some of the old ones died in conflicts with the residents of the Mist Zone, and some dedicated themselves. Gave it to Death.

The administrative system was lost and the inheritance system also had faults.

At this time, in order to solve the troubles of the Wizards Guild in the City of Sighs, the Sad Lord followed the advice of the Greedy Demon King Michuka and instigated the rebellion of a senior wizards guild. He made an exception and recruited an exile who denied death to become a bishop of the Unsullied Holy See. Then throw this bishop into the out-of-control foggy diocese and let him fend for himself.

In this way, Frank became the bishop of the Misty Diocese, a church owner who had no respect for the God of Death or the Immaculate Holy See.

Frank, who is obsessed with the study of witchcraft, has no idea of ​​fulfilling his duties in the church in the Mist District and working hard to promote the doctrine of Immaculate Conception. He only thinks about how to improve his power and build the Mist Zone into a base as soon as possible to provide financial, human and material resources for his research.

However, Frank was very annoyed by the poor and dilapidated Misty District Church.

The basic resources are zero, the troops are zero, and there are ten missionaries at the start. There are high-level monster areas nearby, and there are big bosses eyeing you in the long run.

Time simply does not allow him to proceed step by step, slowly saving resources for construction, and then launching a sudden attack after he has a certain economic foundation.

And just when Frank was worried about development, Daliang appeared in front of him.

In Frank's eyes, this human nobleman was glowing with golden light.

If this rich human being is willing to fund him, Frank believes that he can save ten years of hard work. The residents of the Mist District and the Wiccan Church are all scum.

In order to get gold coins, Frank didn't even think about the process of training missionaries in those churches. In his eyes, except for a few important positions in the church, there was nothing that couldn't be sold.

The general configuration of the administrative and military director of an Immaculate Church is:

A Bishop: The supreme ruler of a diocese.

Three pontiffs: the domestic pontiff, who is in charge of the internal affairs of the church, such as missionary training, schedules, etc.; the financial pontiff, who is in charge of the church’s income and expenditures; and the external pontiff, who is in charge of the church’s external promotion of the Immaculate Faith and its handling of matters. external things.

A Captain of the Knights of the Church: Commander of the Knights of the Church, responsible for the defense of the church and external military operations.

Among these official positions, bishops are directly appointed by the deceased monarch, and others can be promoted and appointed by bishops from within their own churches.

In the diocesan management, the domestic pontiff can exercise some of the episcopal powers when the bishop is not in the church, and is a very important position.

The importance of the Pope's property is self-evident and cannot be left to outsiders.

The leader of the Knights of the Church naturally has military power in his hands.

So the Pope of External Affairs…

Although it is one of the four positions second only to the bishop, it is far less important than the other three.

If this position is exchanged for gold coins, and an inexhaustible source of wealth is tied to one's own church, then this position is considered to be well worth the money.

So Frank asked Daliang if he was willing to join the Immaculate Holy See.

And Daliang didn't expect that Frank's topic would change so quickly. He was just talking about investment and territorial architectural drawings, so why did he invite himself to join the Immaculate Holy See?

I originally planned to join the Witchcraft Guild, but the path has already been opened, right?

But Da Liang soon thought of Frank's possible thoughts, and at the same time he was extremely excited by this speculation.

How big is the foggy area? It is equivalent to a district in Shangjiang City. In addition to the more active escape heroes from other dimensions, there are countless undead buried underground in such a large city.

The church is the highest administrative organization in this city, and the foreign minister Frank calls him is a deputy district mayor with some power, right?

Although the Mist District is an extremely poor area, it is still an official with real power.

Daliang said: "I have always had great respect for the God of Death. After all, a person will eventually die. No matter how rich or powerful he is in life, he will return to the embrace of the God of Death. I have studied the Wumu doctrine very much. I advocate that death is the beginning of another kind of life. I believe that in the kingdom of death, life should be eternal in a way that we cannot imagine.

When I no longer regarded death as a fear, I found that the teachings of the Unsullied Holy See were more universal than the values ​​of justice and order in Yunzhong City. If the teachings of the Unsullied Holy See could be widely promoted, then the world would also No more disputes. "

Daliang used the trick of deception and talked nonsense. Anyway, he knew that Frank was an exile who denied death, and he must not have done much research on the doctrine of innocence.

You can blow freely in front of him.

Frank originally planned to sell his position as external pope of the church in exchange for gold coins, but he never expected that this human named Eviscerate would have such an in-depth study and such a thorough analysis of the Immaculate Doctrine.

As an undead person and as a bishop of the Immaculate Church, Frank actually felt a sense of self-blame.

He exclaimed: "I didn't expect that although Mr. Eviscerate has not been baptized by the Immaculate Church, he is already a loyal believer in the God of Death, so I have no worries about an idea that suddenly arises. Mr. Eviscerate, you also see When it comes to the state of the church in the Mist Area, it is far from enough to just rely on my strength to rebuild it. I need the help of church members who have a firm belief in the God of Death.

Mr. Eviscerate, are you willing to join the Mist District Church and serve as my external pope?

I believe that with our joint efforts, the Mist District Church will soon regain its due glory. "

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