Start with an Archangel

Chapter 391 Assassination of Frank

Kuka said: "We have so many heroes here. It would be a waste of force to rush in from the main entrance. Once we are entangled by the dark knights in the manor at the entrance, it will greatly affect our plan to kill Gus.

I suggested that when the frontal battle begins, my brothers and I can take advantage of the attention of the soldiers in the manor to climb in from the side and go directly to Gus.

As long as we can find and trap him, even if you delay a little bit, Gus won't be able to escape. "

After hearing Kukka's suggestion, Mike looked at Kukka and the ogres he led.

Since the undead are very sensitive to the energy of natural life, three unicorns with extremely strong vitality were left at Destiny Manor and did not participate in this operation. And Guts is here with all seventeen of his ogre heroes.

This group of ogre heroes possess powerful melee capabilities. As the ogre chief, Kuka also masters several powerful magics.

If the battle is indeed as Kukka said and the attack is not going smoothly, then a strong combat team that rushes in can indeed prevent Gus from escaping.

Mike turned to Victor and said: "What Kuka said is very reasonable. No matter how smooth our plan is, there is no guarantee that we will be able to break through the gate quickly. If Kuka and the others can rush in first, they can increase the number of times we can kill Gus." probability."

Victor was already impatient: "Then do as Kuka said. We must launch an attack as soon as possible. The undead are already acting abnormally."

Mike looked in the direction of Gus Manor, and sure enough, some undead soldiers were watching this way. He quickly said to Kuka: "Take your people to the side of Gus Manor immediately. As long as we launch an attack like this, you will immediately start looking for it." Opportunity to crawl in.”


Kuka waved his hand, and the ogres followed him and ran towards the side of Gus Manor.

The villain troops preparing to attack quickly disappeared behind them.

Suddenly the earth began to shake violently, and a huge cloud of fire gathered in the black sky. Before the meteors and fire rain fell, strong winds were already sweeping down with hail.

Various explosive sounds instantly resounded over the foggy area.

Mike and Victor had already launched an attack on Gus Manor. The ogres who were originally running towards the side of the manor immediately turned around and ran out of the city.

At this time, amid the roars that echoed in the night sky, several skeleton carriages ran out of Destiny Manor, and then rushed towards the church in the foggy area not far away.

The violent noise and violent magic fluctuations in the air also disturbed Frank.

Because the fighting place was obviously far away from the church, he was not too nervous, but flew into the air to see where such a fierce battle broke out.

But before he could confirm the location where the battle broke out, he saw a convoy of four carriages rushing towards the church. The direction they came from was Destiny Manor.

Frank, who didn't know what was going on, didn't attack the approaching carriage rashly. He stopped in the air and was cautious, and a sword and undead cane appeared in his hand.

As long as the approaching convoy makes any unscrupulous move, he can launch an attack or retreat at any time.

The carriage pulled by four skeleton horses was very fast and soon stopped in a row outside the church door.

The driver was a low-level skeleton soldier, and then a man wearing the robe of the Pope of the Immaculate Church rushed out from the car.

It's deboning!

Frank recognized the person who was his sponsor, the owner of Destiny Manor.

Why is he here, and what does it have to do with the fighting outside? Why does he look so embarrassed?

Under the gaze of Frank from above, Da Liang hurriedly rushed out of the carriage car, then ran to the church door and patted it hard.

"Open the door, open the door! Lord Bishop, come and save me!"

Realizing that something major had happened, Frank immediately landed from the sky. He asked Daliang with concern: "Mr. Eviscerate, what happened? Where did the fighting happen?"

When Da Liang turned around and saw Frank, he immediately ran up and cried with snot and tears: "These thugs are really shameful and greedy. I allocated 3 million from the main plane to build our church." I didn’t expect them to find the gold coins. Mike, Gus and Victor came to the door together and took away the money I wanted to donate to the church..."

Hearing the 3 million gold coins, Frank became even more nervous than Daliang. He asked, "They actually took all the money away!"

Daliang replied: "They don't know the specific amount. I secretly hid 1 million gold coins, and they only took away 2 million. The battle over there at Gus Manor was probably caused by their uneven distribution of the spoils. Lord Bishop , it is very unsafe to leave the remaining 1 million gold coins with me, I have brought them all. We will put these gold coins in a safe place first, and then think of ways to get the other gold coins."

Frank said fiercely: "I didn't want to take action against these villains so early, but since they robbed my pope, I will definitely kill them and take back our gold coins.

My friend, where is the one million gold coins? I'll put them away first, and then go to Gus Manor..."

Da Liang pointed to the four carriages next to him and said, "They are all in the carriage. My space package cannot hold so many, so we can only pull them here."

At this time, the skeleton soldiers who followed Daliang had unloaded large wooden boxes from the carriage and placed them on the ground.

When the lid is opened, the darkness cannot block the burst of light from the gold coins.

Frank's eyes were dazzled by the golden color. He put away his sword and staff and walked up quickly, then grabbed a handful of gold coins and said, "Mr. Eviscerate, we will become a great being together."

Frank, who received no response, turned around, only to find that Eviscerate had disappeared.

There were only himself and a few skeleton soldiers outside the church door, and then there were a few boxes full of gold coins next to him.

not good!

Frank heard a noise inside the box, as if something was being activated inside.

Then there was an explosion that was more violent than the battle in the distance, and the smoke and flames from the impact instantly buried the entire street outside the church.

Then, all kinds of magic shot down from high in the sky, and ice, fire, stone and lightning continued to wash the ground.

Layers of high-level magic cover caused the space to become distorted.

Another group of fast figures rushed over from the collapsed houses not far away.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Da Liang lifted up the bricks that hit him, and the dust raised by the explosion shrouded the entire church in smoke, making the light here even darker.

Fortunately, I continuously used "Nicole's Jump" to escape far into the church. Otherwise, in such a large-scale explosion surface, I would have turned white in an instant.

At this time, the sound of magic gradually became lower, and the sound of close combat outside became more and more intense.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful magic bomb did not kill Frank. This vampire who could become the deputy elder of the Wizards Guild was indeed ridiculously strong.

However, this level of battle is no longer something Da Liang can directly participate in. He needs to take this time to go to Frank's room and find other components of the Gate of the Dead.

"Monica, has the Gate of the Dead been closed?"

Monica, who was deep in the sulfur mine of the Bone Burial Ground, heard Daliang's voice coming through the legion channel.

She stood at the other end of the one-way portal, looked at the rippled light door in front of her, and replied: "My lord, the Gate of the Dead has not been put away. Where should it be deployed? It's just because of certain reasons." Unable to enter due to reasons.”

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