Start with an Archangel

Chapter 393 Death of Frank

This is the Gate of the Dead.

Not sure how the fight was going on outside, Da Liang, who couldn't feel the movement outside, quickly walked to the door of the dead.

Following Quentin's example, Da Liang put his hand on the magic array. The 20-meter-diameter magic circle turned in the direction of his hand, and soon the water element crystal was turned in front of Da Liang.

Da Liang stretched out his hand and picked out the water element crystal.

Keep turning.

At this time, Daliang rushed to him and heard a flapping sound behind him.

He turned around and saw a huge bat rushing in from the portal and falling to the ground.

The bat falls to the ground and changes back into Frank's form.

At this time, Frank was in a very embarrassed state. The bishop's robe on his body was in tatters and full of holes. His face was covered with blood and his original appearance could not be seen clearly. There was a deep knife wound on his shoulder, and his entire arm was almost chopped off. Came down.

Frank stood up staggeringly. When he saw Da Liang plucking the light element crystal from the Gate of the Dead, he said angrily: "Eviscerate! How dare you lie to me? Put down the element crystal!"

Daliang ignored Frank and turned around to continue turning the magic circle, and the air element crystal was quickly turned around.

"I am going to kill you!"

Frank knew that everything was a trap set by this human named Eviscerate, and those who attacked him were the remnants of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild, which meant that Eviscerate was also a member of the Wizards Guild.

Now he temporarily escaped from the wizard's attack, but the danger always loomed. He had a chance to escape, but the Door of the Dead forced him to return to the church.

Those wizards must have discovered that they are attacking my mirror image. The pursuers will arrive at any time. I must leave here as soon as possible.

Frank looked at this human being who had made him look like this. He actually dared to turn his back to him and still collect the elemental crystals.

The furious Frank pointed the undead cane at Da Liang's back.

However, before Frank could cast his magic, a big sword penetrated his back and came out from his chest.

The sacred aura instantly filled the entire underground space, and the holy light illuminated the place like daylight.

"God, angel..."

The Wizards Guild received funding from Cloud City, and Frank was very familiar with angels. He could feel that it was an angel standing behind him. The angel sword carries a surging sacred aura. This is not an ordinary angel, but an archangel, a powerful archangel.

If he were in his prime, Frank would be able to fight even if he encountered an ordinary holy angel.

But he was already seriously injured in the explosion, and then he was besieged by wizards. He was already at the end of his strength, and he didn't even notice when an archangel walked behind him.

The archangel's divine power invaded Frank's body through the angel sword, rapidly melting his body and consuming his vitality.


The undead cane in Frank's hand fell to the ground, and his head hung down.

The traitor met the fate that a traitor deserves, and Frank became the shortest-serving bishop of the Church in the Mist District.

Frank dies, the angel sword is drawn from his back, and his body falls to the ground revealing the Archangel Julian behind him.

Da Liang quickly gathered the elemental crystals on the Gate of the Dead. Since Frank escaped here, it means that the wizards will rush in at any time.

They must not let them discover that the Gate of the Dead is in their hands.

Da Liang's hand turning the magic circle sped up again, until all five elemental crystals were in his hand, and the entire magic circle fell down.

"Julian take Frank's body and let's get out quickly."

Da Liang picked up all the things around Frank's body, and then walked out of the portal with Julian.

Moving to close the portal, Jonathan rushed in from the outside.

He tore off an undead hanging on his body, threw it to the ground, and crushed it under his feet. Then he saw Julian standing next to Daliang.

"Archangel? Mr. Eviscerate, are you from Yunzhong City?"

More and more wizards rushed in from outside, and all the wizards, including Minia, were stunned after seeing Julian.

The Wizards Guild accepts assistance from Yunzhong City, but maintains its independence. They are a group that pursues free belief and do not want to be a tool for Yunzhong City to control the Kingdom of Death.

And Yunzhong City does not want to fall into the internal struggle of the Kingdom of Death because of the Wizards Guild. They support the purpose of the Wizards Guild. They just hope that when Yunzhong City and Hell start war again, the Death Lords will not be able to devote all their efforts to the war between justice and evil. middle.

Therefore, the cooperation between Yunzhong City and the Wizards Guild has its own bottom line.

If this human named Eviscerate is a spy planted by Yunzhong City in the Wizards Guild, it will directly affect the relationship between the Wizards Guild and Yunzhong City.

Da Liang rubbed his nose, and then said with a smile: "I do have some relationship with Yunzhong City, but I am definitely not under the management of Yunzhong City. I am the lord of the Undead Cemetery, and I just recruited a person for some reasons. Archangel, and then I met several high-level angels. I will introduce you to Julian, my most loyal guard, and the one she holds is Frank."

Only then did the wizards remember the purpose of their visit. Looking at the bloody corpse in the hands of the archangel, they recognized that it was Frank.

Frank is dead...

Frank, who had suffered heavy losses from the wizards' guild and was hated by the wizards, died like this.

Jonathan asked, "How did he die?"

Daliang pointed to the bloody hole on Frank's back and said, "Frank wanted to kill me, and my bodyguard Julian killed him."

Seeing that the wizards were still looking at him with hostile eyes, Daliang took out Motuo's badge and said, "Motuo can prove my identity and he knows about my relationship with Yunzhong City. You just need to send people to the headquarters. Just ask.”

When Daliang moved out of Motuo, this legendary assassin was very famous and a veteran in the wizard guild, the wizards became much more relaxed.

Minia said: "Mr. Eviscerate, please hand over Frank's body to us."

Da Liang asked Julian to throw Frank's body down, and said: "The battle in the foggy area will definitely alert the Unsullied Holy See to send people. You should withdraw from the city as soon as possible. I have to deal with the battle at Gus Manor. There are all He is a very powerful hero, I think Kuka will have a harder time.”

Minia handed Frank's body to the wizard behind him, and then said to Daliang: "Whether you are a wizard from the Wizards Guild or a person from Cloud City, we are very grateful for everything you have done for the City of Sighs branch. The one here The matter is over, I can accompany you to Gus Manor."

Jonathan also said: "We can't kill Frank without your help. I will also accompany you to Gus Manor."

Other wizards also expressed their willingness to go to Gus Manor to help.

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