Start with an Archangel

Chapter 398 Taking the blame

From the mouth of the surviving preacher of the Misty Area Church, Will learned that Frank was killed by a group of unknown people and even the body was taken away.

Captain Will's first thought was that the Wizards Guild had assassinated Frank, the traitor.

But after thinking about it again, it seems that the Wizards Guild at this time does not have such ability.

It has not been more than ten days since the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild was annihilated. With the entire branch disbanded, the remaining wizards in the City of Sighs probably don’t know about Frank’s appointment as the Bishop of the Mist District. Even if they happen to know, they don’t. Enough to kill Frank in such a short amount of time.

As for the professional assassins sent by the Wizards Guild? Even more impossible.

The Wizards Guild is facing the attack of the Death Monarchs, and many contact methods have been interrupted. At this time, the Wizards Guild should have just learned about Frank's rebellion, and it is impossible to dispatch people to assassinate Frank so quickly.

In short, during this time period, the possibility of Frank dying at the hands of the Wizards Guild is extremely slim.

And the residents of the Mist Zone?

There is a precedent of killing the bishop of the church in the Mist District, and it has almost become a routine now. The Melancholy Monarch has also become accustomed to appointing some disobedient bishops to the Mist District, so that they can return to the God of Death as soon as possible.

Moreover, the church in the Mist District has obviously undergone major renovations, which shows that Frank has indeed obtained a large amount of money. This proves what Eviscerate said and also proves that the residents of the Mist District have the motive to kill Frank.

As for whether the residents of the Mist Zone have the ability to kill Frank?

There are very powerful heroes in the Mist Zone, and they are very united in the face of outsiders. Frank, who is new to the Mist Zone and doesn't know much about it, is likely to be successfully attacked by people here.

There is motive, there is ability, there are witnesses.

Frank's death was caused by residents of the Mist District.

The Mist Zone finally killed the right bishop of the Unsullied Holy See this time.

Frank actually dared to openly buy and sell the priesthood of the Immaculate Holy See. This was definitely a big scandal for the solemn and solemn Immaculate Holy See.

But in the kingdom of death, the bishop has absolute dominance over his own diocese, and even the monarch of death will not casually interfere with the bishop's governance of his own diocese. Moreover, the position of Bishop Frank is the promise of the Sad Lord. As a case of successfully instigating a high-level wizard from the Wizards Guild, the Sad Lord cannot punish Frank casually, otherwise it will cut off the path of instigating wizards from the Wizards Guild in the future.

At this time, Frank was killed by people in the Mist Zone, which was a good thing for the Unsullied Holy See. They purified their clergy and nipped in the bud the scandal of buying and selling papal offices before it could break out.

Therefore, Captain Will even felt that some rewards should be given to the residents of the Mist Zone.

Of course, this is just a thought. After all, the death of another bishop is not a glorious thing for the Holy See.

Then follow the usual practice and deal with it in a low-key manner.

As for the pontificate bought by this human called Eviscerate?

Captain Will belongs to the Knights of the Holy See and is the military force of the Unsullied Holy See; the Pope is an administrator who spreads doctrines.

They are not subordinate to each other. No matter how high the status of Captain Will is in the Immaculate Holy See, he is not qualified to remove a priest from his position.

Then let's leave it to the residents of the Mist Zone. Since they killed the bishop, they shouldn't mind killing another pope.

Just the Gate of the Dead...

Captain Will, who thought he had figured out the whole incident, said to Daliang: "The death of Bishop Frank is really regrettable. It is a great loss to the Immaculate Holy See. Pope Eviscerate, you know the person who attacked Bishop Frank Who is it?"

Daliang said angrily: "It must be Gus and Victor. These two greedy guys actually extorted 2 million gold coins from me in front of everyone when I was entertaining the residents of the foggy area. Of course, these two villains also got The fate they deserve, they all died in the internal fight last night."


This is absolutely the worst news for Captain Will. These two people are obviously the last clues to the Gate of the Dead.

So, where is the Gate of the Dead?

Was he hidden somewhere by Frank, or was he hidden by Gus and Victor, or was he picked up by someone after the two of them died?

How to find it?

The Immaculate Holy See has very little control over the Mist Zone. The foreign race residents living here are very troublesome guys. If they are to be exterminated by force, the Unsullied Holy See will have to pay heavy losses. If they are exiled to other places to cause chaos, I am afraid that it will be more difficult than before. The Wizards Guild is an even bigger headache for the Sad Lord.

Therefore, the Melancholic King allowed such a special district to exist in his city.

And if Will wants to find the Gate of the Dead in such a malicious city, he will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack.

Will was unwilling to lose the Gate of the Dead just like that, but he didn't have time to search slowly in the foggy area. After pondering, Captain Will said to Daliang: "Pope Eviscerate, since the villain who blackmailed you is dead, I believe you can rely on the good relationships you have created with your wealth to live safely in the foggy area. As a Clergy, you have the obligation to serve the Immaculate Holy See. The Sad Lord lost an important alchemy item here. Its name is the 'Gate of the Dead'. Originally, the 'Gate of the Dead' was in Frank's hands. Now we are looking for it. It's gone. Your mission is to find the 'Gate of the Dead' and hand it over to me intact.

Remember, don't think of taking it as your own, it belongs to the Sad King, and unnecessary lust will bring disaster to you.

If you complete this task, the Sad Lord will be very happy, and he will become very generous when he is happy. "

Ha, ha, ha, the Gate of the Dead is right in front of you - in Brother's package.

But I just won’t give it to you.

Daliang has seen the function of the Gate of the Dead before. Although the undead summoning magic circle in the Boneyard was destroyed, it only served as a movable one-way long-distance portal, which allowed Da Liang's army to be launched over a long distance.

It saves not only time, but also the suddenness.

Moreover, the other side of the Gate of the Dead is the fortress that leads directly to the Black Fire Territory. No matter how much reward is given, Da Liang will not hand over the Gate of the Dead.

Unless the position of the Undead Lord is exchanged.

Thinking too much...

Daliang immediately showed how flattered he was: "As soon as I heard the 'Gate of the Dead', I knew it was a very powerful thing, and I will definitely do my best to find it. But... the leader also knows that I am just a little five-year-old." A super territorial lord, just anyone in the foggy area can kill me. If I really find the 'Gate of the Dead', I'm afraid I won't be able to save it.

Sir, can you give me a group of terrifying knights and ghost dragons..."

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