Start with an Archangel

Chapter 4 A tomb exuding a sacred atmosphere

Walking out of the resurrection point, the gentle sea breeze blew Daliang's tearless face. The sky and the same island were still in front of him.

Are you trying to kill me? Is this a stand-alone version of Desert Island Survival or a World of Heroes? I wonder if my mood for playing the game has been ruined by you?

Daliang was already in a very bad mood. His resurrection and return to the island turned his current situation into an endless loop. Looking at the skeleton soldiers who had been chasing him from afar, they were returning. Daliang knew that he would be here. Death-resurrection, death-resurrection keep repeating.

Did the game designer’s head get caught in the crack of the door? Why did you arrange so many undead skeleton soldiers in the sea? Don’t you know that the death energy of the undead will pollute the environment? Look, there are no fish around... What a **** game. If you want to complain, you must complain.

Just why are there so many skeletons of the undead in the sea?

Realizing something, Daliang quickly took out the distress letter he had just put away. It clearly said, "In order to cover up the sacred atmosphere in the prison, the angels specially placed a cemetery of the undead near the prison. The Qi will cover up the atmosphere of the prison, and at the same time block some creatures from accidentally entering."

Now that Daliang has encountered so many skeleton soldiers of the undead clan here, is it possible that this so-called angel prison really exists and is nearby?

The speculation made Da Liang very excited, and he quickly compared the coordinates on the distress letter with his own location. Sure enough, the prison mentioned in the letter was located in the south of the island, which was also the direction from which the group of skeleton soldiers came. Now that these skeleton soldiers have been led to the north while chasing Da Liang, does it also mean that there are many fewer guards in the undead cemetery?

Looking to the north of the island, the skeleton soldiers were still walking slowly in the sea. Da Liang, who decided to see if the prison really existed, walked towards the sea in the south.

The seabed in the south is equally shallow. When Daliang stood on the hard seabed, the sea surface only reached his neck. He swam straight towards the coordinates on the distress letter, and soon saw more white heads exposed on the sea.

These are all skeleton soldiers wandering aimlessly. Without the leadership of high-level undead, these low-level undead will only rely on instinct to hunt the creatures that invade this sea area. It's just that this cemetery, which has existed for thousands of years, has already allowed the breath of death to permeate the entire sea area. It is the breath that makes all living creatures instinctively disgusted, so no living creatures can be seen here.

Da Liang swam over, and to the undead in this sea area, his breath was like throwing a "fly" into the clear water. The unbearable smell made the skeleton soldiers eager to get rid of him. The surrounding skeleton soldiers came toward Da Liang and slowly gathered.

This time Da Liang did not escape, but swam close to the perimeter of the skeleton soldiers. After circling around the sea area where the skeleton soldiers existed, he had a general understanding of this skeleton gathering place.

This seawater is dark in color and covers an area of ​​about one square kilometer. It's just that the seabed here is too shallow, and the ubiquitous skeletons prevent Da Liang from exploring the middle.

Do we really want to fight all the way in?

Daliang knew that with his current strength, it was impossible to rush in. If there really was a cemetery of the undead, the number of skeleton soldiers here would continue to increase. His current ability could not cause a large amount of damage to the skeleton soldiers in a short time. "It seems that I can only wait for my brother to get stronger before coming here. However, the letter for help said that there is an archangel guarding the prison. It will take a long time for me to challenge an archangel alone. Moreover, this archangel can also recruit people. Reinforcements, this task can only be completed when I can challenge the entire angel clan alone, but if I can challenge the entire angel clan alone, why should I save this god-breaker who doesn’t know what he is... It’s really confusing.”

Regarding the letter asking for help, Daliang was already 80% sure that what it said was true, but it was just too difficult to save that god.

After trying several more times to no avail, Da Liang was ready to log off and call the game customer service to get him out of here.

But before Daliang could exit the game, he suddenly found that the sea level seemed to be rising.

It is said that the game is infinitely close to the real world of heroes, and the spectacular tidal phenomenon is perfectly presented in the game. With the coming of the spring tide, the sea level in this sea area rose rapidly. The surging water dragged Da Liang's body up, and then submerged all the skeleton soldiers below.

Da Liang did not expect that the natural landscape in this game would solve the problem in front of him. Now the entire undead cemetery is below him. None of the countless skeleton soldiers can reach him. He can swim into the tomb at will. deep in the garden.

Surprised, Daliang knew that the tide would pass soon, so he did not dare to delay and swam quickly to the coordinates given in the distress letter. That was the center of the black sea water, where the most lifeless atmosphere was.

Not long after, Daliang arrived at the location of the coordinates, and then after taking a deep breath, he plunged downwards.

Entering the seawater, Daliang discovered that the black thing was not the seawater, but the seabed that had been seriously polluted by the dead air. From here, you can see a gathering place of the undead. A circle of skeletons surrounds a small undead cemetery. The sparse buildings half embedded in the seabed show how low-level this cemetery is.

Daliang continued to dive, and he was right above the cemetery. From here, he could see a gloomy temple-like building in the cemetery, and skeleton soldiers walked out of it from time to time.

But the strange thing is that although these skeleton soldiers also saw Da Liang, they did not chase him. Instead, they quickly left the cemetery and walked towards the periphery as if they were frightened. Only then did Da Liang realize that there was not a single undead in the entire cemetery, and all the skeleton soldiers were scattered around the periphery of the cemetery.

The absence of undead in the cemetery was a great convenience for Daliang. He was originally worried that there would be more undead in the cemetery, making it impossible for him to investigate deeply.

Da Liang swam down and stepped on the ground of the cemetery. In front of him was a building located in the center of the entire cemetery. Most of this building was buried underground, with only a low entrance exposed, like the entrance to a tomb. It was pitch dark inside the entrance, and "quiet" sounds came from inside from time to time, like the shrillness of ghosts.

Even though the real scene in front of him aroused fear in Da Liang's heart, he could not retreat until now. He bravely walked into the tomb.

When passing through the gate of the tomb, Da Liang found that the original cold breath of the undead had disappeared, and was replaced by warmth and peace. The vigorous vitality was incompatible with the environment of the tomb. As it continued to deepen, the blackness of the undead slowly receded, the surrounding light began to brighten, and the golden sacred aura began to become thicker.

Here we are.

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