Start with an Archangel

Chapter 405: Brother will help you make money

Due to the special circumstances of Sigh City, Daliang joined the Wizards Guild and was promoted to elder without any too grand ceremony.

Only under the auspices of Lucas and the witness of the wizards of the City of Sighs, Daliang gloriously became a high-level leader of the underground opposition forces in the Kingdom of Death.

The Death Lord's attack on the Wizards Guild is still in full swing.

Now that Frank is dead, there is no need for Lucas to stay in the City of Sighs. He took away the Assassin troops, including Motto, and planned how to counterattack to increase the wizards' confidence in the fight.

Calm returned to the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs, and the wizards reunited in Destiny Manor.

Now the ruling party, opposition and opposition forces in the foggy area are all concentrated in the hands of Da Liang.

As deputy elders, Minia and Jonathan were both thinking about how to rebuild the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild as soon as possible.

But Daliang said: "I strongly support the reconstruction of the City of Sighs branch, but the scale must be controlled, the actions must be more covert, and the structure of the branch must also change. We only know that Frank betrayed us, but there is no way How did the Holy See find Frank? Instigating a rebellion against a deputy elder cannot be done in a short time? From finding Frank, contacting Frank, and convincing Frank, you were not aware of the entire rebellion process. This is what caused the Sigh City branch to be The root cause of the uprooting of the Immaculate Holy See.

If we continue to follow the previous development path, there will be a second Frank among us. "

Daliang's words made all the wizards fall into deep thought.

Frank's betrayal was beyond the imagination of all wizards. He had very high qualifications and deep feelings for the guild. Therefore, it would definitely be a long process for the Immaculate Holy See to instigate rebellion against Frank. Frank's betrayal cannot be blamed on him alone, which shows that there are huge loopholes in the system and structure of the City of Sighs branch.

This made the wizards who had relaxed because of Frank's death feel scared again.

As Daliang said, if this matter is not resolved, someone will definitely rebel again. Can they survive by chance again?

"Elder, what should we do?"

Minya asked all the questions a wizard wanted to ask.

Daliang replied: "First, wizards are more valuable than others. We are together to study witchcraft and seek self-breakthrough. We should refuse to join some people with ulterior motives. I know that the Sighing City branch was very powerful in the past. , received support from many lords, and even established an open base. But do those lords really believe in witchcraft? Or do they want to use the Wizards Guild to deal with the Unsullied Holy See in their territory? Or maybe they are the Unsullied Holy See in the first place. A spy planted here?

I think that when a new member joins, there needs to be an observation period. He needs to be truly obsessed with witchcraft, have a clean background, and be trustworthy. If a lord wants to join our City of Sighs branch, he needs at least three introducers, one of whom must be a deputy elder. "

The lords do not have a fuel-efficient lamp. The interests of the territory are the lord's top priority. They can join the Wizards Guild in order to attack the Unsullied Church in their territory, or they can betray the Wizards Guild under the pressure of the Unsullied Church.

For such unstable members, strict scrutiny must be carried out, and it is better to miss them than to let them in.

However, Minia said: "Elder, you know that the funds of our Wizards Guild have always been very tight, and researching witchcraft requires a lot of money. The donations from the lords have always been an important source of income for the City of Sighs branch. If we refuse the lords How will the funds be provided if we join?”

Daliang has no intention of monopolizing the Sigh City branch's funds. This is not how his money is spent.

"We must learn to make our own money. We are wizards, and we have powerful magical power, such as those alchemical bombs used to blow up Frank. Four of them are so powerful. Now there are wars everywhere in the main world, and alchemical weapons are Items that are in short supply, as long as you have the product, you will never have to worry about selling it. How much does an alchemy bomb cost?"

Minia said: "300 gold."

"So expensive!"

Da Liang was really surprised when he heard Minia's quotation. 300 gold was already the price of an artillery piece, but if the alchemy bomb was used in the right place, it could be worth every penny.

Minia explained: "The main reason is that the production place is too crude and the alchemy materials are lost too much. If we have a dedicated alchemy research institute and alchemy material production workshop, the cost can be reduced to 200 gold."

The alchemy material production workshop and the bright black fire collar are ready to be built. As the pope of the church in the foggy area, he can acquire land here to build an alchemy material production workshop at will.

Of course, the rough work of making alchemy materials cannot be done by wizards. But there are a lot of people in the foggy area, and the residents are all heroes. It is completely easy to make alchemy materials, which can ensure both quality and output.

As for the alchemy research institute Minia mentioned, it can only be built in the sixth-level territory.

Fortunately, I am the pope responsible for issuing territory construction tasks. It is not my responsibility to say what architectural drawings will be rewarded after completing the tasks.

Hahaha... There is no need to worry about the Alchemy Research Institute.

The wizards are short of money, and my brother is also short of money. Is there no reason not to do this kind of win-win business?

As for the alchemy bomb that attacked Frank, it was too bulky and could not be carried around and could only be transported by vehicle, and it was too powerful.

It's inconvenient to transport, and it's easy to blow yourself in. The uses are narrowed, and sales will naturally not increase.

So Daliang said: "There are no problems with the alchemy material production workshop and the alchemy research institute, but I think the alchemy bomb you made is too big and inconvenient to carry. Can it be made smaller, preferably in the personal dimension? There is space for storage and carrying.”

Players have limited package space and weight, and cannot store too many heavy items, so most logistical supplies need to be transported by vehicles.

Minia replied: "There is no problem in shrinking the alchemy bomb, but it is an unstable alchemy weapon and cannot be stored in subspace for a long time. However, we can change its size and shape so that it can be carried around, and it will be used in this way." It’s very convenient, but the power will be much smaller, probably reduced to one-third.”

One-third is already very powerful. Ordinary players will be instantly killed by such a powerful explosion, and it will explode in one piece.

"How much does it cost?"

Miniya made an estimate: "About 100 gold."

From now on, the alchemy bomb costing 100 gold will be called Jin Zha No. 1, and the one costing 200 gold will be called Jin Zha No. 2.

Jinzha No. 2 is for home use, while Jinzha No. 1 is for export.

The cost is 100 gold, so I will buy it for 500 gold.

Don’t be too expensive. Alchemy weapons are not for ordinary players. Our customers are targeted at rich and wealthy people. They carry one or two with them and spend only a small amount of money. See who doesn't like them and get the gold bomb No. 1. They have momentum, prestige, and face.

Therefore, this kind of consumable alchemy weapon is not just generally profitable, it is definitely quite profitable.

As for competition?

Although this kind of alchemy bomb has already appeared in the hands of players, at this stage, which player can find a professional spellcasting hero of this level to make an alchemy bomb?

With the same price, size, and power, my alchemy bomb will absolutely crush all its counterparts in the world.

Daliang said to Minia: "I can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem in buying a 100-gold alchemy bomb for 200 gold. We can earn 1 million gold coins by making 10,000 bombs, and 10 million gold coins by making 100,000 bombs. Since we can earn so much money, why do we still need donations from the lords? With just the income from buying alchemy bombs, we can not only maintain the funds of our City of Sighs branch, but also contribute a lot to the federation."


Daliang's words made the wizards suddenly enlightened, and their eyes seemed to be a golden avenue.

From then on, they were no longer short of money. They could buy whatever alchemical materials they wanted, and they could do any magic experiments they wanted. They could wear gold coins and wear gems at will.

The feeling of happiness suddenly filled me.

Only Jonathan was a little more awake. He asked: "Elder, you just said the first point, let us carefully recruit members of the Wizards Guild. I think this is very correct. We really shouldn't be as aggressive as before. Recruiting wizards. What is the second point..."

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