Start with an Archangel

Chapter 419 Night comes

Daliang knew about the fact that Ergus could evolve Juliet into a complete Hell's Angel. At the same time, Daliang was afraid that Juliet would look for Ergus after knowing about it, so he did not tell Julian about it, and even deliberately arranged for Julian to stay away as much as possible. Shangjiang City. In addition to completing the territory construction task of the Black Fire Territory, protecting Julian is also an important reason for coming to the Kingdom of Death this time.

It's just that Daliang probably didn't expect that Ergos was so capable that he could avoid him and find Julian or Juliet directly.

Fortunately, the trustworthiness of demons has always been very low. Ergos's willingness to evolve Juliet into a complete Hell's Angel must have some agenda.

Instead of giving her life to Ergus, Juliet is more willing to seek the path of evolution on her own. Anyway, the entire transformation process has been going on, and it is only a matter of time before she becomes a complete Hell's Angel.

Therefore, although Ergus tempted Juliet, Juliet did not intend to take the risk.

Julian was also afraid that she would be hidden by Da Liang because of this incident, so she concealed Ergus's contact with her.

With Juliet's promise to be obedient, Julian said to Daliang: "Juliet is willing to obey your orders, and I think Juliet's combat effectiveness can be used very well when fighting at night."

Juliet possesses greater speed than Julian, and her movement through space makes her movements at night almost invisible. Daliang said that the elf mage could control her was just a theory, and they probably were killed without even seeing what Juliet looked like.

As long as there are no level 15 creatures in the elf army, or elf heroes with level 15 creature strength, an obedient and willing Juliet can cause heavy losses to the elf army.

With Juliet's guarantee, Daliang said: "Since Juliet is willing to cooperate, let her take the main attack tonight. However, I will harass the elves' army in the first half of the night, trying to delay the attack time of the elves, and then let Juliet attack at 11 p.m. Click it out, and it will be the next day after midnight, so she can kill for two hours... What do you think, do you agree?"


Gradually formulating a strategy for the night operation, Daliang asked Julian, the Frost Dragon, and Simon to stay at their positions to guard against elves' sneak attacks, and continued to supervise the skeleton laborers to speed up the construction of fortifications.

Da Liang secretly used "Nicole's Jump" to jump down the mountain using the cover of the terrain.

The fire during the day burned out a 400-meter-wide ruins at the foot of the mountain. The charred ground still carried residual heat from the burning, and there were only half-burned tree trunks everywhere.

The elven army is stationed in the forest on the other side of the fire.

The battle during the day caused the elves to suffer certain losses, and at the same time, news of the fall of Forgotten City also spread.

Christo and his army have been wiped out, the entire Forgotten Hills has been lost, and the main force of the undead is marching towards the plane portal. There is not much time left for the elves. If they cannot destroy the undead army on the mountain before dawn, they will lose control of the plane portal.

With such an important strategic position occupied by the undead from the Kingdom of Death, their city will be directly exposed to the eyes of the opponent. The undead can defend and attack whenever they want, and they will be completely passive.

"We must use the darkness to launch a comprehensive attack on the undead on the mountain at night. Through the battle during the day, we have a certain understanding of the strength of this undead army. How to fight? Do you have any good suggestions?"

The commander of this elf army summoned the senior officers among his subordinates in the temporary command camp.

The morale of the elven heroes was very good, and they did not lose confidence in victory because of their defeat in the day's battle.

An elf magician said: "The enemy has more ultimate troops than us, an archangel and three undead dragons, all of which are very powerful. But we are not unmatched by them. The main reason is that we cannot get on land. Instead of providing support, we have to be distracted from attacking the enemy's long-range ground attack weapons and covering our ground troops' attack. However, our ground troops were pushed back before they could even reach 300 meters from the enemy's position.

The ground troops should be fully responsible for the daytime defeat. "

A ground commander hero retorted: "It is your air force's task to attack the enemy's long-range attack weapons. Especially at the beginning of the war, the enemy only had a high-level spellcasting hero, an archangel and an undead dragon. You actually let them Their light ballistae fired at will. Do you know that it was your fear of death that caused us to lose many outstanding soldiers and heroic commanders!"

"Do you know how fast that archangel is? She is definitely not an ordinary archangel. She must be the commander of an archangel of the same level. And that undead dragon, you have to concentrate on resisting his roar. Otherwise, chaos will easily occur. He can summon ghosts around us at any time to restrict our flight direction.

There are also those short spears that keep shooting up from below. It is because of your stupid retreat that we lost a green dragon! "


Elf air and ground forces blamed each other.

The commander of the elves said angrily: "Enough! This attack of the undead used a plane teleportation array that we have never seen before. Now their supplies and troops are being transported in a steady stream. Every time you quarrel here, our enemies The strength will be increased. They also have a main force that will arrive tomorrow. If you don't want to retreat to Palm Tree City in despair, then use one night to eliminate the enemies on the mountain and recapture this side of the plane teleportation array. Block the main force of the undead on the other side.”

After being reprimanded by the commander, the heroes of the elven army began to discuss how to launch an attack on the undead troops on the mountain.

"General, through the daytime battle we can find that the structure of the undead army on the mountain is divided into two extremes. The regular troops are almost all skeleton soldiers and a small number of ghosts; the advanced troops are powerful archangels and undead dragons. As for the overall military strength comparison , we far surpassed them. Their advantage is that they occupy the terrain and have large-scale light ballistae and artillery.

As long as our ground troops can rush up the mountain and engage in contact combat with them. There is no suspense in this war, we can easily eliminate them.

Therefore, in the night battle, we should use ground troops as the main attack and air troops to assist. First, we use the weak night light environment as a cover to allow our magicians to approach quietly, and then the elf shooters, whose targets are small and difficult to detect.

Try to shorten the distance to be discovered. If discovered, the magician uses earth magic to build a bunker on the spot, and our elf archers who cover it rush close by, using magic and bows and arrows to cover the undead's position.

As long as we can suppress their light ballistae, our centaurs and unicorns can charge forward. "

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