Start with an Archangel

Chapter 433 Changes

The location of the Vietnam game area is quite special, it is too close to the core area of ​​Shi Fei. Therefore, Shi Fei not only used force to deter them, but also tended to appease them. Therefore, gold merchants in China are relatively restrained in collecting gold in the Vietnamese game area and do not damage the gold price there. They also collect gold in accordance with the rules of the Vietnamese financial group.

Shi Fei's strategy for the Vietnam Game Zone allowed them to maintain their strength in this Southeast Asian financial crisis, and even get some benefits from following the gold merchants in China.

A stable Vietnamese game area is also the reason why Shi Fei dared to lead the fleet to run so far and overwhelm the coasts of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

However, Shi Fei always felt that he had neglected something. After all, he had already had a huge influence on the progress of the game, and the future would not develop according to the history he remembered. However, stabilizing Vietnam is the most important thing to ensure this gold collection operation.

"You go to Quang Ngai City in Vietnam right away. I'm talking about outside the game. On my behalf, I made an appointment with Hu Liangcai, the lord of the G7 Territory, to reiterate the attitude of the Southern Lords Alliance of China towards the Vietnamese game area. Tell him that what happened between the two countries some time ago The war in this game area was not initiated intentionally by us. It was entirely a financial action premeditated and organized by the Chinese gold merchants in order to pass on their own crisis.

In fact, we also suffered heavy losses in this war.

This time, gold merchants in the Chinese gaming area once again carried out financial plunder on the entire Southeast Asian gaming area. We have done our best to ensure the financial stability of the Vietnamese gaming area.

I hope they can understand the situation clearly. China’s gaming area is dominated by East and Southeast Asia, and it would be a very unwise choice to be our enemy.

We are in close proximity to the Vietnamese gaming area, and it does no good for either of us to be at odds with each other. Therefore, I hope Hu Liangcai will convey my thoughts to other lords in the Vietnam game area.

To express my goodwill, I can sell ten brigantine battleships to G7 at a low price. "

The half-moon cat replied: "I know, I will go to Quang Ngai, Vietnam now."

The G7 territory in the Quang Ngai region of Vietnam is the first territory in the Vietnamese game area. It has begun the upgrade of level 6 territories and is in the first echelon of territory development in the world.

Hu Liangcai, the lord of the G7 territory, is a shipping tycoon himself, with strong economic strength and wide connections. He is a leader in the Vietnamese game area.

As long as Hu Liangcai is willing not to interfere in the money-collecting operations of Chinese players in Southeast Asia, the entire Vietnamese game area will not make any moves under the threat of the military power of the Dominator Legion.

As the right-hand man who dominates the army, Ban Yue Mao successfully met Hu Liangcai.

The entire negotiation process went very smoothly, and Hu Liangcai made it clear that he would stand on the side of the dominant army.

"Hahaha... Miss Cat, you are really well-informed. The so-called Southeast Asian Alliance just contacted me and you came to my door. Don't worry, even if you don't come, I won't participate in that." Alliance, they are so weak, even our Vietnam game area can kill them, let alone the flying boss.

I will give Boss Fei some face, so Miss Cat can go back with peace of mind. I will never interfere in your actions, and other lords in the Vietnam game area will not participate either. "

Hu Liangcai's answer made Banyue Mao very satisfied. The status of Shi Fei and the Dominator Legion in the game allowed her to enjoy respect everywhere outside the game.

"Mr. Hu, you have made the wisest choice. This is the beginning of our good cooperation with G7 Leader. To express our gratitude, we can sell ten brig warships to G7 Leader at a preferential price. Your maritime The strength will be greatly strengthened."

Ten brigs of war!

Hu Liangcai was born in the shipping industry, so he certainly knew what a powerful fleet could bring to him.

Sure enough, it is right to reject the Southeast Asian Alliance. What good things can those poor guys come up with?

"Hahaha... Boss Fei is so generous. I recognize this boss. Miss Cat, when can these two-masted battleships be delivered?"

Ban Yue Mao smiled and said: "Mr. Hu, don't be anxious, our boss will deliver the goods as soon as he comes back from Malaysia."

Returning from Malaysia means the end of the Chinese gaming zone’s cash collection operation against Southeast Asia. If the Vietnamese game area is honest during this period, these ships will naturally be owned by G7; if someone causes trouble, Hu Liang can handle it, and these ships will also be owned by G7.

Hu Liangcai nodded and said: "I will wait for Boss Fei to return in triumph."

Having achieved his goal, the Half-Moon Cat stood up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hu. I have finished what the boss entrusted me with, and it's time for me to go back. The legion still has other things to deal with. Goodbye, Mr. Hu. I look forward to meeting you next time."

Hu Liangcai happily sent the Half-Moon Cat away after getting ten brigantine battleships. When he returned to his office and prepared to enter the game, his secretary called and said: There was a Japanese looking for him.

"Japanese, what's his name?"

"He did not say his real name. He only said that his name was Tokugawa Nobunaga in the hero world."

Tokugawa Nobunaga? Why is he here?

"Invite him in."

At this time, the decisive naval battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet began in the East China Sea.

A large-scale maritime confrontation is a serious drain on any party. Not only Shangjiang City is trying its best to maintain the logistics support of the entire fleet of hundreds of warships and tens of thousands of soldiers. The Jeju Fleet is also a big burden on Jeju City.

Especially in Jeju City, players are unable to protect the logistics channels of the Jeju Fleet. Under the continuous harassment of Chinese sailing players, only 60% of the 100% supplies can reach the Jeju Fleet, and as more and more logistics ships are attacked or Captured, the Jeju Fleet's logistics supply ships were in short supply.

Therefore, when the Shangjiang fleet showed its intention to fight decisively and pressed forward with the entire fleet, the Jeju fleet launched the attack first.

The Jeju Fleet concentrated all its main battleships to directly attack the Pudong Fleet of the Shangjiang Fleet. They intended to defeat the slightly stronger Pudong Fleet first, and then turn around and kill the weaker Chongming Fleet.

The attacking Jeju fleet consisted of twenty battleships of all levels as the main force, and three aerospace battleships formed an important breakthrough cluster with the intention of dividing the Pudong fleet from the middle, and then concentrated the three aerospace battleships to attack and kill the "Oath".

The Shangjiang Fleet has already completed its war deployment, and all ships are already in combat positions. When the Jeju fleet rushed over, the Pudong fleet also responded with attack.

Battleships versus battleships, three-masted battleships versus three-masted battleships, and other battleships of all levels spread out into a semicircle defense circle to protect the auxiliary ships in the rear.

The Pudong fleet withstood the strong attack of the Jeju fleet with its weak force. The Chongming fleet on the sea nearby formed a right hook and rushed towards the belly of the Jeju fleet.

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