Start with an Archangel

Chapter 440 Suppression


The double-row artillery array of the Judgment Fleet fired dense rows of artillery shells at the Japanese interceptor fleet and the King of Fighters fleet at the same time.

The interceptor fleet that had completed a new round of reloading immediately fired back. However, the firepower of the interceptor fleet arranged in a single line on the same shooting surface was much weaker than that of the Judgment Fleet using a double-row artillery array. The Judgment Fleet used the ship's sailing distance to make the cannonballs fired more densely, which meant that the probability of being hit by cannonballs on the targeted warships in the interception fleet was greatly increased.

Although the interceptor fleet in a line was superior to the Judgment Fleet in terms of total firepower, the dozen or so ships attacked by the Judgment Fleet suffered double the firepower of their own.

Being able to use a double-row bombardment formation requires very high quality for the entire fleet. During the entire bombardment process, the course and speed of each ship must be coordinated. The battleships in the front row need to maintain a good distance. They should not be too small so that the rear ships cannot find the shooting angle, nor too large to cause the marching queue to be disconnected.

However, the double-row artillery formation is not all the capabilities of the Judgment Fleet. After one round of shelling, the battleships in the front row maintained their course and loaded their weapons in preparation for the second round of shelling. The battleships in the rear row accelerated to line up with the battleships in the front row, and the shooting angle of the battleships in the third row was given up.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the third row of battleships fired a salvo, they accelerated to clear the way for the fourth row.

The fourth row of battleships fired.

In this way, during the 40 to 50 seconds of reloading of artillery shells, the Judgment Fleet can maintain a speed of launching a round of artillery strikes every 10 seconds or even less.

The attacks of the naval guns were connected. The dozens of enemy ships targeted by the Judgment Fleet had to withstand several times the number of shell attacks every time they fired a round of bombardment.

The shells turned into a huge tide, attacking one after another. It took only three minutes to completely suppress the bombardment of more than a dozen warships.

At this time, the bombardment of the Judgment Fleet temporarily stopped. The warships that had been receiving bombardment in the front row deflected to the inner circle through the vacated channel and carried out self-repair under heavy protection.

Those battleships with relatively low damage that can follow the fleet move with the fleet in the center of the fleet. In addition, it was too damaged to move with the battle fleet and was scuttled directly after the personnel were evacuated.

The originally second row of battleships became the front row, and the trapezoidal bombardment array roared again.

The attack array of the Judgment Fleet has very high requirements for back-end data support personnel. The data of each warship in battle is constantly changing. Waves, shelling, wind direction changes, and the attack focus given by the commander all require the coordination of background support personnel. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and data personnel must give correct instructions based on the situation of each warship in a few seconds or even less.

An error in any instruction may cause a collision and cause chaos in the fleet.

Fortunately, the personnel of the Judgment Corps are all elites carefully selected from major universities in Shangjiang City. Their discipline, execution ability and quality are much higher than those of the personnel of online organizations.

At this time, the Judgment Fleet is like a machine whose software and hardware are compatible and harmonious, exerting a combat effectiveness that makes everyone sigh.

The Judgment Fleet, which had completed the evacuation of the damaged warships, once again used its high-speed artillery fire. The dozen or so warships that were targeted were submerged in the water column stirred up by the shells.

The air battle broke out at the beginning of the naval battle. Enemy air combatants from all directions launched a siege on the airspace protected by the ruling air combat troops.

Gains and losses in the airspace above the fleet determine the life and death of a fleet. Each of the ten squadrons under the Judgment Air Combat Force is responsible for an airspace. With cooperation and effective command, they block the enemy's breakthrough from the outside and introduce the enemy into the fleet at the first opportunity. The range of anti-air firepower, air and sea cooperation can annihilate a group of enemies.

Through the air battle, we can see the rewards brought by the university alliance's spared no effort to support the Judgment Fleet.

There are exclusive and efficient leveling points for the upgrade of Judgment air combat personnel, and there are dedicated training personnel to gather monsters and clear monsters for them. Therefore, although Judgment air combat personnel often perform combat missions, and some have died and been demoted many times, their personal grades still maintain a high level.

The College Alliance spent huge sums of money to unify mounts for the Judgment air combat personnel. The first squadron of the main force was all equipped with Silver Pegasus, while the Dominion Legion had only recently organized a Silver Pegasus squadron. All other personnel are equipped with royal gryphon mounts.

The equipment for members of the ruling air combat unit is given priority by the University Alliance. If the alliance has any good equipment, the air combat troops will be selected first. No contribution points are required. They will get what they need, and the alliance will distribute the rest. Recently, the legion commander Liang has placed some top-quality equipment in the legion warehouse, so that the equipment of the Judgment Air Combat Troops can only be described as luxurious.

Levels, mounts, and equipment are supplemented by an efficient data support team, excellent personnel quality, professional guidance and hard training.

Everything makes the Judgment air combat force a true aerial hunter.

Therefore, although the aerial battle was fierce and the casualties rained down, the victims were basically the players in the Japanese game area. Judgment air combat personnel have always maintained their formation and cooperated with each other. Once the personnel were attacked by concentrated fire, they were immediately provided with cover, suppression, status, and treatment. Through effective member structure and cooperation, the battle damage ratio was controlled at a very low level. level.

As the commander of the Judgment Air Combat Force, Shu Xiao formed a sharp knife with five subordinates riding flying dragons and a small team of Silver Pegasus knights led by Obit when he was commanding the troops to fight. This small force possesses superior speed and powerful breakthrough capabilities. They use Shu Xiao as their blade to fly along the inner circle defended by the Judgment Air Combat Force, and immediately force a breakthrough when they find an opportunity.

Shu Xiao, who has been training beside Holy Bella, has slowly mastered more and more angelic combat skills. The talent for flying in the air and the stubborn character made Shu Xiao an aerial chariot. She held the light shield in front of her, blocking out magic and incoming arrows. The flying speed did not slow down, and the angel sword cut a path with a "cut in the air", and then rushed in directly.

Subsequent troops followed up, expanded the tearing surface, and collided back and forth under the leadership of Shu Xiao. The surrounding air combat squadrons quickly surrounded them, eating up the chaotic enemy force in a short period of time, and then retreated to a defensive position.

The enemy who lacks unified command in a temporary organization cannot break through the airspace defended by the Judgment Air Combat Force, and can only make up for the huge losses caused by the attack through a steady stream of reinforcements from the rear.

The battle in the air was stalemate and fierce. On the sea surface, under the continuous high-speed bombardment of the Judgment Fleet, more than ten warships in the interception fleet were hit so hard that they could not fire their guns normally.

After receiving Daliang's order, Shu Xiao immediately led half of the Judgment Air Force to break through the air siege and rush toward the dozen warships.

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