Start with an Archangel

Chapter 445 Please allow me to laugh wildly

The battlefield was full of flying cannonballs. The tongues of flame ejected from the muzzles kept refreshing a bright light in the dark night, and the magic beams were like flying meteors.

From a distance, this is a beautiful scenery that can only be created by various lighting effects. It is dazzling, colorful and beautiful. I am afraid that even the most professional stage special effects cannot present such a beautiful scenery. There is also the surging sound of cannons, like the bass of drums surging up and down.

Boom boom boom...

It seems that a large-scale concert is in its initial stages.

But the people inside didn't have the slightest thought to appreciate the shocking effect they participated in creating. They all attacked the enemy desperately, ready to be beaten into a white light by a cannonball or magic at any time.

The Judgment Fleet, which was the first to launch the attack, took the initiative in the battle. The fleet coming from the north used four two-masted battleships as the assault vanguard. They relied on their solid hulls to crash into the King of Fighters fleet group, while using the naval guns on both sides to attack. The enemies on both sides broke through towards the hinterland of the King of Fighters fleet.

One part of the single-masted battleship group that followed followed the two-masted battleship formation to attack the center of the King of Fighters fleet, and the other part formed small formations of three or four ships to support each other and attack inside the King of Fighters fleet, doing their best to harass.

Faced with the decisive advance of the Judgment Fleet, the King of Fighters fleet's response seemed extremely slow.

The members of the King of Fighters fleet didn't know what happened to the flagship. Iori Yagami, who was commanding the fleet just now, suddenly fell silent. Various messages were sent to the superiors of the command system, but no reply came out.

The squadrons fell into a state of fighting independently, and the air combat personnel did not know whether their duties were offensive or defensive.

There was chaos in the air and on the sea, and some battleships seemed to have been rushed into the cabins by powerful enemies.

In the dark night, the field of vision was greatly restricted, and the personnel of the King of Fighters fleet were surprised to find...

Why are there so many battleships from the Judgment Fleet all around! The legion command channel was filled with calls for help from friendly troops under attack.

Obviously our number of ships should have an advantage.

Da Liang continued to sit on the bridge of the flagship "Dolphin", and the Dolphin was leading a fleet towards the core of the King of Fighters fleet.

All around the "Dolphin" were the flashes of naval gunfire, and gunpowder smoke was driven by the sea wind and billowing over the ship. Under the firepower from both sides of the "Dolphin", they were all enemy ships struggling to fire back.

The "force field shield" blocked the attack from the front of the battleship, and the "Dolphin" directly collided with the single-masted battleships blocking the route.

In the sky above the assault fleet were some of the Judgment air combat personnel led by the Frost Dragon Thunderstorm. The roar of the dragon echoed in the night sky. Within the range of the thunderstorm roar, the speed of all friendly flying units increased.

The superior mobility has once again improved the combat effectiveness of the Judgment air combat troops, making tactical coordination smoother and controlling the airspace continuously expanding.

In the southern sky, Shu Xiao led another part of the Judgment Air Combat Force to launch a surprise attack from behind the King of Fighters fleet. With Shu Xiao as the sharp blade, the sudden Judgment air combat troops formed a long line. After the team rushed into the King of Fighters air combat troops from the air, they quickly spread out in all directions, forming four ring-shaped division formations, like four chainsaws. Separate enemy units.

Then the circular division array continued to split, gradually separating the airspace above the King of Fighters fleet.

The Judgment air combat personnel are seizing the air supremacy, the Judgment fleet is marching in, and Iori Yagami, who has lost contact with the Titans, is surrounded by all kinds of unfavorable news.

The sea in front of the Shuttle was filled with the roar and flash of artillery. Some ignited warships illuminated the entire sea area, and above the sea were all air combatants chasing and fighting. This level of melee was beyond anything Iori Yagami had experienced before. He lost two ultimate creatures in a row. He was filled with anger and didn't know how to vent it.

"Counterattack, everyone immediately counterattacks. The command backstage immediately counts the battle damage, and lets those warships that did not participate in the battle gather on the Kusanagi Kyo. I will lead the fleet to fight back the Judgment Fleet."

The legion commander finally spoke, and the backend data support staff of the King of Fighters fleet anxiously said to Iori Yagami: "Legion Commander, our air combat force has lost 30%, 7 battleships were sunk, 13 were seriously damaged, and 35 were slightly damaged. There are 15 more ships. Out of control, the out-of-control ships include 6 brig warships. According to the report of the resurrected crew, their war ship was broken into by an unknown person with high speed and high attack speed... Now the number of out-of-control ships has increased to 17, and all the sailors on another b-mast battle ship was killed.

Legion Commander, we have lost too many brigs to organize resistance. The single-masted battleship alone could not stop the impact of the two-masted battleships of the Judgment Fleet. Moreover, if the unknown person who caused our ship to lose control is not controlled, we will lose more warships and personnel.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that the fleet retreat first. To our south is a fleet of 400 merchant ships carrying nearly 10,000 flying troops. To our east are several fleets supported by major guilds. According to the information we currently have, these fleets There are several level 13 ultimate creatures inside.

As long as our main force leaves the battlefield, the Judgment Fleet will never dare to pursue it. When the reinforcements join us, I will still be able to destroy the Judgment Fleet. "


Iori Yagami didn't know when he had never thought about this word again. He always believed that if you move forward bravely, you will win. If there are any obstacles that you can't overcome at one time, just try again.

However, the battle he was experiencing now made him unable to figure out how it ended up in this situation. He clearly had the advantage in sea power and air power, and even now he had more ships and people than the Judgment Fleet. How could he be everywhere? He was beaten everywhere in a hurry.

Two level 14 ultimate creatures died just like that, inexplicably.

The Judgment air combat troops were flying over his head, and the Plague Creeper had been thrown onto the deck of the Kusanagi Kyo. Although there was only one, the explosion still caused considerable damage.

On the nearby water, one of our own two-masted warships lost control and circled in a circle. A passing single-masted warship was hit by the two-masted warship and split into two pieces.

A dragon roar penetrated the sky...

"Retreat! The 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 7th squadrons stayed behind to block the Judgment Fleet, and the other warships immediately left the battlefield southward. The air combat personnel concentrated on the position of the Kusakakyo to cover the retreat of the main fleet."

Iori Yagami finally issued a retreat order. When the Kusakakyo turned around, he urgently contacted Tokugawa Nobunaga: "My fleet was attacked by the Judgment Fleet. You are right. I overestimated my strength. The force possessed by the Judgment Fleet is far more powerful than we imagined.

My Archangel and Titan are both dead, and Da Liang has the power to kill level 14 ultimate creatures easily. I admit that my King of Fighters fleet is no match for him. I need more battleships and air combat personnel. As long as the Judgment Fleet is in the Sea of ​​Japan, I will definitely be able to destroy them..."

Iori Yagami was still on the phone with Tokugawa Nobunaga. Someone on the command channel shouted: "Legion Commander, an unknown fleet appears behind us. They did not raise any flags."

The fleet coming from behind? Could it be reinforcements?

Iori Yagami immediately shouted on the regional channel: "I am Yagami An of the King of Fighters. My fleet is fighting with the Judgment Fleet in China. Friends who come from the southern sea area to support me, please contact me through the private channel and tell your guild and fleet size, and hand over the command to me, and together we will destroy the invading Judgment Fleet here."

Iori Yagami looked at his various communication channels, but there were no changes.

At this time, Daliang said on the regional channel: "Iori, although I don't want to break your dream, my fleet has arrived at the attack position. If you continue not to raise the flag, it is very inconsistent with war etiquette. We, China, are a civilized country. , I will never do anything disrespectful.

In addition, I am very grateful to Commander Yagami for escorting me all the way to the Sea of ​​Japan for sightseeing and for giving me so many battleships. As a gift in return, I will give Commander Yagami a few of my arrogant laughs.

Wow ha ha ha ha……"

The entire regional channel was filled with loud laughter. The fleet approaching the King of Fighters fleet from the southern sea also raised the battle flag at the same time. The warships bearing the flag of the Judgment Fleet turned together on the sea and aimed their sides at the enemy. The King of Fighters fleet retreated in panic.


The artillery fire illuminated the entire King of Fighters fleet.

It also illuminated Yagami's pale face: When did they run behind me!

At this time, a charming female voice sounded from behind Iori Yagami: "Is it beautiful? The naval battle at night is so beautiful..."

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