Start with an Archangel

Chapter 459 The Second Battlefield

Boss Jin tried his best to bite the bullet, making the reporter who asked the question blush.

Getting big news is the dream of every media person.

The big news that can create a sensational effect is often the negative news.

"Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles." Gossip is everyone's bad habit. A little scandal about a celebrity can attract more attention than a charity event.

Yingshi Virtual Bank has indeed drunk enough blood in Southeast Asia, and the bottom players in the Chinese game area have indeed been kidnapped into this war.

As long as everyone knows this fact, once it is spoken out, it will have an unimaginable impact on the upcoming war.

No matter whether this reporter really wants to make a big news, or he is bribed to undermine the determination of the players in China to fight.

The crisis was finally resolved skillfully by Boss Jin, and then he labeled the Japanese and Korean game area as unreasonable.

Boss Jin’s question has been answered.

Another reporter asked Xu Man: "We all know that Ms. Xu's game ID, Hunter Hongshang, has been elected as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Fleet in the Chinese game area. Now that the Japanese and Korean combined fleets in the game have invaded the border, you are not commanding the resistance in the game, but Are you here to attend the opening ceremony of the Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center? Are you afraid that the actions of the Japanese and Korean joint fleets will affect the trading volume on the first day today, and are you here specifically to cheer for the trading center?"

Another sharp question. Xu Man came to the ceremony to express the support of the Northern Lords Alliance to Yingshi Virtual Bank. However, if he admitted it directly, it would inevitably leave an impression that he was not doing his job properly, and it would also make people feel that he was a gold merchant. They feel guilty under the pressure from Japan and South Korea.

Xu Man replied with a smile: "Although I was elected as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Fleet, anyone familiar with our university alliance's combat methods knows that I am an external spokesperson. University alliance operations rely more on joint command supported by data links. , is a collection of collective efforts, and victory does not depend on the flash of inspiration of a commander. The command system of the Northern Fleet is established on the basis of the command system of the University Alliance, and it will not depend on the absence of an important person. And become paralyzed.

If you enter the game now, you can see that the entire Northern Fleet is still making final preparations for the war in an orderly manner.

I came to attend the opening ceremony of the Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center because Boss Jin and his friends gave us the most selfless help during the most difficult period for me and the College Alliance. The army was very aware of the Shangjiang crisis that happened in the game some time ago. The University Alliance faced enemies several times our size. No one thought we would win at that time, but the Shangjiang Gold Coin Trading Center, the predecessor of Yingshi Virtual Bank, donated money and gave us interest-free loans. Then……

We won.

Now I have encountered the same situation again, but the enemy now is far less powerful than that then, and Yingshi Virtual Bank will support us with greater strength.

I believe that as long as we unite, we will win again! "

Xu Man's speech attracted a round of applause. At that time, the college league had won both one-on-one and six-on-six games. This time, it was just two game areas, Japan and South Korea, and the winning rate was really very high.

At the end of Xu Man's answer, the army all turned their attention to Daliang beside Xu Man. He had too much aura and was in the dragon's den at this time. Everyone had too many questions to ask him, but there was only one chance to ask. Therefore, reporters are not in a hurry to speak, but think about what they want to know most.

"Mr. Daliang, the performance of the Judgment Fleet under your command is indeed very brilliant. The night before yesterday, your fleet took advantage of the fire and destroyed the King of Fighters fleet, which can be said to have left us a very big mystery. Now your fleet is still trapped in the Sea of ​​Japan, we Everyone wants to know, is the Judgment Fleet preparing to contain the forces in the Japanese and Korean game zones in the Sea of ​​Japan and fight to the last man and the last ship? Or is it planning to break out from the Sea of ​​Japan and join the battle on the main battlefield?"

Da Liang stroked his left wrist, took the microphone from Xu Man's hand, and pointed the dial of his watch at the audience without leaving a trace: "This question involves the in-game decision of the fleet's next move, and it cannot be said. But Since everyone is very concerned about this, it doesn't hurt that I talk to you about it.

Everyone knows that in the northern waters of Tsushima Strait, the Judgment Fleet destroyed the King of Fighters fleet. Due to proper tactics in this battle, we basically suffered no losses, but captured six brigantine warships and a certain number of single-masted warships..."

Due to the concealment of both parties, the outside world only knows the results of the battle in Tsushima Strait, and it is not clear what happened specifically. However, the general view is that even if the Judgment Fleet destroys the King of Fighters fleet, it will still suffer heavy losses. After all, the two level 14 ultimate creatures and the extra battleships in the King of Fighters fleet are not just decorations. They can defeat the Judgment Fleet even if they fight hard. Great loss of strength.

What Daliang said today is the first time that the outside world has learned some details of the Tsushima Strait battle directly from the mouths of the commanders of one of the participating parties.

The Judgment Fleet not only destroyed the King of Fighters fleet, but also increased its strength instead of decreasing, which is even more incredible.

After the discussion in the audience subsided a little, Daliang continued: "Through this battle, I discovered that the maritime combat forces in the Japanese and Korean game zones, whether in terms of personnel, equipment, or combat and tactical literacy, are all the same as my ruling fleet. The huge gap also gave me a very bold idea.

As this friend just said, the initial plan for the Judgment Fleet to enter the Sea of ​​Japan is actually to contain the maritime power of the Japanese and Korean game zones. It can be done day by day until the Judgment Fleet is finished.

However, the naval combat capabilities in the Japanese and Korean game areas are really low, and there is a very big generation gap with my Judgment Fleet.

So facing a weak enemy, as long as my Judgment Fleet has enough supplies, I can run rampant in the Sea of ​​Japan. No one is my opponent in this sea area. Anyone who dares to challenge my Judgment Fleet will have only one result in the end. Iori Yagami and his King of Fighters fleet is a very good reference.

Now the Northern Fleet has gathered a large army in Huichun City, Yanbian, Jilin. To the east of Huichun City is Kraskino City, and to the east of Kraskino City is the Sea of ​​Japan. They will cross the border of the China-Russia game zone and set up a supply point in the Sea of ​​Japan.

Now my Judgment Fleet is heading towards the coast of Kraskino City, where a supply base will be built, and the Judgment Fleet will rely on this supply base to fight.

I don’t think there are people or warships within the player range in the current game world that can defeat the Judgment Fleet.

Since someone wants to fight us, we will open a second battlefield in the Sea of ​​Japan, the hinterland of the Japan-Korea game zone! "

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