Start with an Archangel

Chapter 46 Collapse?

The archangel, who was hit by Julian's speed limit and kicked again, was hit by the magic shot up.

"Thunderbolt Ice".

The magic with freezing attributes made the archangel's body stiff. Although he used "Exorcism" to eliminate his "slow magic" state in time, the freezing attributes did not fall into the category of magic. However, the body of the level 14 creature did not allow this state to remain for too long. The archangel recovered from the freeze a second later, at the cost of another sword blow, and at the same time, the direction of escape was blocked by the enemy archangel. .

The elven archangel seems to have reached a dead end, and Julian, who is free, will sentence the elven defenders to death.

On the distant sea, a mighty fleet was heading towards Feichen Island. The leader was a 300-meter-long warship with dense gunports and royal ships stationed one by one on the mast's horizontal frame. The gryphon, the mighty Crusader, stood on the side of the ship, and the priests sat cross-legged on the top decks of the forecastle and stern of the ship, praying silently.

Above the entire fleet is a dark cloud-like army of griffins, which are guarding the sky above the fleet under the leadership of each royal griffon knight.

Joyce stood on the bridge of the giant ship and stared at the sea ahead. He could vaguely hear the sound of cannons coming from far away.

"We are about to arrive at Feichen Island. I really hope these elves can have enough restraint. I don't want this incident to trigger a civil war in Shangjiang City. The seven vice cities, the academy, the beast tribe and the swamp tribe all support the elves. The undead and demons only want to protect themselves. Only the underground city has always expressed its loyalty to the East China Sea King, but they can't even handle their own internal fighting. Don't expect them to send troops when the fight starts. Hey...if it weren't for Mr. Nelson With a few archangels guarding Shangjiang City, I guess the elves in Chongming City have rebelled long ago."

At this time, on the sea to the left of the Pudong Fleet's first fleet, a fleet similar in size to the Pudong Fleet was sailing from the western sea, with the same target directed at Feichen Island. The large number of Pegasus knights above the fleet showed that this fleet belonged to the elves of Chongming City.

Standing next to Joyce is a strong man, wearing pure white armor, constantly exuding divine aura. He is Archangel Nelson. After hearing Joyce's worries, Nelson looked at the fleet in the distance and said: "His Majesty the King of the East China Sea is old and sick, and he has lost the bravery of his youth. It is estimated that his current wish is to maintain a peaceful status quo in the Shangjiang area and The city was safely handed over to His Royal Highness Prince William. This boosted the arrogance of Chongming City and made the Marquises of the Vice City lose their confidence in Shangjiang City. But Mr. Joyce does not need to worry too much. His Majesty once said: Wait for you After marrying Prince William, the throne was passed on to the prince. Although Prince William's character is... weak..., he is deeply loved by the navy. I think when you become the queen, the Shangjiang area will It will stabilize soon."

Nelson's words made Joyce feel much better. The sound of cannons in front was getting closer and closer, and Feichen Island was about to appear in sight. At this time, the Chongming fleet changed direction and wanted to stop the Pudong fleet from continuing to approach Feichen Island. Seeing these, Joyce said: "The Chongming fleet is willing to stop us here even at the risk of war. It seems that the things on Feichen Island are too important to them. We came to Feichen Island this time. We came to Feichen Island at the right time. If a battle really breaks out in a while, and Chongming uses their archangel Lord Andre, I hope you can stop him..."

Nelson nodded: "I know my responsibility. If Chongming Island is really hostile to Shangjiang City, I will do my best to kill Andre after I see him."

With Nelson's assurance, Joyce gave up all worries and issued an order to the fleet: "I order all personnel to prepare for battle. The fleet will deploy to break through the formation and move forward. If the Chongming fleet attacks us, the entire fleet will immediately counterattack."

The Chongming fleet set up an interception formation on the sea. Their warships lined up in an arc-shaped battle line, with all the gun doors on one side opened. While deterring the Pudong fleet, they outflanked the Pudong fleet's forward route in an attempt to block them in here.

The Pudong fleet also lined up in a straight line and displayed its artillery, confronting the Chongming fleet in an attempt to break through their obstruction.

Two large-scale fleets compete for speed and will at sea, and a wrong lead can trigger an irreversible war.

At this time, the soldiers of the Black Fire Territory, who were locked in a bitter battle on Feichen Island, still didn't know what kind of changes had happened to the outside world because of them.

Daliang did not expect that a simple battle originally planned would turn out to be so brutal. After the magic mages destroyed the one-horned beast, three of them died, and both Simon and Vincent had died in the battle. Unable to attack, Daliang withdrew the onslaught of skeleton soldiers, and the elf defenders with few remaining troops also began to shrink their forces. The battlefield on the ground is temporarily calm, and the outcome will be determined by the battle in the air.

And this battle between Archangel and Archangel seems to be about to end with Julian's victory.

The name of the elf's archangel is Andre. As the guardian angel given to Chongming City by the King of East China Sea, he has been conscientiously fighting for the interests of Chongming City. Today he met the biggest enemy in his life, who was also an archangel, but his strength was far beyond that of ordinary archangels.

Andre, who was entrusted with the important task, was seriously injured, and he was about to become the most advanced creature to die in this battle.

But when Julian was about to cut off the last sword on Andre's head, two thick lines of dark green smoke were spit out from the woods below.

The familiar attack made Julian not dare to delay. She immediately raised her body to avoid this sudden attack.

The healing magic was applied to Andre's body, and his dangerous health finally improved. Julian saw that the enemy was recovering from his injuries, but she did not dare to pursue him. She stared firmly at the direction of the smoke, which was a dense forest, with golden light reflected below the tall trees.

Two soul-shaking screams came from there, and then two giant golden dragons sprang out of the woods.

The Golden Dragon is a level 14 unit of the Elf Tribe. These two proud creatures have been hidden since the beginning of the war. The blood all over the jungle had already made them crazy, so when they were allowed to attack, they immediately rushed towards Julian crazily.

Da Liang never expected that the battle situation would suddenly change like this. He didn't know whether Julian could defeat the two golden dragons and an archangel who was rapidly recovering from his injuries. Perhaps this archangel, who was once evaluated by Metatron as being able to withstand the attack of a small team of demons, will eventually win, but it will definitely not be possible in a short time.

The appearance of the golden dragon greatly boosted the morale of the elven troops. The deadwood warriors had already moved their legs and moved forward slowly. At the same time, the figures of Pegasus knights also appeared in the distant sky. They were sent out for reconnaissance. The number of troops is 40 Silver Pegasus Knights and Pegasus Knights.

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