Start with an Archangel

Chapter 461 Crisis of the Shangjiang Fleet

The sound of artillery fire instantly spread throughout the space, and the sky showed irregular flowing rainbow colors under the influence of various residual magic energies.

A huge wave lifted up the battleship under his feet and then slammed it down hard, and sea water poured down from his head.

"Bang bang bang..."

The shells hit the hull, and a burst of magic shot from nowhere exploded in the sky. A group of griffins fell down.

Even the Black Fire Fleet located behind the Pudong Fleet was attacked, and the Shangjiang Fleet had really broken through.

Amid the violent turbulence, Da Liang lay on the back of the bridge's side fender and looked out. The entire battlefield was surrounded by large undulating waves. Warships under the banner of Jeju Fleet have been completely fighting with the Pudong Fleet, and the Pudong Fleet, which is at a disadvantage in terms of number of ships, is being divided.

However, Daliang also saw that the Pudong battleship group headed by the "Conqueror" was still fighting hard, and the Pudong fleet had not yet reached the point of collapse.

In the higher sky, the "Oath" and the two aerial battleships of the Chongming Fleet lined up. Opposite them were the three aerial battleships of the Jeju Fleet. The cannon muzzles as dense as honeycombs sprayed out cannonballs one after another, and the heavy trebuchets threw alchemy bombs half a meter in diameter. The magic energy cannon emits a thick beam of light that bombards the enemy ship's magic shield.

The air combat units of both sides fought each other, and the short spears fired by the crossbows were like locusts.

The three aerospace battleships of the Jeju Fleet are much smaller than the "Oath" and are about the same size as the two aerospace battleships of the Chongming Fleet. Based on the comparison of firepower, the aerospace fleet of the Jeju fleet is definitely no match for the Shangjiang aerospace fleet led by the "Oath".

What's more, the "Oath" is a legendary battleship. It not only greatly increases the combat effectiveness of the fleet, but its own dual battleship skills are also very domineering.

Flagship skill: Fearless (all warships with "Oath" as the flagship, attack increased by 10%, defense increased by 10%, durability 10%, morale +1)

Battleship skills: firm faith, passive, morale is always greater than or equal to 1, not affected by any magic or magic items

Absolute salvo, active, selects artillery to complete a salvo attack, the hull is not affected by the salvo (normally the artillery fires at the same time, the concentrated recoil will cause damage to the hull, in general salvo, the gun crew will fire in sequence, to Reduce the damage to the hull, and the hit rate will be reduced due to the vibration of the hull. Absolute salvo means that the artillery fires at the same time, and the hit rate and power are greatly improved)

However, the "Oath", which was supposed to be explosive, now displays quite weak firepower. The artillery fire was sparse, and at least half of the artillery could not fire normally.

Another thing that Daliang noticed was that the number of archangels on the entire battlefield was extremely rare. The only ones fighting in the sky were angels and the golden dragons and green dragons of Chongming City. They could not stop the impact of the black dragons of the Jeju fleet, which was also the Jeju fleet. The main reason why you can drive straight in.

Where have all the archangels gone?

At this time, Sidney's communication came in: "Sir, the Oath has been invaded by a large number of great demons. Lord Joyce is leading the archangels to fight against the great demons. The entire battlefield command has been seriously affected. What should our Blackfire Fleet do?"

Da Liang swept across the chaotic battlefield, and then ordered to Sidney: "The Pudong Fleet can still hold on now. You lead the Black Fire Fleet to fight on the periphery of the core battlefield, and do not fight head-on with the main force of the Jeju Fleet. If the Pudong Fleet is defeated, retreat immediately , don’t escape with the large fleet, run towards the Black Fire Leader.”

"Understood, my lord."

"I will go to the Oath now to see the battle situation above. I will leave the Blackfire Fleet to you. Preservation of strength is the first priority."


After receiving continuous assurances from Sidney, Daliang summoned a silver pegasus, rode on it and flew towards the "Oath".

The air is far more dangerous than the deck of a ship. There are rampant flying units everywhere, and arrows and magic are woven into large nets.

Da Liang used status magic combined with continuous fireballs to kill several harpies and a manticore, but his status as a hero immediately attracted more enemies.

An academic hero flew over with a group of gargoyles, and then they were attacked by a group of royal griffins.

The enemies in the sky are overwhelming, and there is no way for Liu Ya to escape.

Daliang, who was hit by several arrows and hit once by a range of magic, no longer wanted to fight. He healed himself once, then raised his force field shield and rushed towards the Oath.

"This is the airspace of the Oath, tell us your identity!"

When approaching the "Oath", Daliang was intercepted by a royal griffon knight. Because he was riding a silver pegasus, he was not directly attacked.

Daliang took out his count badge and said loudly: "I am Count Feichen, take me to see Master Joyce immediately."

The Royal Griffin Knight belonging to the Pudong Fleet recognized Daliang. He immediately commanded a group of griffins to block the pursuers behind Daliang, then turned over and took Daliang to fly towards the deck of the "Oath".

Over the side of the ship, Da Liang landed on the deck.

The upper deck of the "Oath" is still in normal condition. Although it has been damaged by the battle, the important facilities are still intact. The advanced anti-magic tower resisted magic attacks on the ship, the artillery continued to roar, and several archangels guarded various important positions.

"Your Excellency," the Royal Griffin Knight said to Daliang: "In the morning, our 'Oath' was attacked by a group of big demons. Now they are attacking the 'Oath' energy core. Lord Joyce and Lord Bartlett are attacking." Lead the archangels to clear out the invading demons."

As if to confirm what the Royal Griffin Knight said, a dull sound came from inside the battleship, and then the entire hull shook.

Being able to deal with Joyce and Bartlett at the same time, the strength of these big demons is not simple. Moreover, Jeju City is obviously the main city of an underground city. How could it be possible to recruit a large number of high-level demons?

Daliang asked: "Where is Master Joyce now?"

"The energy core of the Oath is on the fifth deck, and Lord Joyce should be there."

Just when Da Liang was about to ask how to get to the fifth deck, there was another loud noise inside the "Oath".

The sound was very close, and then followed by a loud bang, it suddenly exploded on the deck not far from Daliang, and several figures rushed out from the gap.

It's Joyce...

Da Liang quickly recognized Joyce's attire, a dignified and upright naval officer's uniform that did not affect her flexibility. She wore a triangular sailing hat and held a sword in her hand.

With the tip of the sword downward, he stood casually, ignoring the three large humanoid demons with curved horns on their heads in front of him. Joyce turned his face sideways and smiled across the corner of his mouth: "You came very timely, but here. The battle is not something you can participate in, just think of a way, if it's too late, you won't be able to see me."

The nearby archangels had already come to support, and the three demons roared in unison and disappeared. Then they appeared next to Joyce and chopped off the sickles in their hands.

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