Start with an Archangel

Chapter 463 New helping hand

Da Liang walked out of the palace hall.

The news of King Howard's disappearance was strictly blocked. The unified statement to the outside world was that King Donghae was already close to the naval battle battlefield, and the naval battle between Shangjiang and Jeju would end quickly because of King Donghae's arrival.

Shangjiang City is still immersed in its strong confidence in Howard.

But Daliang knew that the distance from Shangjiang City to the battlefield was too far, which was a serious drain on the archangel. Nelson and the others needed to fly across a long sea and rest and recover before entering the battlefield. The time to join the battle is estimated to be tonight, or even tomorrow.

Can Joyce survive until then?

Daliang asked Sidney who was on the battlefield.

The situation of the "Oath" is very bad. The firepower has been completely suppressed by the enemy. Joyce has not issued an order on the fleet command channel for a long time. The Shangjiang Fleet operates as a squadron, and the cooperation is not Jeju at all. Fleet rival.

"I don't know if the Shangjiang fleet can hold on for another hour. If the 'Oath' loses its combat capability, this war will end at any time."

Joyce could be killed at any moment.

New reinforcements must be sought as soon as possible.

Daliang retracted his steps towards the palace gate and turned towards the road leading to the inner courtyard.

Holy Bella lived a leisurely life in the Shangjiang Palace. She did not wear armor but wore a white silk top. She sat on the window with a book in her hand, letting the sea breeze blow her golden hair. Hair swaying slightly.

Turn the pages slowly and read carefully.

The archangel guards brought Daliang in.

"You're back from the kingdom of death? Are things going well?"

Daliang replied: "It's going well. I have successfully joined the Wizards Guild and the territory construction task has begun. But I am not here this time for the affairs of the Kingdom of Death. Now when the Shangjiang Fleet is fighting against the Jeju Fleet , was attacked by some big demons, I ask you to lead the right-wing angel escort team to the battlefield to support us."

Holy Bella's voice was without any waves: "You should know that I have no interest in the fight for your main world. My mission is to keep an eye on the two regional lord kings hiding here in Shangjiang City. What's more... He's just a big demon. Is it so difficult for such a small character to ask me to do it myself?

You can recruit Archangels through Cloud City, and His Majesty Howard also has the ability to deal with low-level hell creatures like Arch Demons. "

Daliang walked to Holy Bella: "The battlefield is too far away from Shangjiang City. Let's recruit archangels to support us. The battle there is over. As for space teleportation... I have a very unfortunate news to tell you, the King of East China Sea His Majesty was attacked while passing through the portal just now, and his whereabouts are unknown now.

Now the only person in Shangjiang City who can support us is you. "

Holy Bella closed the book, stepped down from the window sill and walked to Da Liang: "Little boy, standing in front of you is the holy right wing of Archangel Michael. My duty is more arduous than supporting your war. Do you have any Have you ever thought about what might happen here if I leave Shangjiang City?

The strength of the Hell Lord King is increasing every day. I dare to say that as soon as I leave this city, this city will be destroyed immediately.

Go out and think of other ways. Maybe someone willing to help you will appear in front of you. There are always some nasty things wandering outside the palace. "

After saying that, Holy Bella ignored Daliang and walked towards the guard. The brilliance attached to her body, the silk gown was replaced by armor, and then she disappeared outside the door.

Da Liang looked out through the window. This was the fourth floor of the palace castle. Directly opposite the palace wall was a slightly remote alley.

What does Holy Bella seem to be implying?

But no matter what, since it is possible to find someone who can help you there, then go there and try your luck.

Daliang left the palace and came to the alley.

The alley was slightly dim in the shadow of the palace and castle. In the deepest part of the alley, Da Liang saw a man in a black cloak. In the shadow, he was very inconspicuous.

Da Liang walked over carefully, and the man in a black cloak turned and walked into another alley.

Daliang quickly chased after him and saw the man stopping at another corner. After seeing Daliang chasing after him, the man continued to move forward.

The tracking process was silent. Whenever Daliang thought he had lost the pursuit, that person would always appear nearby, waiting for Daliang to catch up before continuing to lead the way.

After twisting and turning in this complicated neighborhood, Daliang finally blocked the man in a black cloak at a dead end.

"Who are you?" Daliang stood ten meters away from the opponent, a force field shield spell ready to be released at any time, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Lord Daliang, you are obviously the one who followed me here, but I still want to ask you what your purpose is?"

The familiar voice made Da Liang immediately take out a piece of paper, and then said: "Erges, you dare to come out, are you not afraid that I will capture you and hand you over to Holy Bella?"

"Of course I'm afraid, so what's in front of you is not my true form. You only have the three wishes I gave you. Now you can try to see if you can catch me within the three wishes."

Daliang put away Ergus's letter for help. Since Ergus dared to use his clone to see him, it is estimated that the three will not be able to catch him. Just like when he encountered another clone of Ergus on the third floor of the Shangjiang Sewer, Holy Bella also prevented him from using the distress letter.

"I will not waste the three wishes of the Third Hell Lord King casually. I am not interested in your clone, but I am very strange. You are so close to the palace, are you not afraid of being discovered by Holy Bella?"

Ergus replied: "It's just a clone, why should I be afraid? Holy Bella is a very big threat to me. As long as she relaxes a little, I will kill her. But she also discovered me , guessed my purpose, and even deliberately showed off some cleverness to lure me into action. As expected, he was an angel who could survive several major wars.

After all, why did Holy Bella ask you to come to me? It's impossible to detect me with your abilities. "

Daliang didn't expect that Holy Bella's leisurely appearance was just for Ergos to see. This battle angel probably never relaxed for a moment.

But what is the purpose of Holy Bella asking me to find Ergos? Did he think Ergus would come to support the Oath? Or do you want to use this to find out where Ergus's body is hidden?

But no matter what the purpose of Holy Bella is, if this Lord King can be invited to support the "Oath", Joyce can definitely be rescued.

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