Start with an Archangel

Chapter 466 It’s time for us to fight back

Sure enough, as Ergus expected, these powerful demons are all long-lived guys.

They are all old subordinates of the former Hell Lord King, so of course they are easy to obey. Otherwise, if we encounter a group of newly born stupid young people, these lord kings who have been away from hell for too long may not be able to surrender to them.

Daliang stepped forward and said to the big demon in front of him: "What's your name?"

"Reporting to the messenger of the Dread Lord, my name is Adams."

The Great Demon Adams stood up and said respectfully to Daliang.

Daliang, who was concerned about Joyce's safety, asked Adams: "Where is Joyce, the admiral of the Shangjiang Fleet?"

"I don't know who Joyce is. We were ordered to capture the 'Oath'. But we were blocked by the Archangel and some powerful heroes. Now there is fighting all over the ship. If you want to find someone, you can go to the Oath." On the fifth deck, the energy core there is where we focus our attack..."

Da Liang showed off his earl badge, stopped a group of human soldiers who wanted to attack the Great Demon Adams, and ordered them: "Take us to the energy core on the fifth deck immediately and inform others to look for Master Joyce. , tell her that I can control these big demons, and ask her to join me on the fifth deck."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The soldiers immediately dispersed, some went to look for Joyce, and some opened a hatch from the deck to lead the way for Da Liang.

Daliang said to Adams: "You follow me. If a big demon appears, you are responsible for resisting it. If the other party is willing to submit to the Dread Lord, let him go. If not... kill him."

"Yes, sir."

Da Liang and the soldiers walked down the cabin, followed by the big devil Adams.

The artillery positions that were not damaged by the battle continued to fire artillery shells. Even if an unknown number of great demons invaded the battleship, the high morale brought by the "Oath" and the Archangels still allowed all the soldiers to stay in the fighting position.

The artillery fire rumbled, and from time to time, cannonballs penetrated the ship's planks and rushed in, ricocheting wildly.

There are also great demons fighting against archangels and human hero units.

Adams followed Daliang's order to resist the big devil, and Daliang used his identity as count to stop the attacks of the archangels and heroes.

Under the call of Ergos, one big demon after another joined Da Liang's team.

The archdemon, archangel, and human hero passed through each deck, and the team behind Da Liang continued to expand.

When Daliang passed by, the battle inside the battleship was under control, the affected gun positions began to recover, and the "Oath"'s firepower increased.

Walking down the complicated passage, we soon reached the fifth floor.

Joyce and Bartlett held the last line of defense leading to the energy core. In this large chamber, the five great demons killed all other defenders.

The floor was strewn with corpses, and the great demons were surrounding him from five directions.

The situation of Joyce and the archangels was very bad. The invading demons generally surpassed the archangels in strength. According to the strength of Joyce and Bartlett, they faced individual powerful demons one-on-one. Even if Being able to win also requires careful handling.

And great demons of this strength have a high proportion in the invading demon army. Those newly recruited archangels are like children in front of such high-level demons. Without Joyce and Bartlett's active remediation, and without the desperate efforts of many soldiers and heroes, the "Oath" would have been destroyed long ago.

However, although the defenders of the "Oath" rose up to resist, they could only hold on for a few more hours.

All the archangels died, and the human heroes also suffered heavy casualties.

Joyce leaned her back against the bulkhead. She looked at Bartlett, who was also barely standing next to her, and said, "Although I knew that I would die in the battleship sooner or later, I didn't expect that today would come so soon."

Bartlett replied: "I'm even more worried about Your Majesty. According to what I know about him, he should have boarded the Oath a long time ago, but he didn't come. Shangjiang City didn't send any reinforcements. There must be something bad there." things happen."

Joyce smiled and said: "No matter what happens in Shangjiang City, it has nothing to do with us. Let's fight hard now. I think I can kill another one..."

Magical energy gathered in Joyce's hands, Bartlett's angel sword became brighter and brighter, and the two were about to launch a final charge.

And they saw a large group of big demons suddenly coming out of the sub-space.

Then several archangels flew in from the gap in the cabin to block Joyce and Bartlett.

"what's going on?"

Joyce saw that the big demons who came in later were also blocking the five big demons originally here, and the archangels who rushed in were standing very close to the big demons, but had no intention of fighting them.

The atmosphere in the cabin was very strange until a person walked in.

"It's Da Liang!"

Joyce and Bartlett saw Da Liang at the same time, and also saw the shadow of Ergos behind him.

Four of the five great demons knelt down to Da Liang. The one who hesitated was immediately killed by the great demons.

The Archdemon and the Archangel stood in the same cabin, and the original mortal enemies now stood in the same camp.

"Daliang, what happened? Why do these big demons listen to you? What's going on with the Dread Lord behind you?"

Daliang cast healing magic on Joyce, and then said: "Now is not the time to talk about this. I have the ability to deal with the invading demon, and resolving the current battle is the most important thing. Mr. Joyce, please return immediately Go to the bridge of the Oath to command the fleet; Archangel is here to defend the energy core; Bartlett, take me to other fighting places in the Oath.

I can subdue these big demons, and with the flagship of the Jeju fleet so close to us, it's time for us to fight back. "

Joyce and Bartlett still couldn't believe what they saw at this time. The big demons who had been fighting desperately with them just now were all standing around Da Liang obediently.

But as Daliang said, now is not the time to explain. The most important thing is to stabilize the Shangjiang Fleet that is about to collapse and then counterattack the Jeju Fleet.

Joyce returns to the bridge of the Oath through space magic.

The communication channels of all the heroic commanders of the Shangjiang Fleet sounded at the same time: Lord Joyce, the Chief Admiral of the Shangjiang Fleet, entered the command position.

"Commanders and captains of the Shangjiang Fleet, I am very pleased that you were able to continue fighting when the 'Oath' was attacked. Now that the enemies in the 'Oath' have been eliminated, Earl Feichen Reinforcements were brought, reinforcements that were powerful enough to turn the tide of the war.

It's our turn to fight back!

Now I order..."

The firepower of the "Oath" gradually recovered, and the scene of hundreds of cannons firing at the same time was spectacular. Joyce arranged the tactical directions of each fleet. Not far in front of her, Da Liang re-entered the upper deck, and the big demons walked out of the sky one by one...

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