Start with an Archangel

Chapter 491 What I received was not gold coins

The great sea battle taking place in East Asia concerns the hearts of all Hero World players.

There are countless news about this battle every moment, and there are countless live broadcasts of the battle. There are well-known anchors who live in the war zone to present a wonderful naval battle to the audience; there are also official mouthpieces of both warring parties, using ribbon-cut and rendered videos to show the bravery of one's side and the embarrassment of the enemy.

Various live broadcast videos presented the grand spectacle of a sea battle to players all over the world. Viewers greedily clicked on one different live broadcast after another, wanting to see this passionate sea battle.

As for the cost of watching the live broadcast?

It's all small money.

Most of the paid live broadcasts only cost more than ten dollars to watch for one hour. Some fans who don’t care about money even charge a few dollars per hour to pay the activation fee of the live broadcast. There are also many free live broadcasts, like those on official mouthpieces. The live broadcast is not only free, but the pictures are also exciting and beautiful.

However, the most well-known anchor only set the viewing fee at 50 silver/hour, which is a relatively high price, because this battle has caused the price of gold in surrounding game areas to start to rise. Taking the China Gaming Zone as an example, the price of gold, which originally broke below 20 yuan, has now returned to above 20 yuan.

10 yuan per person per hour is already considered a very high charge.

Daliang successfully launched a soft advertisement for his anchor room through the World Channel.

Those players who were attracted searched for the live broadcast room of "Iori Yagami's Special Peace Talk", and then discovered that the fee for this live broadcast room was - 5 gold/hour.

That's right, it's 5 gold per hour, which means that if you want to watch Daliang's live video, you have to pay a red ticket every hour.

In fact, Daliang also went through a short inner struggle to price his live broadcast.

I'm not short of money, so I posted an announcement on the World Channel, and I didn't even feel a trace of emotion in my heart.

But... I am a high-level player with style and status.

If you charge dozens of silver or no fees for live streaming, isn’t it confusing me with those low-level anchors and players?

Are you a person who needs to make a fortune through live streaming? Are you someone who needs to show off via live streaming?


The main purpose of this live broadcast is to show the spirit of our Judgment Legion to players all over the world, so that they can appreciate our skilled combat skills and appreciate the command art contained in it.

I just want to share a good-looking war with everyone.

That's all.

The purpose is very pure.

Money... is definitely not the most important thing.

In order to make the audience clearly realize that my live broadcast is not for making money and to let them feel my noble sentiments, it is very necessary to make some adjustments to the live broadcast charges.

Daliang was easily convinced by this idea in his mind.

Each person is charged 5 gold per hour. What I charge is not gold coins, but feelings.

So dark!

Almost all players who saw this charging price had such a word in their minds at the same time.

But then I thought about it.

Who is Daliang? The world's top player, his reputation is chasing the world's number one.

Where is Da Liang? The Sea of ​​Japan, for a fleet belonging to the Chinese game area, is the real enemy hinterland.

What is Da Liang doing? The headquarters of Yagami-an, the leader who commanded the pursuit of the Judgment fleet that attacked the Tottori coast of Japan's Honshu Island, is here.

If Daliang really attacks the King of Fighters territory, it will be a very important battle, and it is likely to be a turning point in the East Asian naval war, and its value is immeasurable.

And what is happening in the Japanese game zone Tottori Coast?

Among the overwhelming information on naval battles in East Asia, there is very little information about the Tottori region.

Japan deliberately concealed the upcoming armed conflict in Tottori. The few live broadcast videos also shot scenes in the sea from very far away from land. You can see the air units flying in the sea and in the sky, but it is very unclear.

Even these live videos were quickly cut off under the threat of several Japanese viewers.

Japan's various actions give people the feeling that they are in a very unfavorable situation.

In the Sea of ​​​​Japan, which Japan calls itself an inland sea, Japan actually thinks that it is at a disadvantage when facing the Judgment Fleet.

It’s really incredible!

Daliang is so arrogant on the World Channel and treats the two game areas as nothing. Isn't it a bluff?

The closure of information about the Tottori battlefield has given the whole world a huge suspense. Everyone's curiosity has been aroused, and they want to know what is happening there and what is about to happen?

There is also no news about the Tottori battlefield in the Chinese game area.

The only live broadcast that can see this battle up close and directly is——

"Iori Yagami-an has special peace talks"

The charge is 5 gold per hour.

This is a monopoly and there is no choice.

But think about it again, it costs thousands to attend a celebrity concert. What is the identity of Da Liang? The live broadcast only charges 5 gold per hour.

Very real.

Audiences who wanted to understand began to pour into Daliang's live broadcast room. Not only players in the Chinese game area, but also players from all over the world poured into this room.

In Daliang's live broadcast room, the main video is shot from a high altitude, looking down from the air, half of the ocean and half of the land.

The Judgment Fleet on the sea pulled out 17 two-masted warships and arranged a horizontal formation to move forward toward the coastline. There was not a single warship in the Japanese game area near them, only small fishing boats responsible for surveillance in the distance. The ruling fleet ignored this surveillance and seemed to have no interest in attacking such small ships.

The Judgment air combat troops slowly circled around the Judgment fleet, and there were no Japanese air combat personnel approaching either.

If you don't know in advance that this is the Sea of ​​Japan, it will feel like the Judgment Fleet is sailing in the waters of the Chinese game area.

On the shore is the King of Fighters collar.

The Level 5 territory has relatively complete city defense facilities. There are forts built at the four corners of the city. A defensive offensive is being urgently built along the port shore outside the city. You can see artillery and ballistae being placed, and a large number of players coming from all directions.

Dozens of sloops were stranded on the shore.

Various measures show that the Judgment Fleet has completely controlled the sea control of the Tottori Castle waters, and the air supremacy over the sea seems to be in the hands of the Judgment Fleet.

Where are the battleships in the Japanese game area? Why was he forced to look like this on the sea in front of his home?

The positions of both sides of the battle aroused strong curiosity in every audience. At the same time, they could also see the security arrangement of the King of Fighters. Faced with such a strict defense system, the firepower of the Judgment Fleet seemed not enough to threaten the King of Fighters.

At this time, a giant frost dragon flew in from a distance with a large group of players riding silver pegasus. As the distance got closer, the audience could see a player riding on the back of the giant frost dragon.

And just when the audience wanted to see clearly who the player riding the dragon was, a huge and beautiful figure appeared and walked in front of the camera.

She flew slowly diagonally from below the camera, wearing white armor, white wings, and long golden hair.

It’s Da Liang’s Angel Ji!

Great value!

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