Start with an Archangel

Chapter 494 Arrival

Of course Shi Fei is aware of his character flaws. He can act freely and freely on the Internet. With his technology and study of games, he has always played the role of a leader. Many people call him Boss Fei.

Even in his previous life, in the world of heroes, he had no background and could not be a super strong person, but he was still considered a member of the Xiaoqiang.

However, outside of games, he is not good at communication, and he has no sense of presence in school. He is even more emotionally restrained. He dare not write his name even in a love letter for fear of rejection.

Especially in his previous life, he mustered up the courage to speak his true feelings to the demon bird outside the game. After being decisively rejected, he completely hid himself in the game.

Even after he was reborn, he still insisted on living alone. He would never meet with his subordinates unless necessary.

In addition to the need to hide his identity, he has been avoiding it.

After losing the news of "her" in the game, Shi Fei can go back to Shangjiang City to meet "her" outside the game, for any reason. But Shi Fei was afraid to face it, afraid of being rejected again.

Half Moon Cat specializes in intelligence gathering, and human psychology is inherently important information in intelligence. Shi Fei's character was quickly noticed by Banyue Mao, who was good at observing words and expressions.

Many people are like this, with low emotional intelligence, but they can fully display their talents in the virtual world.

Shi Fei was silent for a while and said to Half-Moon Cat: "You don't need to worry about my affairs. Focus on the intelligence. The guild's resources are not for you to investigate useless things. I feel that the East China Sea battlefield will soon happen due to the Tottori Sea Battle. Change, you immediately find a breakthrough in the Southeast Asian Alliance. After my master fleet has rested in Sanya, I will end the war in the South China Sea..."

"Yes, Legion Commander. No matter when you ask me to meet, I will be available."

Half Moon Cat ended the communication.

Shi Fei quit the game and lit a cigarette for himself.

The headquarters of the Tottori Ikuda Corps in Japan.

All members of the Judgment Fleet have withdrawn to the sea. A fire on the shore engulfed the entire station, and explosions that sounded from time to time blocked the approach of Japanese players.

At this time, all the two-masted battleships in the Judgment Fleet were in an overloaded state, the waterline was raised, and the ship hulls were sailing awkwardly on the sea.

Not only were the decks of each ship piled with various supplies, but the small boats accompanying the ships were also towed behind the battleships, which were also filled with large and small barrels and boxes.

Overloading a warship is definitely a taboo in naval battles, and a ship that loses maneuverability is a living target.

However, there are no ships that can threaten the Judgment Fleet in this sea area. Without air superiority, a small number of ships are a success for the Judgment Fleet.

Leaving the burning Yutian Legion station, the Judgment Fleet loaded with supplies headed towards the next legion station.

At this time, all the legion stations along the Tottori coast were ordered by Iori Yagami, "They are not allowed to escape, and they are not allowed to take away a barrel of gunpowder or a box of shells from the Judgment Fleet, and use all means to consume the Judgment Fleet's ammunition..."

Under the threat, all Tottori legions actively organized station defenses and placed all the manpower they could mobilize in the legion stations.

The Judgment Fleet arrives.

The air superiority was easily lost. Without ultimate creatures or enough air combat units, you can only watch archangels and frost dragons flying in the sky.

The sky turned red, a strange state came, and everyone found that their attributes had dropped significantly.

Then the ruling fleet did not occupy the legion's station, nor did it conduct artillery bombardment. Instead, it directly released a shower of meteors and fire in the sky.

People discovered that the fire cloud summoned by Da Liang was larger and redder than the one he summoned in Dongyue Territory. The entire red cloud was like flowing lava, with growing giant meteorites rolling inside.

Under the red sky, it seemed as if a divine punishment was about to come.

And below it are panicked players.

Everyone marveled at the power contained in this magic, and marveled at the strategic power possessed by the top legions and top players.

"Meteor Shower" released.

In the rain of fire and meteorites falling,

One station was reduced to rubble.

The fire burned...

Continue to the next stop.

Daliang violently bombarded every legion station along the Tottori coast. Shu Xiao, Archangel, and Frost Dragon seized control of the air, and then washed away the ground with "meteors and fire showers."

Unstoppable and unavoidable, the legions along the way watched in panic as the Judgment Fleet slowly drove all the way south, leaving behind fires one after another.

Yagami'an's information has long been filled with various messages asking for help. The only way to stop Da Liang's bombing is to fight for air supremacy, and seizing air supremacy requires a large number of air combat personnel.

Most of Tottori's existing air combat units are concentrated in the King of Fighters territory.

But Iori Yagami has seen Julian's combat effectiveness. The air combat troops in his hands can only fight against her if they form a group. Once mobilized, they will be ruled out in air combat and seize the opportunity to eliminate them one by one with speed.

What's more, Daliang doesn't only have one Archangel in his hand, the Frost Dragon and Broken Moon are both very powerful.

"No, I will never mobilize any air combat personnel to support you. The real purpose of the Judgment Fleet is my King of Fighters Territory. What Daliang did is to surround the point for reinforcements and let me send reinforcements to eliminate it. If my King of Fighters Territory is destroyed, Your base cannot be saved either.

Be patient, when Daliang knows my determination to stick to it, he will leave. "

Iori Yagami turned a deaf ear to the call for help and concentrated on directing the naval battle in Kraskino City. The Judgment single-masted battleship group all relied on coastal defense, and under the protection of thousands of air combat personnel, they fought hard with his King of Fighters fleet.

He needs to resolve the battle here as soon as possible.

"Attack, attack, attack with all our strength, we have been delayed here for too long!"

Tottori Coast.

Da Liang continued to set fire along the coastline of Tottori. In order to prevent the Judgment Fleet from obtaining supplies, the Japanese players all stayed in the station and were buried with him.

The unilateral bombing continued until the afternoon. When the bright light set the entire Tottori coast on fire, the Judgment Fleet once again returned to the harbor outside the King of Fighters territory.

"The fleet is on standby in a horizontal formation outside the range of the King of Fighters' coastal anti-aircraft guns; the Shuttle, the 15th, 16th, and 17th ships set up a warning circle with the single-masted battleship; the air combat force auxiliary fleet airspace is determined, the search range is expanded, and always pay attention The activities of Japanese surface ships; Broken Moon, Julian, Thunderstorm, and the first squadron of Judgment Air Combat entered the airspace of the King of Fighters territory from high altitude to serve as the air escort of the new flagship."

Everyone is wondering: Why is there a new flagship? Isn’t our flagship the legendary brigantine battleship Shuttle? However, no one asked or paused because of doubts about the execution of the order. The ruling fleet immediately began to set up a defensive area in accordance with Da Liang's order.

After a moment, Da Liang continued to speak from the command position on the command channel: "The Judgment Fleet began to change the flagship. The Shuttle, the 15th, 16th, and 17th ships and all single-masted battleships were the escort fleet, responsible for the outer defense of the fleet. The flagship flew Shuttle; all other battleships are part of the artillery fleet. The formation order for the new flagship has been issued. Please accept it, captains..."

At this time, the captains of the bombardment fleet received a fleet formation request from a warship.

"The 'Black Pearl' invites your warship to join the Judgment Fleet bombardment squadron, please accept!"

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