Start with an Archangel

Chapter 507 The situation in Shangjiang rises again

The Sun Waiter's teleportation attack on the Black Pearl started very quickly and ended very quickly. In addition, Iori Yagami didn't have to film the scene of them capturing the Black Pearl, so the audience was left in the dark and didn't know what was going on in the sky.

But the actions of the blade-bearers of the Dominator Legion were very high-profile.

After Daliang confirmed the victory against the King of Fighters fleet, Shi Fei, who commanded the naval battle in Southeast Asia, immediately ordered the blade holders to enter the battlefield.

Within ten minutes, more than ten boss-level figures in the Southeast Asian fleet were all killed and demoted to one level.

Feishauzushi used assassination videos to reveal another war mode to the entire game world. In all assassinations, the assassin appears directly next to these minds, kills people cleanly with super strong attack power, and then teleports away after the guards react.

More than ten people were located in different locations, but they were killed by flying sand and stones in a short period of time.

It's not a big deal to drop a level, but what's really scary is the way those assassins act: they appear right next to you and ask you if you're afraid.

The first round of assassinations was over, and Feishauzushi posted all the assassination stories on the official forum.

One flashing image after another stabbed a knife in the heart of every leading member of the Southeast Asian Association.

At this moment, the defeat of the Japan-South Korea alliance in the East Asian battlefield has been accomplished. Southeast Asia is also panicking about being killed. The Chinese Southern Fleet on the sea is being beaten back steadily. Everyone has lost the confidence to continue fighting.

A request for peace talks was sent, Feishanzushishi agreed to an armistice, and the battlefield in Southeast Asia ended first.

Da Liang also destroyed the King of Fighters fleet before nightfall. Xu Man announced the end of the East Asian Naval War, and armistice peace talks were held in the three game areas of China, Japan and South Korea.

At this point, the first phase of the battle for hegemony in East Asia is over.

The Chinese Game Zone achieved victory in both the northern and southern battlefields. However, due to its passive participation in the war and lack of preparation, it was unable to continue to expand its results. If it continued to fight, it would only fall into a war of attrition without any benefit. It is in the interests of players in China to give up when things are good, take advantage of the current advantages to take the initiative in negotiations, and resume ocean development as soon as possible.

However, Daliang generally doesn't care about this kind of post-war gossiping, as long as the benefits are not less to his brother.

Hahaha, in the Sea of ​​Japan, I turned my hands to make clouds and rain, mobilized the enemy like arms and fingers, and won consecutive battles. Isn't it better for the ship to be parked in the territorial waters of the Korean game zone than to flee back with the fleet in despair? It seems that the 6% shares of Yingshi Virtual Bank cannot be escaped. It’s beautiful...

And the gold coins earned from yesterday's live broadcast, especially when the Black Pearl bombarded the King of Fighters, directly raised the number of viewers to the highest peak.

With tens of millions of viewers, Daliang set another game record.

With 150 million gold coins, Da Liang's heartbeat reached a new height.

Wow hahahaha... How should I spend so much money?

The college alliance donated some, and the brothers in the Adjudication Fleet shared some. This battle was fought beautifully, and everyone's hard work paid off.

The rest is deposited in Yingshi Virtual Bank for them to help invest. As a major shareholder and a member of the board of directors, of course they have to take care of their own business first.

You need to find someone who understands things like financial operations, otherwise it will all be in your own hands. When the gold coins depreciate, this thing will shrink.

With shares and money to be made, this battle is really exciting.

Sure enough, it's like what Brother Jin said, if you want money, you will have to fight soon. In order to make more money from brother's money, you must stir up trouble on this ocean.

And when Daliang was swimming in the ocean of gold coins, the alliance sent a message that made him nervous.

On the way to Jeju City, the Shangjiang Fleet destroyed the Jeju Fleet and encountered more than a hundred fallen angels. There was no fighting between the two sides for the time being. At the same time, a fallen angel appeared in the sky above Shangjiang City.

Lucifer from Hell finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to intervene in Shangjiang City.

Realizing that the matter was serious, Daliang did not stay in the Sea of ​​Japan for long. He asked Shu Xiao to return with the Judgment Fleet, and then asked the Black Pearl to go back on its own, and then used the return to the city to return to Shangjiang City.

Fallen angels represent hell, but Shangjiang City is the main city of the human race. The news that a group of fallen angels fell into the palace brought panic to Shangjiang City.

As soon as Daliang appeared in the city, he was found by a group of palace guards.

"The Prime Minister, the Duke of Joshua, invites the Earl to attend a royal meeting at the palace..."

"Lead the way!"

After Daliang arrived at the royal conference room of the palace, several important figures from Shangjiang City had already arrived, including several city lords and ministers. The atmosphere in the conference room was very depressing. Everyone was sitting there silently, thinking about their own things.

After Da Liang came in, he sat down next to Joyce. Just when he was about to ask what happened in Shangjiang City these days, Marquis Stanley had already ran over and sat on the other side of Da Liang. He asked in a low voice: "I heard Your Majesty is missing?"

Daliang didn't expect that Howard's disappearance would spread to Jiading City so quickly. He asked, "Who did you listen to?"

"Now everyone with some status in Shangjiang knows it. Is this why Joshua called us all here?"

If it’s for this matter, let’s ask Joyce first. Howard was kidnapped by Angela entirely because of the troubles caused by the fallen angels from hell. What are they doing in Shangjiang this time? You can't blatantly say, "Yunzhong City is not doing well, we have to take over Shangjiang City."

Daliang turned his head to Joyce's side and asked his doubts.

At this time, Joshua has not arrived yet. Joyce said to Daliang: "I don't know who leaked the secret. Almost all the nobles know the news of His Majesty's disappearance. Joshua summoned the city lord and important ministers this time, probably to Let’s talk about the succession to the throne. Joshua is receiving the messengers from hell. They have openly intervened in our dispute with Jeju City. It is estimated that this war will also end.”

Hell is directly showing off hundreds of fallen angels, and the Shangjiang Fleet will definitely be unable to continue sailing to Jeju Island.

However, Daliang always felt that Hell sent messengers for something other than such a simple matter. Hell wanted to intervene in the affairs of Shangjiang City, but their agents failed to win at sea, and a group of fallen angels had no confidence in front of Holy Bella.

"Count Da Liang"

A voice interrupted Da Liang's thinking. He looked up and saw Matron Abigail, the lord of Songjiang City, looking at him with a smile.

A smile immediately appeared on Da Liang's face: "Master Marquis, I haven't seen you for a while, and I find that you are more beautiful than before. I heard that Songjiang City is more prosperous than before under your governance, and many underground black elf tribes have come to submit. .”

Beauty and power are the things that every black elf matron cares about most. After being flattered by Daliang, Abigail laughed out loud: "Your Excellency, the Earl is still so lovable. I will never forget Songjiang City." How did I get it? I married my daughter to you. We are a family, and Songjiang City will always be your home. If you have time, you can bring my daughter to Songjiang City to live for a while. I miss you very much. .”

Did Abigail take the wrong medicine today?

In the black elf tribe, the competition for the position of mistress is very cruel. When Abigail thought Monica was a threat to herself, she used her to perform a ritual of praying to the gods without knowing her life or death without any affection at all. Although Monica and Abigail are mother and daughter, their relationship has completely broken down.

Monica found her place in Da Liang's army and slowly showed her defensive talents.

After leaving Songjiang, Monica never mentioned her mother. Abigail has never sent anyone to visit her daughter. She doesn't even know that Daliang has canceled his engagement with Monica.

What does Abigail want to do in this situation today?

Songjiang City is a city on the edge of Shangjiang River. A war completely changed the ruling class. A new relationship network has not yet been established. There are no allies in the Shangjiang area to look after each other. Therefore, the big bosses generally do not consider Songjiang City's opinions when making decisions.

Could it be that Abigail saw that Joshua was about to become king, and as an elf, Joshua hated black elves. This matron was afraid that she would be tricked into trying to curry favor with him in the future.


Look at the people around me. The Marquis of Joyce, the Lord of the Admiralty, has just won a battle and has suddenly become famous. He is even qualified to compete for the throne; the Marquis of Stanley, once a famous poor city lord, is now a famous rich man. Look at Jiading The city's busy roads and mountains of goods are like money falling from the sky.

Power on the left hand, money on the right hand.

Brother is now a well-known figure in Shangjiang, and it is reasonable for him to be fawned over.

Hahaha, female black elves are really beautiful, they wear less and are more relaxed.

At this time, the scene of meeting Abigail for the first time appeared in Da Liang's mind again...

Whips and candles.


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