Start with an Archangel

Chapter 510 Turning over the clouds

Weird, too weird!

Daliang, who was anxious to push Abigail to the top, suddenly felt that things were far from being as simple as he imagined.

If Abigail wants to rise to power with the child in her belly, she must seek outside support. Because she has no status after all, these dignitaries can deprive her of the so-called orthodox inheritance rights because she is an illegitimate child.

Anyway, if you say you have the right to inherit, you will have the right to inherit. If you say you don't, then you won't.

And when Abigail was about to start the meeting, she temporarily roped in her brother. Was it unknowingly a temporary act?

She was just so sure that we would support her.

This kind of surprise attack without saying hello in advance. Even real allies can be deceived, not to mention that everyone's relationship is not harmonious because of Monica.

If she hadn't stood up to support her just now, she would have obviously put herself in a very dangerous situation.

However, Abigail is definitely not such a reckless person.

She must have someone else to support her, and brother is just her first choice. Even if we don't express our opinions, there are definitely people who will stand up for her.

who is it?

Da Liang quickly scanned the people in the conference room. The important people had their own clear attitudes. But the only ones who can support Abigail and influence everyone's decision-making are Divine Bella and Macaulay.

Holy Bella will not easily get involved in the muddy waters of Shangjiang City's power circle, so Macaulay, who represents hell, will be left.

Macaulay's arrival was too coincidental, and he, a former lord of Qingpu City whose title had been eliminated, was not qualified to participate in such an internal meeting of Shangjiang City. He must have taken the initiative to sit here, and Joshua was unwilling to offend Hell on such a matter, so he brought him in.

Thinking about it this way, the leak of Howard's disappearance was not caused by Joshua.

It's Macaulay.

The defeat of the Jeju fleet made Hell lose the opportunity to intervene in Sangjiang City. So they immediately activated another dark move. Macaulay knew the entire process of Howard's disappearance, knew that Abigail was pregnant with Howard's child, and also knew about the Black Elf Matron's desire for power.

So Macaulay released the news of Howard's disappearance, and then encouraged Abigail to fight for the throne. As long as Abigail can control the power of Shangjiang City, she can issue an order for the fallen angels to enter the city, and Holy Bella will have no way to object.

Daliang figured out the key in time and immediately stopped Abigail's final step to take power.

As long as Abigail has no status, she is not qualified to give orders in Shangjiang City.

Abigail didn't expect that the person who stopped her from becoming queen was Daliang, who had just supported her in ousting Joshua.

"Earl Daliang, do you know what you are doing?"

Facing Abigail's hint, Daliang said righteously: "Mother Abigail, I know what I am doing? I am maintaining the majesty of the royal family. The queen is the king's wife, and we are just the king's subjects. .If we choose a wife for the king at will, it will only bring shame to the king. Mistress Abigail, please stand up from that position and sit down in your original position.

We must immediately choose a prime minister to govern the city until the new king comes of age. "

Just after Daliang finished speaking, Marquis Stanley slapped the table and said: "Did you hear that, Abigail! Count Daliang asked you to stand up. Now hurry up and choose the minister. I have wasted too much time here, and you don't even know. How much money can I make in one minute? Think about the time when I am not in Jiading, people are evading taxes... Oh my God, I just want to go back to my castle now."

Daliang and Marquis Stanley made it clear that they did not support Abigail becoming queen, and other city lords and ministers did not stand up to object.

Abigail, who was photographed just after taking off, turned her attention to McCauley.

Macaulay was very embarrassed at this time.

Fighting for the throne, with Howard's heir in hand, Hell's support for Abigail can be considered a success. But it was really too far-fetched for Hell to help Abigail fight for the position of queen, not to mention that Daliang characterized the matter as an internal private matter of the Shangjiang royal family, and outsiders really had no right to be crowned queen.

Moreover, the relationship between Daliang and Holy Bella is very subtle. Just now Da Liang sought support from Divine Bella, and she immediately responded. Holy Bella represents the attitude of Cloud City. In this special period, Hell has always adopted a restrained strategy in dealing with its relationship with Cloud City.

But we can't just let Abigail be driven down and lose the door to hell entering Shangjiang City.

Regarding the matter of Abigail being crowned queen, Macaulay thought for a while and said: "My lords, as the godfather of the new king, I think I can express some of my personal opinions at this meeting. Mother Abigail She cannot be separated from the new king. She should live in the palace, which is conducive to the safety and growth of the new king. At the same time, as the mother of the new king, she should have an identity and status that matches her. I think the position of the Prime Minister is Abigail should be in charge, so that when the new king comes of age, the transition of power can be carried out smoothly."

Macaulay publicly supported Abigail, letting everyone understand where the Black Elf Matron's real confidence came from. With the support of Hell, I am afraid that even without Da Liang standing up, Joshua would not be able to become king. Instead, it would give Macaulay an excuse to use force to support Abigail.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but admire Daliang's keen sense of smell. He actually saw in time that Abigail was colluding with Hell, pretending to support the royal family's orthodoxy, allowing Abigail to enter the game, and confining the struggle for power to the royal family's housework, leaving Hell without legitimacy. excuses to use force.

So clever...

All the ministers looked at Daliang together. Macaulay proposed to give Abigail a suitable identity and see how Daliang would deal with it and prevent Abigail from taking power.

Daliang said: "The Prime Minister has to manage all the affairs of Shangjiang, and the work is extremely heavy. The most important thing for Mother Abigail now is to have a good rest and raise her baby. I am afraid she will not be qualified for the hard work of the Prime Minister. As for the identity? The king's Mother is already very noble, and I think all the adults here will respect Mother Abigail as much as they respect Your Majesty."

The ministers said: "We will respect Mother Abigail as much as we respect Your Majesty."

Abigail's face was livid with anger. She originally wanted to reach the pinnacle of power through formal channels, but she was not shown the way by Da Liang. Now Hell can't use force, and the nobles are ostracizing themselves collectively.

Respect, no rights, respect is of no use.

She glared at Daliang fiercely, stood up from the main seat unwillingly under the silent gaze, and sat back down in her seat again.

Daliang, who unknowingly took over the chairing of the meeting, said: "Now we need to elect a prime minister as soon as possible to maintain normal order in Shangjiang."

Prime Minister, there is probably no one in the entire Shangjiang City who is more qualified to sit on the throne than her.

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