Start with an Archangel

Chapter 514 Blackmail

Ten thousand years of peace is too long. Just as the demons want to spread death and chaos to the entire world, the angels are always thinking about returning the world to justice and order.

Between the two powers of Hell and Yunzhong City, Yunzhong City is already ready for war.

Michael has summoned the divine wings, which are only appointed during war, indicating that the angelic legion has begun to transform into a war state. Perhaps most of the angels in Yunzhong City thought that the preparations for the war were just to prevent changes in hell, but in fact the initiative in this plane war was in the hands of Yunzhong City.

Da Liang even maliciously speculated whether the escape of the Hell Lord King was also part of Yunzhong City's plan, because if the Hell Lord King did not escape, their peaceful covenant with Lucifer would become a roadblock to the war.

Now... Da Liang looked at the dark red sky of hell.

No one can stop this war. The evil camp has been greatly weakened. Yunzhong City has created the most favorable situation for itself. They are just waiting for the best time now.

Catch Satan.

The fallen angels clearly saw that Yunzhong City had drawn out the sword of war, and they also guessed the moment when the war started, but they had no choice but to pursue Satan with all their strength. While chasing Satan, if they can capture the other four Hell Lord Kings in time, they will be able to unite Hell and fight with all their strength.

There is still no trace of Satan or Beelzebub.

Michuka appeared in the Kingdom of Death, and he was protected by the Death Lords. Now is not the time to fall out with the Kingdom of Death for a fourth lord king.

The five hell lord kings can capture Ergos and Angela.

Ergus grew from a low-level demonic creature, the Abyss Serpent, to the third-ranked Lord King of Hell. His legend and his strength make him second only to Satan in the number of supporters in Hell. If Satan is caught, Ergos will definitely be the leader of the demonic resistance.


Without the space-time capabilities of the Infernal Forge, the demonic resistance would rely on Angela's space magic.

In short, there are five hell lord kings. If you capture one more, you will be less of a threat.

However, Holy Bella's presence in Shangjiang City prevented Hell from openly breaking in. Therefore, they wanted to let Hell's army enter Shangjiang City through other means.

For players, NPC wars are system activities that provide benefits. Therefore, for ordinary players, they will never stop it, but will encourage them to fight if they have the ability. For Daliang, you can fight in Yunzhong City and Hell, but you can't fight in Shangjiang. At least Shangjiang cannot be your main battlefield.

At the same time, capturing Ergos, Da Liang and Hell have the same interests.

Daliang thought for a moment and said to Macaulay: "Shangjiang City certainly won't allow you to enter directly. But I have just obtained a land acquisition order from the human race. I will establish a territory near Shangjiang City. You can arrange a group of hell troops. Join my territory, and then operate in Shangjiang City as a subordinate of Count Feichen.

But there can't be too many people, and creatures like demons that you can't control shouldn't come over. Up to fifty fallen angels maintained their human appearance while searching in Shangjiang City.

When capturing the Hell Lord King, try not to destroy the city. "

Macaulay became happy, and the plan for hell to enter Shangjiang City finally paid off.

And after today's imperial meeting, Daliang's power and reputation in Shangjiang have reached a new height. He prevented the elves and black elves from ruling Shangjiang City, and he is simply the benefactor of the Shangjiang human race. Under the banner of Earl Feichen, people can move around Shangjiang City more unimpeded than under the banners of marquis and duke.

"Thank you very much, Lord Earl. I think when we capture Ergus and Angela, King Lucifer will be very willing to receive you personally. This is a supreme honor for anyone."

Daliang is not very interested in whether he can see Lucifer. What he gets now is the best. He smiled and said: "Don't say it is useless. I let you enter Shangjiang City. What real benefits do I get?"

Macaulay thought for a moment, or asked for instructions in some way, and said: "Since we are really actively preparing for war, we can only spend 5 million gold coins and 20 units of each of the four rare resources to sponsor the Earl's new territory. In addition, we can also give you 20,000 demon infants (first-level hell soldiers) as laborers in the territory. Of course, the combat effectiveness of the demon infants is very low. You can transform them into skeleton soldiers, which can also enhance the strength of your army. "

Daliang was very dissatisfied with what Macaulay gave him. He said: "I am not short of money, resources and skeleton soldiers. You just want to enter Shangjiang City after paying these things? You are too petty. I can just shake something." More than what you said."

Macaulay also knew that what he said was a little short, but Hell was concentrating all its resources to prepare for the war against the Hell Lord King and Yunzhong City.

We don’t know how long the war will last, but what is certain is that Hell will have to be in a defensive position for a long time in the face of Yunzhong City’s attack. When a large area of ​​territory is lost, the reserves of money and strategic resources determine whether Hell can You can't wait until the battle situation changes.

But entering Shangjiang City is also very important. Macaulay asked: "What does the Earl want? As long as we can give it, we will never shirk it."

Daliang said: "Don't imagine that I only have money in my eyes. My requirements are: First, once a plane war breaks out, Hell will not take the initiative to set up Shangjiang as a battlefield. Avoid it if you can."

Shangjiang is only a small area for the main world, and even smaller for the entire plane. It is not difficult to avoid it.

Macaulay nodded and said: "I used to be the guardian angel of Shangjiang and the lord of Qingpu City. I also don't want to see Shangjiang destroyed by war. I can promise you that once a war breaks out, the army of hell will try to avoid Shangjiang. .”

"Second, if you join the army of my earldom, although I cannot call it, once an enemy attacks my territory, you have the responsibility to help me defend it."

"The Earl has provided us with convenience. Of course it is what we should do to help you defend your territory."

Daliang continued: "I have two territories, the undead and the human race, which can lead to the kingdom of death and the world of heroic spirits, but I also want to come to hell for a while and help me build a portal leading here. The location of the exit should be good. , it should be easy to defend, the transportation should be convenient, the resources should be sufficient, there should be no strong enemies around, and it is best to have a friendly demon city nearby so that I can carry out trade nearby."

Macaulay thought for a moment and said: "Okay, I will try my best to meet the Earl's request. If there is nothing else..."

"Yes." If there was a chance to rip off the money, Daliang would definitely make a big deal: "Recently, I was attacked by an adventurer's location teleportation sneak attack in a war. The teleportation door is the same as the one you just brought me here. . I heard that Purgatory Furnace, like Cloud City, has the ability to open the door to time and space in all directions, and I want permission to use it."

Although the group of unknown attackers who attacked the Black Pearl through positioning and teleportation were unsuccessful, their ability to suddenly appear near him still made Da Liang worried.

It's so cheating, so awesome.

Without this ability, how can I play games in the future and brag to others that I am a good player?

The key is, Shi Fei showed in the battle against Southeast Asia that he also has the ability to fight in time and space. How can I be calm?

It just so happens that hell has something to ask for. If I don't take the opportunity to get this ability, how can I be worthy of the "meat cleaver" in my hand?

Macaulay was very embarrassed when Daliang asked for the ability to teleport planes. He asked for permission and then said: "The Gate of Time and Space in the Purgatory Furnace is our most important strategic means. No one can use it at will except Lord Lucifer. If you want to To obtain this ability, we can build a time and space portal for you, and you can use some of the abilities of the time and space gate. You can use evil energy to open a passage to any non-special place in the main world."

"What is evil energy?"

"Evil energy is a unique energy in the abyss below the furnace of purgatory. It is absorbed by abyssal creatures and strengthens their bodies. Killing them can obtain evil energy crystals. It's just that these abyssal creatures strengthened by evil energy are very powerful. They are powerful, so it is not easy to kill them.”

Daliang frowned and said: "How can I have time to collect evil energy? We all know each other so well, can't you take care of me?"

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