Start with an Archangel

Chapter 516 Borrowing Money

The rewarded army was received, and other blueprints and material rewards were also received.

Daliang took the newly acquired human army and returned to the Pudong Fleet Naval Port in a mighty manner under the protection of archangels and angels.

If the fallen angels want to enter Shangjiang City, they must first say hello to Joyce. After all, hell has an extremely bad reputation, and humans are very disgusted with demonic creatures.

At this time, Marquis Stanley had left to return to his hometown of Jiading, and Joyce was busy preparing to welcome the Shangjiang fleet back to port.

This naval battle against the Jeju Fleet was really extremely brutal, especially when the "Oath" was penetrated by the Big Demon. The Shangjiang Fleet suffered heavy losses. Later, in the battle to annihilate the Jeju Fleet, it killed another thousand enemies and suffered losses. Eight hundred.

Repairing damaged ships, replenishing new ships, consolidating the chassis and advantages gained at sea in a timely manner, and allocating manpower to form a convoy escort fleet all require money. In order to build the Shangjiang Fleet, Shangjiang City's finances have reached the bottom, and the Pudong Fleet's own small treasury is almost exhausted.

It seems that we need to find Daliang to borrow some money from Marquis Stanley first.

When Joyce was thinking about Daliang, Daliang walked in from the door.

"My lord, I have something to report to you."

"What a coincidence, I also have something for you to do. You tell me first..."

Daliang was very curious about the task that Joyce was going to assign, but he still told Macaulay about his agreement first. Of course, he didn't mention a word about asking for benefits.

"Sir, this is what I think..."

Seeing Da Liang go to his wine cabinet again, Joyce said jokingly: "Didn't you just open a bottle? I think you only poured two glasses. Why did you disappear in the blink of an eye? Where did you put it?"

"This... Sir, I'm sorry, I'm used to it." Daliang had no choice but to take out the red wine that had been brought along, and while pouring wine for Joyce, he said: "The Lord of Hell can't catch him, and Hell is more anxious than anyone else. Now E Gus and Angela are in our Shangjiang City at the same time. Hell will definitely try every means to get in. It will definitely be unstoppable. Instead of risking a war with Hell and trying to stop them, it is better to let them in. The control lies with us. In your hands, you can minimize the possible impact and losses.

I made an agreement with Macaulay that no demon creature would come, and the fallen angels would secretly search for the Hell Lord King in the city in human form. Only 50 fallen angels came in. Even if they wanted to cause trouble, the archangels, angels, heroes and troops in the city were enough to suppress them. "

Support the Jeju fleet to attack the Shangjiang fleet, and support Abigail in sealing the queen.

Joyce has already felt Hell's eagerness to enter Shangjiang City. Shangjiang City is too weak compared to Hell, and Hell only cares about Holy Bella. Holy Bella cannot always be stationed in Shangjiang City. If Hell is really pissed off, Hell will definitely counterattack when Holy Bella leaves Shangjiang.

There is no way to compromise with hell.

Joyce nodded in agreement with Daliang's approach, and said: "Just do as you say, I will notify Bartlett to ask the angels to exercise restraint after discovering that the fallen angels have entered the city, and the army will also cooperate with the fallen angels' actions. . If we catch the Hell Lord King early, we may be able to rescue His Majesty."

"No problem, just leave this matter to me. Your Excellency just said that there is something for me to do. What is it?"

Joyce said: "Shangjiang City has gone through wars and another war on the sea, and its finances have been drained. The finance minister, Marquis Wilson, has to find a way to recover the city. We need to find a way to rebuild the navy, but I don't have the money. Now. The richest place in Shangjiang is Jiading City. But because of Marquis Stanley's character, I asked him to borrow money... I guess he wouldn't give it. I thought about it, and I guess I can get money from Marquis Stanley. It’s just you.”

Daliang agreed: "That's no problem. Your Excellency has found the right person. I am the only one in Shangjiang City who can borrow money from Jiading City. How much does your Excellency need? I will go after Marquis Stanley immediately."

"200 million gold coins!"

Da Liang was shocked by this number: "So many!"

Joyce also knew that she had to borrow too much. She explained: "I feel that the plane war is getting closer and closer. If we follow the normal military expansion process, I don't think we can wait until we unify Shangjiang, Yunzhong City and Hell." A war will break out. When the war comes, we need at least one hundred archangels and two hundred angels to guard the city. We must also build aerial battleships and battleships. The city must add anti-magic equipment and magic towers.

These require gold coins and various resources.

Even if Shangjiang City returns to its heyday, it will not be able to afford this money and resources. Therefore, I plan to let the Shangjiang fleet go out in batches to explore ocean resources. "

Joyce said it very euphemistically, but Daliang could understand what she meant.

This is a business without capital, just grab it!

Daliang said worriedly: "We are regular troops. If we are discovered to be pirates...will it trigger attacks from other cities?"

Joyce said: "We can't control so much at this time. After the surface war breaks out, no one will care about it. I will personally lead the team to develop the ocean and search for as many rare resource mines as possible to obtain gold coins." .In addition, I will use space spells from time to time to deal with the backlog of affairs.

Of course, the first thing is to restore the strength of the Shangjiang fleet and make advance investment in overseas development. I estimated that it would take about 200 million gold coins.

When you borrow money from Marquis Stanley, make it clear to him that I can use the proceeds from developing the fleet as collateral. I will give priority to repaying the borrowed money and interest. If he believes in my ability and is willing to invest in me, I can use 10% of the profit from the development revenue as his dividend. "

Joyce personally led a team to become a pirate. He needed ships and people, and even sold the stolen goods... With the big markets of Shangjiang and Jiading, he could get away with all the stolen goods without a trace.

There must be a lot of money in the early stage, and it shouldn't be difficult for Joyce to pay back 200 million gold coins.

It's rare to keep grabbing it.

Pirates are the public enemies of the main world. Plane wars have not yet broken out, and the ocean order is stable. Pirates can make a small fuss, but once they plunder on a large scale, they will cause a collective siege in the system's cities. The funding gap in Shangjiang is really too big. If Joyce wants to lead a fleet to rob, he will definitely not rob a few merchant ships just to spread the fruit. If he doesn't move, he will definitely do something big.

How could a system city allow a powerful group of pirates to plunder wantonly? There will definitely be a joint siege against Joyce's pirate fleet.

If Joyce can persevere, he will definitely have a lot of money; if he loses, everyone will probably save their money.

Therefore, if you borrow... you may recover your principal and interest; if you invest... you may lose all your money.

Daliang thought for a while and said: "Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is still expanding, and it uses money to build merchant fleets and escort fleets. Marquis Stanley may not be able to come up with 200 million gold coins.

However, for your sake and for the future of Shangjiang City, I am willing to invest in your ocean development. "

Joyce was shocked: "You have so much money!"

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