Start with an Archangel

Chapter 520 Peace Negotiation

"Monster?" Banyue Mao repeated the name with a smile, and then said: "It's really an interesting name. I wonder what position Miss Yaoque holds in the Judgment Corps? She can accompany Boss Da Liang here, and she is so beautiful. , he should also be in an important position, right?"

Seeing Ban Yue Mao trying to trick Shu Xiao's identity, Daliang, who didn't want to expose too much, said: "I am a person who only cares about ability. This friend of mine is very good at playing games. Bugbears can abuse her, but it's just data. The master of analysis works in the data background of the Judgment Legion's command system.

Sister Cat, you have been waiting for a long time, right? Let’s get down to business quickly. You also know that my territory will be established tomorrow. If Sister Cat hadn’t invited me, I would never have come out.

Take a seat first...

Here are two cups of black coffee. What would Sister Cat have to drink? "

Ban Yue Mao didn't show any overly curiosity about Shu Xiao, she also ordered a cup of black coffee: "First of all, congratulations to Boss Daliang for gaining a territory. In this way, the strength of our Chinese game area will be even stronger.

My main purpose of coming to Shangjiang this time is to ease the relationship between our Northern and Southern Lords Alliance. After all, after the financial barriers were opened, the internal conflicts in the game area began to transform into external conflicts. At this time, we divide the north and the south but cannot separate. Competition is competition, but we still need to communicate where we should communicate. Otherwise, if a war breaks out at the slightest disagreement, only outsiders will gain.

In the past, our battles, whether we won or lost, won or lost, all belonged to the expansion of power in the pioneering period. Now that everything has stabilized, it’s time to work together to develop outward. "

Daliang asked: "Is this your intention or Boss Fei's intention?"

Banyue Mao replied: "Of course it is what Boss Fei means. My coming to the river to see you is also approved by Boss Fei. Boss Fei believes that with the popularity of two-masted battleships, the game will enter a big voyage in the future. The peak of the world. There are endless treasures, resources and powerful creatures in the unknown deep sea. Which game area can profit from this great voyage, and which game area is qualified to carve up the world.

Although we have gained some advantages in this great sea battle in East Asia, if our alliance of northern and southern lords misfires, we may lose the opportunity to develop the ocean.

Boss Fei suggested that in the coming period, our Northern and Southern Lords Alliance should try to exercise restraint, establish adequate dialogue mechanisms, and prevent large-scale armed conflicts from occurring. Work together to establish China’s gaming area’s dominant position in East Asia and Southeast Asia. "

Peace talks are now underway in East and Southeast Asia, but Shi Fei's situation in the South China Sea is much better than that of the Northern Lords Alliance.

There are no strong enemies in the entire South China Sea. The Southeast Alliance is timid in naval battles, waiting for the Japanese and Korean combined fleets to come to support after victory in the East Asian battlefield. As a result, Japan and South Korea were completely defeated. After Shi Fei showed off his hyperspace strike capabilities, the Southeast Asian Association immediately took advantage of the trend to cease the war and propose peace talks.

Shi Fei has many ways to make these monkeys obey.

Although China's Northern Lords Alliance had an advantage in the East China Sea naval battle, the main force in the Japanese and Korean game areas was still there, and the war potential was much greater than in Southeast Asia. The Northern Lords Alliance can only have an advantage in some terms in the peace talks, and it cannot influence the will of the Japanese and Korean game zones.

At the same time, the Japanese and Korean game areas will not easily let China's Northern Lords Alliance become the hegemon of East Asia. It is really urgent that another East Asian naval war breaks out. China's Northern Lords Alliance has the adjudication fleet as a big killer, and Japan and South Korea have an overall strength advantage. If Europe and the United States If you get involved again, this sea area will be really destroyed, and no one will benefit.

There is still pressure in the northern part of the Chinese gaming area, but the possible losses will make all three parties exercise restraint.

At this time, after solving the Southeast Asian problem, it was a good time for Shi Fei to expand his influence northward again.

Actively win over the northern lords, and then launch attacks from land and sea at the same time.

But this period was the second peak of game development.

Facing the Age of Discovery in the game, the temporary truce between the north and the south in the Chinese game area is the general trend and cannot be stopped by personal grudges. At this time, whoever starts a civil war will be despised by the players in the entire game area.

The reputation of flying sand and stone cannot withstand the criticism of thousands of people.

Therefore, Shi Fei proposed a temporary truce between the north and south of the China Game Zone and sent Ban Yue Mao to Shangjiang City to facilitate this matter.

At this time, Da Liang had no intention of fighting Shi Fei. He could not defeat him with the troops he had now. The Northern Lords Alliance would not rashly fight against Shi Fei because of his personal grudges with Japan and South Korea. Use troops against the Confederacy.

Temporarily stopping the war is also a good choice. As long as Shi Fei does not return to Jianglu himself, no matter what he does in the south, it has nothing to do with Daliang.

Of course, in the great voyage, Shi Fei will definitely make a big profit on the sea by taking advantage of his rebirth. Next time we face each other, God knows what he can come up with, so I can’t slack off.

Daliang replied: "Okay... There is no need to worry about trivial matters in the game. I deeply admire Boss Fei's magnanimity. I agree to a temporary truce. If there is time for war, why not everyone make more money. If the cat My sister only met me because of this incident. This is what I think. There are too many things in the game, so I will go back first."

Ban Yue Mao said: "Boss Daliang, don't leave yet. I have one more thing to say."

"What else? You can ask Xu Man for the rest. This is a good thing and she will definitely not object."

The half-moon cat leaned forward, supporting his chin with one arm, staring at Daliang with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said: "To be honest, I really didn't expect that Daliang's boss didn't optimize and adjust his appearance in the game at all, both inside and outside the game. They all have a feeling that people enjoy watching.”

Hum hum hum, sure enough...

This kind of armistice can be discussed in the game. If we have to meet outside the game, then... the meat show is about to begin.

However, being stared at and praised by a beauty like Half-Moon Cat, Da Liang was still a little overwhelmed: "It's just so-so. It just grows like this. It's not as good as you said, Sister Cat. Sister Cat is really beautiful... Oh!" "

Ban Yue Mao looked at Daliang's expression and asked with concern: "Is Boss Daliang feeling unwell?"

"No, no, no, the coffee is too hot and it burns my hands."

Da Liang blew his hands, but he cursed at Shu Xiao in his heart: He was too harsh, he pinched the tender meat on his waist and then twisted it after pinching.

Ban Yue Mao deliberately pretended not to notice Shu Xiao's little move. She changed her posture and put one hand casually on the table. The perfect hand shape, white jade skin, and emerald bracelet were so green that people couldn't help but want to put this He put his hand in his own and played with it carefully: "I think Boss Da Liang's personal image is very good. He has moved his energy and nourished his body. Your magnanimity is many times better than those of those film and television students. A few days ago, there was a director. We were invited to make a movie by Boss Fei, but Boss Fei was in charge of the entire Southern Lords Alliance and really had no time or interest, so he declined.

On the contrary, I feel that since our two alliances, the North and the South, want to reconcile, why not make a movie together to show our good cooperation and sincerity to the outside world?

Boss Da Liang must play the leading role. With your current international reputation, the movie you make will definitely be a hit. "

Goblin, this half-moon cat is definitely a goblin. He can seduce me casually, but it’s just...making a movie?

Da Liang never thought that one day he would have the opportunity to be electrocuted. He said: "Does making movies take up a lot of time? My time is also very tight, and I really don't have time to engage in other side projects."

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