Start with an Archangel

Chapter 524 Military Parade

Inside the Judgment Legion’s headquarters.

Gongs and drums announced the sound of the sky, firecrackers blasted, colorful flags stood everywhere, and there were huge crowds of people.

Today is the day when Boss Daliang establishes his territory. At this time, it was the end of the East Asian War. Daliang piloted an aerial warship and led the Judgment Fleet to bomb the King of Fighters territory and annihilate the King of Fighters fleet. It is still vivid in his mind. Daliang's popularity in the game has reached its peak. When he announced the acquisition of a territory, not only the major players in the Chinese game area paid attention, but also the entire gaming world.

The university alliance that Daliang belongs to was originally an upstart. Opportunity and luck allowed him to stand as the leader of the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese gaming area. The establishment of the Judgment Territory made the College Alliance a dual-territory player organization, and its status was greatly strengthened.

And Daliang himself, a star player in the Hero World, is very powerful. If Fei Sha Zuo Shi is a wise commander with strategizing and vicious vision, then Daliang, who keeps pace with him, is the peerless general who charges into battle and takes the general's head from thousands of troops.

Daliang, who gained the territory, had his own war system. In the words of critics, it was like Lu Bu getting the red rabbit and BMW.

"The University Alliance has a great cause, and the materials produced by a Yunxiao Territory are limited even if they are given priority to the Judgment Legion. But now that Daliang has obtained a human territory, as long as sufficient funds can be obtained in the early stage, along the lines summarized by the first batch of lords Territory development strategy, and then with the full support of the university alliance, it will surely develop rapidly.

Although it may not be able to keep up with the development speed of the first batch of territories, there is no problem keeping up with the progress of the second batch of territories.

At that time, Daliang's Judgment Legion received full support from a mature territory, and it would definitely be an enemy that everyone would be afraid of in the future. "

Many people are very optimistic about Daliang's prospects, but some are disapproving of it, especially on the official website of Judgment Leader. Daliang has not revealed any talk of attracting investment for Judgment Leader.

"Daliang obtained a territory at this time, ranking outside 400. The value of the territory itself has shrunk greatly compared with the earlier territories. But the time when he obtained the territory was very, very good. Now is the peak of Daliang's popularity. It is completely OK Through the celebrity effect, the value difference with the first batch of territories is shortened, and the development rights share of the territory is sold at a higher price, attracting investors to jointly develop, and accelerating the development of the territory.

From the players who came to participate in the territory establishment ceremony today, we can see that many large investors are very interested in Daliang's territory.

Today is the most critical day. If Daliang is willing to attract investment, he will definitely gain more money than tomorrow.

But it seems that Daliang is not interested in attracting investment.

Does he want to develop the territory on his own? For Da Liang, who does not have a huge amount of continuous financial resources for blood transfusions, this is a road of no return. If he really insists on going his own way and falls into the whirlpool of territorial development, he may very well ruin the current good situation.

The flying dragon star territory is a model for the development of all territories. Only by gathering the strengths of the people can great achievements be achieved.

Otherwise, he will be like the second lord of the world, who overestimates his own abilities and can only defeat everyone..."

I messed with whomever I was looking for, and why did I always compare my Black Fire Collar with the Dragon Star Collar? I kept a low profile because I was afraid of scaring you.

After reading the reviews of his own territory on the Internet, Daliang arrived at the ceremony venue just as the ceremony was about to begin.

The founding ceremony of the Judgment Territory was a grand occasion.

Shangjiang and the surrounding areas are the inner courtyard of the College Alliance, and Daliang is the number two figure in the College Alliance. All player organizations related to the College Alliance sent a large number of personnel to build momentum and express congratulations.

Yingshi Virtual Bank has announced that Daliang has become the major shareholder of Yingshi Virtual Bank and joined the board of directors. Yingshi Virtual Bank is now the largest financial consortium in the Chinese gaming area. The major shareholders want to establish their own territory. Whether the big businessmen want to invest or for other purposes , all sent important personnel to watch the ceremony.

Daliang and the Judgment Fleet displayed their majesty in the Sea of ​​Japan, greatly increasing the momentum in the Chinese game area. The North and South Lords Alliance, major guilds and territories in the Chinese game area also sent people to congratulate him. Including the arrogant Dragon Star Leader, Ban Yue Mao personally brought a congratulatory team, sending a signal of reconciliation between the North and the South to everyone.

Of course, there are also a wider number of Daliang fans.

"The Judgment Air Combat Force is about to arrive. The College Alliance Air Combat Force is about to arrive. Friends in the air, please land and make way for the air parade troops to pass."

The personnel maintaining order began to clear the space above the Judgment Territory. Players who originally rode flying mounts landed on the ground one after another. The sky that was just chaotic and noisy suddenly became clear.

At this time, a large group of air combat troops appeared in the northern sky.

The black mass of thousands of aerial cavalry formed flying formations one after another, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Flying in the middle was the Thousand-man Judgment Air Combat Brigade, accompanied by air combat personnel from other regiments of the College Alliance flying around.

By comparison, the Judgment Air Combat Brigade is obviously superior in the configuration of flying mounts. The bipedal flying dragon, silver pegasus, and royal griffon in high and low configurations are all the best flying units of all levels. Previous battles have also proved that the strength of this air combat unit is as powerful as the mounts they ride.

Although other air combat units are not as dazzling as the Judgment Air Combat Group, they also demonstrated their tenacious fighting spirit and skilled combat skills in the battle against the Japanese and Korean combined fleets in the East China Sea Battle.

The college alliance demonstrated its strength at the establishment ceremony of the Judgment Leader, but what really attracted the audience's amazement was the ultimate biological formation flying at the front.

As the deputy commander of the Judgment Legion and the commander-in-chief of the Judgment Air Combat Force, Shu Xiao unfolded his angel wings to lead the entire flight group.

Broken Moon has proven his aerial combat talent in all the battles in the game and is a world-class air combat commander. In the eyes of major player groups, Broken Moon's value far exceeds that of an ultimate creature.

"Angel Wings" Shu Xiao also has a huge fan base in the game. The picture of her spreading her wings, flying and fighting is the wallpaper of countless male players' mobile phones and computers. Some crazy fans are trying every possible means to get more information about her. However, although Shu Xiao is extremely active in the game, the information about her is extremely sparse, which adds a bit of mystery.

Flying behind Shu Xiao were the ultimate creatures owned by the College Alliance.

Two archangels and two angels flew on Shu Xiao's wings, and a frost dragon and a golden dragon flew at the end.

No one expected that the High School Alliance would add three ultimate creatures so quickly after losing a green dragon in the Battle of the East China Sea.

One archangel and two angels correspond to the human race. It seems that they are Da Liang's deployment.

With Broken Moon, two archangels, and two angels, the Judgment Legion is really powerful in the air.

The air combat cluster in the sky slowly progressed, whether it was the enhanced ultimate creature or the neatly trained ordinary air combat troops, they all gave people a lot of pressure.

The College Alliance flexed its muscles and flew from the sky in front of everyone's attention.

At this time, someone shouted again: "The Lord of the Judgment Lord and the Chief of the Judgment Legion are so bright..."

Players stood on both sides of the cleared road, and an elite human army consisting of level 12 knights, level 11 cavalry, level 8 crusaders, and level 7 swordsmen came forward.

The war horses stepped on neat hoofs, the armor made a metallic friction sound, the lances were like a forest, and the footsteps were like shocks.

And Daliang rode the Silver Pegasus and walked at the front of the team.

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