Start with an Archangel

Chapter 527 The auction begins

Because the number of places allowed by Daliang to enter the city was limited, Lucifer would of course have to mobilize the elite fallen angel troops. Fifty high-level Hell's Angels were scattered and floating in the sky above the Judgment Territory, and the faint coercion they exuded showed that they all had such a high hero level.

They showed off the strength of hell to their heart's content.

Hell is going to send troops into Shangjiang City, and several important figures in Shangjiang know it. As long as Marquis Stanley, Joyce, and Bartlett agree, no one else will object. Moreover, Shangjiang City and Hell have the same interests when it comes to capturing the Hell Lord King. As long as these fallen angels don't be too conspicuous when searching for the Hell Lord King in Shangjiang City, the nobles of Shangjiang City will try their best to cooperate with them.

After all, the death and disappearance of the three East China Sea Kings are all related to Ergus and Angela. If they are allowed to lurk in the city, God knows what trouble they will cause.

The establishment ceremony of the Judgment Leader held by Daliang was very successful, and the nobles of Shangjiang were very considerate.

The close brother of Marquis Stanley and the confidant of Marquis Joyce. One of these two marquises was the supreme governor of Shangjiang, and the other was the actual person in power in Shangjiang. No nobleman dared to ignore Daliang's status in Shangjiang.

Every noble and city lord who received the invitation came to congratulate him in person, including Matron Abigail and his political enemy Duke Joshua, whom he had just offended.

Mother Abigail did not show any displeasure at being blocked by Daliang. She said to Daliang: "Your Majesty, you should be called the Admiral now. The most wrong thing I did in my life was the imperial meeting that day. I am too arrogant and proud, and the most right thing I did in my life was to marry Monica to you. Admiral, don’t let what happened that day affect our relationship, we are still a family, the gate of Songjiang City Always open to you.

After the king is born, Monica will have a younger brother, and I hope that I will be responsible for assisting the new king. "

Hell got the opportunity to enter Shangjiang City from Daliang, and Abigail lost her strongest support. If she wanted to further her status and power, she had to find allies again. And the entire Shangjiang is either the power of the elves or the power of the human race. The elves must not be relied on, and the only people the human race can have a relationship with are the missing Howard and Daliang.

Therefore, although Abigail hated Daliang, she could only pretend that nothing happened, and used Monica's relationship to win over Daliang to support her.

For Daliang, if Abigail is willing to give Songjiang City to Monica, he can fully operate Abigail's sealing of the queen, but Abigail is obviously unwilling to give up her rule over Songjiang City.

Then I can only feel sorry for my ex-mother-in-law.

"Mother Abigail, there is probably no one more qualified to assist the new king than Marquis Joyce. Her loyalty to the royal family is undoubted, and her ability and prestige can lead the city to survive future chaos. . Mistress, look at the fallen angels in the sky? A war that will affect the whole plane will soon break out. Do you think... who can lead here between you and Joyce at this time?

My lord, when it comes to fighting for power, Marquis Joyce is inferior to you; when it comes to fighting, Joyce is much better than you.

I advise you to stay calm during this period and get closer to Joyce and Bartlett. They are the only two people in this city who will not kill you. "

Daliang's words instantly extinguished Mistress Abigail's ambition and made her realize how dangerous her current situation was.

The child in her belly has caused loss to many people.

Mother Abigail's face was very ugly. She said to Daliang: "Thank you very much for reminding me. I will go back to Songjiang City now and take my leave first."

Abigail, who was sober, left in a hurry.

Duke Joshua walked up to Daliang: "I didn't expect that you would elect Marquis Stanley to become the Prime Minister! Do you know that when I heard the news, I was not at all annoyed that my plan was ruined, but couldn't help but applaud. That's wonderful... Admiral Daliang, you are a respectable opponent.

I'm here to let you know that we only have political differences and are definitely not enemies. The strength and prosperity of Shangjiang is our common wish. Since I am no longer in that position, I will not stop you.

I have finished expressing my thoughts and will take my leave. "

The nobles returned one after another after sending blessings, and only the fallen angels in the sky were still suspended there.

And players, especially player merchants, have fallen into madness.

Together they surged forward to the lower part of the podium. He raised his hands high and shouted Daliang's name loudly, just so that Daliang could take another look at him in the crowd and leave an impression, and get a step ahead among the competing shops in the player trading center.

Daliang said: "The land that can be sold in the Player Trading Center has been marked on the official website of the Judgment Territory. This transaction uses a bidding method. Both in-game gold coins and out-of-game RMB can be used as bidding currencies. The gold coin exchange rate is based on Yingshi Virtual The current exchange rate of the bank shall prevail.

The specific bidding rules and methods are detailed on our website..."

Before Daliang finished speaking, most of the players who were originally crowded in the territory lost their brushes. Those who should return to the city, those who should go offline, the big businessmen gathered funds everywhere to prepare for a big fight. Ordinary players In the exterior battle, see what amazing prices those land with nothing can fetch.

The avatars of Da Liang’s friends flashed one by one, and they all wanted to buy a piece of land through the back door.

"Yes, yes, I'll keep the best land." Daliang pulled Boss Jin, Xu Man, and Twelve Nose Rings into a chat channel, and said, "I'll give you an explanation. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is about to be established. The Shangjiang Navy has established a convoy fleet specifically to serve the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. I am the admiral of this fleet. So... we can smuggle under the banner of the Shangjiang Navy without having to worry about other cities. Anti-smuggling patrol boats inspect our ship."

Boss Jin, Xu Man, and Twelve Nose Rings were shocked.

Daliang actually became the admiral of a system fleet, serving the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. The navy smuggles and sets up private small vaults in all coastal cities, and it is an unwritten rule not to supervise each other. What's more, the Shangjiang Fleet had just fought a victorious battle, and other cities would not investigate due to the remaining power.

Other maritime merchant players smuggling goods from the Judgment Territory can travel safely in the Shangjiang waters, but there is still a risk of being investigated in other sea areas. Therefore, the smuggled goods need to be hidden with licensed goods bought from the Maritime Merchant Association, just like what Daliang robbed back then. A shipload of smuggled spices is covered with durians bought through regular channels.

According to the experience summarized by players, if the smuggled goods in a ship are less than 30%, the risk and profit ratio is the optimal ratio. Once this amount is exceeded, it will be easily discovered when encountering a naval anti-smuggling ship.

But if you can use the banner of the navy, you don’t have to consider the risk of being investigated under the umbrella, and the Jiading market can also provide sufficient supply of goods, so you can pack as much as you want.

Look at the flying sand and stones led by Long Xing. He is a naval officer in the Hong Kong fleet. He has more than 20 ships of various types forming a regular military fleet, and he has been using this fleet to do crazy smuggling business.

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