Start with an Archangel

Chapter 542 Six pieces of equipment

God represents a higher level of power and is a kind of game creature that players will eventually face. Of course, Da Liang is extremely curious about them.

So Da Liang asked Minia: "As the elder of the Wizards Guild, it is my duty to support wizards in their research on witchcraft. Although this alchemy laboratory is still very crude, it is also the first place for us to resume the research on witchcraft. In the future, we will have more advanced laboratories and more like-minded wizards will join us.

You can study witchcraft here with peace of mind. I will provide all the materials. You don’t need to worry about logistics at all.

In addition, I just heard you say that the information of the City of Sighs branch was lost. This is indeed a very big loss. Can you tell me what extent the research on witchcraft of the City of Sighs branch led by Elder Quentin has reached? Have you discovered the way to become a god? "

Becoming a god is the ultimate goal of wizards, so the discussion of gods is not a taboo topic in the wizards' guild. Moreover, Daliang is the elder of the City of Sighs branch, so Miniya has no need to hide it from him.

"Gods... through our research, the so-called gods should be called divine creatures. They live in a place called the God Plane by our Wizards Guild. Elder Quentin once used an egg as a metaphor, If the main world is the yolk of an egg, our high-level planes belong to the white of the egg, and the divine plane..."

Daliang said: "I know it is "eggshell"."

"No, it is the unknown space beyond the "eggshell" that is the divine plane. The "eggshell" is the barrier that prevents us from being invaded by this unknown space."

Daliang asked strangely: "Do you think this "eggshell" protects us, rather than preventing us from going to the divine plane?"

"Yes, this is Elder Quentin's guess. He believes that gods are in the unknown plane of gods. Their power is too powerful for us and can easily destroy our world. "Eggshell" put them away Blocking out our world protects us, but we can still feel the presence of the gods and tap into their divine power.

When the Sorrowful Lord attacked our base, he used the magic-forbidden ball. It was an artifact made using divine power. It could easily trap the release of magic energy and weakened most of our power.

Under the leadership of Elder Quentin, who is proficient in alchemy and magic circles, we have touched this "eggshell" and felt the divine power seeping in from the outside. "

Daliang didn't expect that the Wizards Guild's research on gods would reach this level. They were already indirectly contacting the divine plane. He asked anxiously: "Now, can you still come into contact with the 'eggshell'?"

Minia shook her head regretfully: "This project has been researched by Elder Quentin himself. Now Elder Quentin is dead, and we have also lost the magic weapon that can lead to the 'Eggshell'. And each branch of the Wizards Guild The research directions are all different, and we cannot get help from other branches, so we have to start all over again. If we want to get to that level of research again, it will take time, and we also need wise men like Elder Quentin."

Sure enough, at this stage, players have just begun to explore the base camp plane. It is too early to contact the god plane now.

The system does not allow it...

Now that the key figure, Elder Quentin, is dead, it will take years and months for Minia and other remnants to study and contact the "eggshell".


Daliang said: "Although Elder Quentin is dead, your information should have been collected by the people of the Unsullied Holy See. With the ability of the Sad Lord, is it possible for him to use those information to find the plane of God?"

Minia said: "It depends on how pious the Sad Lord is to his belief in the God of Death. If he insists on his faith, he will never read information that is offensive to the God of Death in the eyes of the Unsullied Holy See. If he is just a false believer, he will never be able to resist it. Live in the temptation of becoming a god.”

Is the Sad Lord's belief in the God of Death really pious?

Da Liang doesn’t know.

The identity of the Sad Lord determines that even if he wants to study the divine plane, he will never let others know about it.

Seeing Daliang's look, Minia thought he was worried that the lost research information would be used by the Sad Lord. She continued: "Elder, don't worry too much. Elder Quentin has actually taken precautions to prevent the information from being obtained by others. Measures. He recorded all the methods of opening the passage to the 'Eggshell' in the six weapons and equipment provided to us by Cloud City. Even if the Sad Lord knew the existence of these six weapons and equipment and did not know how to open them, he would not be able to use them. .

The other information is just some of the results of our research on witchcraft, and is far less important than the contents of these six weapons and equipment. "

Daliang asked very curiously: "What are these six weapons and equipment? Were they all lost in the battle at the base?"

Minia said: "These six weapons and equipment were given to six of his disciples by Elder Quentin, but they all died in the last battle. The weapons and equipment should be in the hands of the Knights of the Immaculate Holy See. This The six weapons and equipment are all from Yunzhong City, and their names are: Magical Armor, Holy Boots, Angel Necklace, Lion King's Shield, Prophet's Sword and Oracle's Crown. Each one is a powerful treasure.

It's a pity that Elder Quentin is dead. Even if we get these six weapons and equipment back, we still don't know how to open them. "

Da Liang secretly wrote down the names of these six weapons and equipment, and then said: "We don't need to be too discouraged. You are all wizards who have participated in the research on the divine plane. Even if you re-research, it will definitely be faster than before. What will you need in the future? Just tell me the materials, and if I'm not here, just ask Mike. Although my research on witchcraft is not as good as yours, I am definitely better at making money and spending money to buy things. In the foggy area, you can do whatever you want with confidence. I believe that since we have found the God Plane once, we will definitely be able to find it again."

Daliang's words cheered up Minia, who was originally depressed because of the loss of information: "Yes, Elder Eviscerate. With you providing us with funds and materials, we can devote more energy to the research on the divine plane. .

Now please let me take you to see our alchemy laboratory. We have already made a batch of the alchemy bombs you want. If you are satisfied, we can produce them in large quantities. We hope that these alchemy bombs can exchange for enough gold coins for our research, otherwise we will have to rely entirely on the donations from the elders. It's too much to take. "

Da Liang temporarily put aside the six weapons and equipment related to the divine plane. Now the most important thing is to see the effect of the alchemy bomb and sell them as soon as possible.

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