Start with an Archangel

Chapter 546 Where the troops are heading

Although Tokugawa Nobunaga had just arrived in the Kingdom of Death, he could deeply appreciate the dominance of the Immaculate Holy See here.

In the City of Sighs, every church is majestic and neat, and any disrespect to the Immaculate Holy See will be punished by death.

The destruction of the Unsullied Church in the City of Sighs, the core of the Unsullied Holy See, was simply the most unbelievable thing.

Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately asked: "What else did you find in the foggy area? Can you ask the people around you what happened to the church in the foggy area?"

"President. There are no people in the foggy area, only low-level undead wandering around. I don't know what happened here. Although the streets in other urban areas are deserted, undead heroes can still be seen, but what about the streets here? I can't see it either. However, I found that there are many non-undead buildings here. It seems that a large number of non-undead creatures live here, but I don't know where they have gone.

And here I also saw two non-undead manors, one was a human fortress-style manor, and the other was a mixed human-elf pastoral manor. There were people moving inside, but they were tightly guarded. I was driven away as soon as I approached.

It's really weird. "

It is indeed a very strange city.

Tokugawa Nobunaga did not expect that there would be a gathering place for non-undead races in the main city of the undead. Why did these non-undead creatures come to the kingdom of death? Where have they gone now? What's going on with those two human manors with different styles? What happened to the Church in the Mist District?

A mysterious urban area aroused Tokugawa Nobunaga's curiosity. This situation means that there must be a large number of hidden tasks in the foggy area.

Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately contacted his capable general: "Feng Moying, take your mission strategy team to the foggy area of ​​Sighing City. Your team is the most efficient team in the Rising Sun Guild's strategy mission. I miss you this time. It won’t disappoint me either.”

A cold female voice replied: "Yes, President. I will immediately lead the Wind Demon Team to the Mist Zone. All the secrets in the Mist Zone will be revealed one by one in front of me."

Under Feng Moying's order, the members of the Feng Mo mission strategy team who were originally scattered in Sighing City to explore the map quickly moved towards the foggy area.

The Mist Zone is about to welcome its first batch of players.

At this time, Daliang was in his room in Destiny Manor, standing with Minia in front of a spread out map.

This is a map of the sad monarch's ruling territory, covering an area the size of the three eastern provinces.

In the middle of the map is the City of Sighs. The entire territory is densely packed with nearly a thousand territories, large and small. Only a very small part of these territories are directly ruled by the Melancholy Lord and managed by the Undead Church. The other territories are ruled by undead lords.

The Melancholy Monarch manages these territories with lords only through the church established in the territory by the Unsullied Curia.

The conflict between the lords and the church made the Melancholy Monarch have very low control over most of the territories, and also allowed some lords to fund the wizards' guild. The activities of the wizards would interfere with the church, leaving the Unsullied Holy See without the energy to compete with the lords for power.

The Sorrowful Monarch eradicated the branch of the Wizards Guild in the City of Sighs. It can be said that it was a big blow to those lords who were dissatisfied with the Unsullied Holy See, allowing the Unsullied Holy See to refocus its attention on the lords.

The task of building lords that Daliang received this time was to use the excuse of the Wizards Guild to deal with some disobedient lords.

Minia has already seen the list of lords that the Unsullied Holy See wants to eradicate.

She said: "Although some of these lords have helped our Wizards Guild, since they have betrayed us, the elders do not need to show mercy to them. At the same time, this also reminds us that those undead who are obsessed with power are definitely not suitable to be ours. friend.

I am willing to do everything I know to help the elders accomplish these tasks. "

It would be great if Minya was willing to help.

In fact, Daliang initially brought some pro-Wizard Guild lords back into the arms of the City of Sighs branch by exposing the face of the Unsullied Holy See.

But Daliang quickly rejected this risky move.

First of all, Da Liang has no intention of overthrowing the rule of the Melancholy Lord. Recruiting the undead lord will only plunge him into the whirlpool of the power struggle in the City of Sighs. In particular, this move is likely to expose the identity of his wizard guild to the Unsullied Holy See. Although Daliang is now dominant in the Mist Area, if the Unsullied Holy See wants to deal with him, the residents of the Mist Area will definitely hide as far away as possible. .

I will never put myself in danger in order to strengthen the Wizards Guild. Therefore, the Wizards Guild's Sigh City branch is in the best shape right now. They are all pure scientific researchers who are easy to manage and hide.

"Great, Minya. I originally thought that you were unwilling to help me attack these lords because they had funded us. Now we have to discuss how to attack them. I heard that you were sighing before. The job of the city branch is to be responsible for external liaison, who do you think we should attack first?"

Minia quickly pointed out a territory on the map and said: "I think we should attack here first..."

In the Snowfield Manor, Kuka began to accept the army assigned to him by Daliang. As an offensive commander-in-chief hero, there is no hero in the army of the Black Fire Lord who is more qualified than Kuka to attack these undead lords.

For this large-scale attack campaign, Daliang gave Kuka the first batch of 30,000 skeleton soldiers, 2,000 plague crawlers, 200 magic mages, 600 demon spirits, frost dragon thunderstorm, bite roar, A Fu, A Lu, A Shou Go to war.

In order to make up for the shortcomings of the attacking army in the air, Da Liang mobilized 1,000 griffins and 200 royal griffons from his own human troops.

The siege equipment includes 200 light ballistae, 50 artillery pieces, 50 medium ballistae and 20 medium catapults...

A batch of Jinzhao No. 1 and Jinzhao No. 2 produced by the Alchemy Laboratory will be allocated to the army when it sets off.

Under the orders of Kuka, the army of the Blackfire Territory moved from the Boneyard Fortress towards the assembly area.

Skeleton soldiers formed a white ocean moving across the wilderness, and the cries of griffins echoed across the sky of this dead world.

Siege weapons and countless supply convoys followed the army's rear.

The frost dragons flew in a straight line at the top of the entire army.

Kuka and his brothers rode into the sky from the Snowfield Manor riding the Frost Dragon's Roar and the Silver Pegasus.

The silent horn has sounded, and the Black Fire Lord will officially show off his military power in the kingdom of death.

Daliang did not follow his army into the war because he found that players finally appeared in his foggy area.

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