Start with an Archangel

Chapter 551 Use your true feelings

Feng Moying, who had no worries at all, said to Daliang: "Dear Pope, I am deeply sorry for what happened to this church. Who is so impudent that he dared to attack the Wugou Church in the City of Sighs, and even harmed the people? A distinguished bishop is dead. If my help is needed, I will do my best to catch the murderer."

This is ready to take on the mission.

But the destruction of the church and the killing of Frank were all done by Da Liang. There should be someone behind this little girl. If she is given this task and she investigates around the foggy area, it will be bad if she discovers any clues.

Therefore, she should give up investigating this incident and direct her attention elsewhere.

Daliang said: "Ms. Feng Moying, you have also seen that the foggy area is very different from other neighborhoods. There are many non-undead creatures living here. Their identities are all wanted criminals in various planes. They came to the kingdom of death when they had no way out. Accept the protection of the sad monarch.

Most of them are powerful and rebellious, especially when we promote the Immortal Doctrine to them, it will trigger a lot of conflicts. They seem unwilling to dedicate themselves to the God of Death..."

Feng Moying heard this and complained in her heart: Except for the brainless undead, no one is willing to dedicate themselves to the God of Death. I've already guessed what happened next. It must have been you trying to "persuade" those villains to donate just like you did to me, and a fight broke out.

The church was destroyed and the bishop was killed, and you brought it upon yourself.

But even though Feng Moying figured it out, the plot still had to continue. It's just that if the enemies of the church in the foggy area are all non-undead residents in the foggy area, the task of killing them all will be a bit difficult...

"What happened next? Did the villains attack the church?"

"Yes, they attacked the church, and Bishop Frank died in that attack. But we don't know who specifically did it, so we can't ask the Knights of the Holy See to send people to eliminate the murderer."

The mission will be directed out soon.

Feng Moying quickly asked: "Does the Pope need me to help you find out who attacked the church? And help Bishop Frank take revenge?"

"No..." Daliang walked under the statue of the God of Death and said in a very arrogant manner: "Death is actually the call of the God of Death to the undead. For us, the death of Bishop Frank has no hatred, only the dissemination of unfinished things to ourselves. Self-blame for the Immaculate Doctrine mission.

We are the missionaries of the Church in the Mist Zone, and we have the responsibility to make every resident of the Mist feel the majesty and love of the God of Death. It would be our dereliction of duty to have a believer who is not the God of Death in the Mist Zone.

Unlike some of the more extreme missionaries, I have always firmly believed that force cannot make a person willingly believe in the God of Death. Excessive 'persuasion' will only trigger disorderly riots, which is not in line with the order represented by the God of Death.

Therefore, I have no intention of pursuing the murderer, because that will only make the foggy area more chaotic. "

Feng Moying suddenly felt overwhelmed by this noble sentiment. What kind of heart is this, what kind of fraternity is this. Although his home is destroyed and his companions are killed, the pope still thinks about how to spread the doctrine of Immortality and make the non-undead villains truly surrender to the God of Death.

Isn’t his persistence what we insist on?

For the sake of our ninja village, I must do this task well.

Now that the Pope does not intend to pursue the murder of the bishop by the residents of the Mist District, how should this plot continue?

Feng Moying quickly thought about the countermeasures, and then said: "The Pope's loyalty to the God of Death is really admirable, but it seems that the non-undead residents in the Mist Area are not willing to truly believe in the God of Death. How do you plan to promote Wu Guo?" Doctrine? As a friend, I am willing to do whatever I can to help the church."

"Of course we must use our true feelings to influence them. I firmly oppose the use of any violence to promote the Immortal Doctrine. Only by willingly dedicating yourself can you feel the warmth of death when you die.

If you are willing to help, go and persuade the non-undead residents of the Mist Area to come here to make offerings..."

Dedicate your Baga!

I'm going to persuade those powerful heroes to come here to contribute, but I guess I won't be able to persuade even one if I fall to level zero.

The thoughts of the undead are indeed beyond the comprehension of normal people, and are completely unsolvable tasks.

Feng Moying found herself entering another difficult level.

The difficulty of this plot mission is really too high.

However, the higher the task, the more challenging it is. I have passed all the must-kill levels of the Terror Knight. There must be some way around this seemingly impossible task.


I seem to have fallen into the mistake I made at the beginning. When facing these Death God believers, I always unconsciously want to get closer to them through the Immortal Doctrine. But the Immortal Doctrine is too weird. The more I talk about it, the deeper I sink into it, and in the end I can't even move forward.

Feng Moying, Feng Moying, you must remember "Don't talk about ideals, just talk about money."

"Your Holiness, I'm really sorry. I personally don't fully understand the Immaculate Doctrine, so how am I qualified to preach it? But I am willing to help you ease the relationship between the church and the residents in the Mist District. When I first arrived in the Mist District, I found that this place is very deserted, with almost no business. Maybe the undead can't feel anything, but this means that the residents here are very poor.

Non-undead creatures have many, many needs. You need a prosperous city. Abundance will make the residents here grateful to you. At that time, they will definitely be very happy to listen to you explain the doctrine of Immortality.

I can build some workshops here to provide jobs for the residents here. "

Daliang was still quietly admiring Feng Moying's deflated look, but he soon discovered the seriousness of the matter.

Her ability to build a workshop means that she is a lord or is sponsored by a lord.

In other words, there is a territory of the undead that has opened a portal near the City of Sighs, and all the players wandering around the city are players sent by this territory.

Feng Moying, although her place of origin cannot be seen in the base camp plane, you can tell that she is Japanese from her language habits and small movements.

Of course, it is not ruled out that she is only a Japanese national and not from the Japanese game area.

Daliang immediately connected to the backstage of the Judgment Legion: "Help me check for a person named Feng Moying. I have already sent you the photo of a little girl dressed like a ninja. First check the guilds in the Japanese game area that have the Undead Territory. "

The feedback from the Judgment Legion backstage was very quick: "Feng Moying, a player in the Japanese game area, organized some junior high school students to form a cosplay ninja team, dedicated to discovering and solving hidden tasks. She is very famous in the Japanese game area mission flow circle.

I was recruited by the Rising Sun Guild a few days ago.

The president of the Rising Sun Guild is Tokugawa Nobunaga. He owns a territory of the undead called Rising Sun Territory. "

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