Start with an Archangel

Chapter 555 Fugitive

During this period, Da Liang was not in the Unsullied Church. He controlled everything in the Mist Zone in his Destiny Manor.

Cheap food has arrived. Although it is just some simple staple foods, these foods that are far more delicious than black bread make him closer to the foggy area.

Mr. Eviscerate's promise is still ringing in the ears of the residents of the Mist Zone: "Meat and wine will soon appear in my store. The price is very cheap. You can enjoy it with just a little money."

If he were a profiteer, he would definitely use food to wipe out all the money of the residents in the foggy area, but Daliang's actions earned him real respect and support in the foggy area.

The foggy area is developing at a rapid pace, changing its appearance every day.

Several taverns built by Liang appeared in the foggy area, serving ale and meat.

Although these drinks and food that need to be transported through the plane are still considered luxuries for the time being, many people who have made a lot of money are willing to spend a small amount of money here to reward themselves and brag to their friends about what kind of fools they have met. How much money did you get, and then share your experience of scamming people.

In addition, some players will come here to try their luck and see if they can recruit a powerful hero.

There is another kind of person in the tavern, which is the wandering hero. Attracting wandering heroes is also one of the main functions of the tavern.

Most of the wandering heroes are ordinary heroes who are relatively easy to recruit and train to be middle- and low-level commanders who can serve as the army.

Compared with those high-level heroes, a territory has a greater demand for ordinary heroes.

Da Liang did not relax the construction of the Black Fire Leader army during the Kingdom of Death. In addition to recruiting soldiers, he also needed enough subordinate heroic commanders to form an army as a whole.

The task of recruiting commanders for the Blackfire Army was left to Julian.

Julian is the costume of the human Crusader hero. Because the title of Angel Ji makes her very popular among players, she always wears a fully wrapped helmet when she is active in the Kingdom of Death.

The growth in strength allowed Julian to perfectly contain her divine aura. She led a crusaders team to a tavern.

"On behalf of the owner of Destiny Manor, Mr. Eviscerate, I recruit some followers. If there are any heroes who are willing to be loyal to Mr. Eviscerate, please stand up and report your name. Being able to become Mr. Eviscerate is a subordinate, and it will be an honor worth showing off in your life. …”

Julian's recruitment words are very straightforward and fully demonstrate the power that Daliang possesses. If an ordinary player recruits a hero, he must first do the tasks that he likes and raise the favorability to a certain height to increase the success rate of recruitment. Daliang had long since given up hope of recruiting high-level heroes in his tavern; recruiting ordinary heroes, with his status as a lord and his reputation in the foggy area, was enough to ignore the step of increasing his favorability.

Just like what he experienced every day, after Julian finished his recruitment words, several heroes stood up in the tavern. Judging from their attire and temperament, they were all ordinary wandering heroes. However, high-level heroes are still not simply willing to be loyal to a lord. Even if Da Liang has a very high reputation in the foggy area, he still needs some opportunities to recruit them.

The heroes who accepted the recruitment stood behind Julian after expressing their willingness to be loyal. But Julian did not leave here immediately. She walked towards the inside of the tavern. The metal armor on her body made her steps extremely heavy. The tavern was quiet, and only the metal made a friction sound with the sound of footsteps.

Everyone is watching Julian. The person who can recruit subordinates on behalf of Mr. Eviscerate must be his closest person. The residents of the Mist Zone respected Eviscerate, and they also consciously made way for Julian.

Julian walked to a table, and sitting next to it was an unkempt human being.

"You come with me to Destiny Manor. Mr. Eviscerate should be very interested in you."

The man buried his head and said reluctantly: "I'm really sorry. I don't plan to accept Mr. Eviscerate's recruitment. I'm just passing by and will leave after eating something."

"I extend an invitation to you on behalf of Mr. Eviscerate. You don't need to be afraid. We don't have any ill intentions towards you."

"No, no, no, I think you got the wrong person." The man shook his head desperately, then suddenly jumped back, and at the same time his body quickly faded.

Then he bumped into a person, and several residents of the foggy area had surrounded him: "Mr. Eviscerate is a person we all respect. If you refuse his invitation, you will find that you can't get out at all." In the foggy area, even if you are a very powerful thief."

All the ways to escape were blocked, and the thief begged: "The Mist Zone is not meant to take in desperate people from all planes. That's why I came to the Mist Zone. You can't hand me over. This will break the rules of the Mist Zone." .”

The thief's words made the residents of the Mist Zone hesitate. Mr. Eviscerate's followers obviously recognized the thief. If the thief was caught by Eviscerate and handed over to the person who wanted him, this would indeed be against the rules of the Mist Zone. This is a gathering place for desperate people, and handing over a person who comes to the Mist Zone to seek refuge will cause public outrage.

Julian said: "We will not break the rules of the foggy area. Mr. Eviscerate's invitation really does not have any malice. It will only allow you to integrate here more smoothly. Polly...if you escape, I will not stop you." , but you will definitely regret it.”

The thief is Polly, who was once the right-hand man of Flea King Macaulay and led Da Liang into the Shangjiang Sewer twice. He originally thought that Macaulay would never be able to recover from his attack on the King of East China Sea, but he turned into a messenger sent by Hell to Shang Jiangcheng.

After Polly got the news, he was afraid that Macaulay would punish him for his betrayal, so he immediately absconded. But he knew that Hell had the ability to teleport across all dimensions, and he had also seen Macaulay's space skills, so he was always on tenterhooks wherever he fled, fearing that Macaulay would suddenly walk out from him.

In desperation, he thought of the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs, a city full of fugitives. They provided shelter for everyone who escaped. Hell would not dare to open a portal in the city of the Sad Lord at will.

But Polly didn't expect that he would be recognized after all the hard work and difficulty in getting to the foggy area before he even drank a glass of wine.

Polly looked at the crusader hero in front of him and made a difficult choice that affected his life.

Escape... This is the safest place that Polly has ever thought of. During these few days of escaping, he didn't even dare to sleep.

The only option left was to meet this man named Eviscerate.

But when did I meet this big man who rules the foggy area?

No impression?

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