Start with an Archangel

Chapter 562 Li Daitao is stiff

An Immaculate Church was destroyed in this way, and Anthony saw the power of the City of Sighs branch.

"Since the City of Sighs branch has agreed to participate in the war against the Unsullied Holy See, and it seems that there is no need for support from the General Assembly, we should now return to participate in a frontal war."

The City of Sighs branch showed off its strength, and these wizards from the General Assembly had already planned to leave, and they returned to the tomb where they were temporarily staying.

But he didn't expect that he had been targeted by some interested people.

The master of disguise, the lizardman Doro, has been living in the foggy area for a long time, and he has his own set of relationships. The Sorrowful Lord is looking for the remnants of the wizards of the City of Sighs branch, and Doro immediately uses his connections to find those suspicious undead.

With money to clear the way, many people became Doro's spies.

Wizards like Anthony quickly attracted the attention of Doro's spy.

This is a group of undead that do not belong to the foggy area. The residents of the foggy area can easily identify whether an undead comes from the foggy area. The ten undead walking together are obviously a small group, and this group has a clear hierarchy and clear division of labor. Although each of them hides their appearance, the momentum they reveal faintly proves that they are all very powerful heroes.

There are various signs that this group of undead conform to the clues given by Doro.

An Immaculate Church exploded inexplicably, and a group of strange and powerful undead appeared near the explosion site.

They are probably members of the Wizards Guild, and only the Wizards Guild will destroy the Immaculate Church.

In a low house.

Doro immediately reported the news to the Sad Lord.

"Master Styx, my informant has found the residence of this group of undead. The tomb has long been abandoned. They are definitely not from the foggy area. And they appeared near the bombed church in the foggy area. It is very likely that this group of undead people live here." That's what they did.

Maybe they are the host you are looking for. "

The Sad Lord was very satisfied with Doro's efficiency: "I understand, you go down. Inform your informant to stay away from that place..."

"Yes, Master Styx."

When Doro raised his head, the Sad Lord had disappeared in front of him.

After Daliang blew up the church, he immediately returned to Destiny Manor. At this time, Minia had left the foggy area and headed to the Wizards Guild Headquarters. The outside had become noisy due to the explosion in the church. After changing his clothes, Da Liang went to see Anthony alone.

He wanted to get Anthony and the wizards out of the foggy area as soon as possible, so that they could find out what was special about the foggy area and find excuses to stay here and cause havoc.

The explosion drew away all the people in the foggy area, making the streets in other places suddenly quiet. Especially in the hiding place of Anthony and other wizards, not even a ghost could be seen.

This is what a city of the undead should look like at night.

The ubiquitous phosphorus fire illuminated the outline of the street and its surroundings, and the miserable screams of ghosts floated intermittently from a distance.

Da Liang walked alone on the road, his boots making a slight "dah" sound on the newly paved bluestone pavement.

Soon, he arrived outside the tomb where Anthony and other wizards were hiding.

Then he saw an undead body lying outside the tomb door.

He is a ghost hero. His powerful strength allows him to condense his body from a spiritual body into a physical body, so that his body does not dissipate immediately after death like ordinary ghosts. Seeing that his body had just begun to show signs of disintegration, Daliang judged that he had just died.

Moreover, Da Liang also recognized that this ghost hero was one of the nine high-level wizards who followed Anthony. His task should be to guard the tomb door, but he was attacked and died here.

There were no signs of fighting around, indicating that the ghost wizard was killed without even resisting.

At this time, Daliang's first thought was to flee immediately. The person who attacked the wizard should still be nearby. A guy who could easily kill a high-level wizard was definitely not something he could handle.

But then I thought about it, I am a player, and dying once is just a level drop. And if you don't know who the attacker is and what his purpose is, it is definitely a huge hidden danger for you. The attackers must have entered the tomb now. There was no movement from inside. Anthony's group of wizards were in danger.

Is this an action against this group of wizards? Is the attacker the Unsullied Holy See or the Wizards Guild?

If you want to solve the doubts in your heart and come up with the corresponding methods, you must enter the tomb to check.

Da Liang used invisibility to fade into the air. He did not move but used "Nicole's Jump" to teleport into the tomb.

There was deathly silence in the dark tomb passage.

Da Liang continued to use jumps to move forward. Not only did he not have to worry about triggering the defensive magic here during the action, but he also allowed himself to move forward without making any sound. Da Liang didn't know how long he could hide in front of this attacker, but every time he delayed, In a little time, you can get more useful information.

After passing through a corridor, when they were about to reach the tomb, the sound of voices reached Da Liang's ears.

One is Anthony, and the other...should be the attacker.

"You, who are you? The only ones who can defeat me so easily are level 16 creatures who understand the power of the law, but I don't know when a new level 16 appeared in the Kingdom of Death."

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you tell me what I want to know, I won't kill you."

"Although you are strong, don't underestimate my loyalty to the Wizards Guild. I won't tell you anything.

The dead are mortal, but witchcraft is eternal. "

"Witchcraft, Wizards Guild... Even at level 16, you can't escape the limitations of mortal things. If it weren't for special reasons, I would be very willing to become a member of the Wizards Guild and study together how to become a god.

I am very interested in your research results. Now tell me the way to the crystal wall of the God Plane immediately. "

At this moment, Da Liang instantly guessed who the attacker was.

The Divine Plane is Elder Quentin's name for the place where divine creatures exist. The crystal wall refers to the "eggshell" between the Divine Plane and this world. It was also proposed by Elder Quentin.

Even the ordinary wizards of the City of Sighs branch did not know these two defining terms. Minia only knew these things after he directly participated in Elder Quentin's research.

The ultimate powerhouse who understands the power of the law at level 16, and also knows that only the Wizards Guild's Lament City branch has lost information. These two clues overlap with the Sorrowful Monarch.

Da Liang was very confident that the attacker was the Sad Lord himself. He really couldn't stand the temptation of becoming a god and looked for clues to becoming a god.

Now the Sad Lord must have regarded the undead like Anthony as the surviving wizards of the City of Sighs branch. As long as he continues to ask, he will definitely know that he has found the wrong person, and then he will be more certain that the surviving wizards of the City of Sighs branch are hiding. Fog area.

This can cause a lot of trouble.

And I must have been discovered by the Melancholy Lord.

The invisibility skill brought by the Shadowman's cloak has great limitations, and the undead are very sensitive to the breath of living things. At the beginning, Da Liang couldn't hide in front of Elder Quentin, let alone the stronger Sad Lord here.

Whether it was to prevent the Sad Lord from learning more information about the City of Sighs branch from Anthony, or to ask for it, Daliang decided to take the initiative.

"Asshole, you remnants of the Wizard's Guild dare to blow up my church. Today I will kill you all for the Sorrowful Lord."

Daliang shouted, then grabbed three golden bomb No. 1s and threw them into the tomb, and all kinds of attack magic were thrown in.

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