Start with an Archangel

Chapter 602 Talented

"Life in the Kingdom of Death is not as beautiful as Gus once promoted. This portal is now owned by Mr. Eviscerate. If you really have nowhere to go and can live here, Mr. Eviscerate will provide it to you from time to time. Food. There is only one way to enter the portal, which is to live in the harsh environment here for a month. Your experience in the Kingdom of Death will not be better than here."

These are the words left by Daliang for every refugee who comes here and wants to take refuge in the country of death. The climate in Eastern Siberia is really harsh, and water will freeze before it hits the ground. Although Daliang left food in the refugee camp, it was all black bread unique to the country of death. It had no taste at all and was frozen as hard as stone.

In the report of the left-behind heroes, Daliang knew that many fleeing heroes had indeed come here during this period, but most of them could not bear the bitter cold here and left. There were still three left who insisted on waiting here.

"These are the real desperate people. Take me to see them."

Stepping on the knee-deep snow, Daliang led a group of skeleton soldiers through the snowfield. This is really the most primitive forest. The cruel environment isolates most intelligent creatures from the outside. There are almost no cities in this vast land, which makes it impossible for players who rely heavily on urban teleportation arrays to set foot here.

Eastern Siberia belongs to the Russian game area. Russian players focus on their western part and have no ability to develop the Far East.

Daliang owns a portal leading here, and he intends to develop it, but he has no way to start yet. The most abundant resource in the snowfield here is undoubtedly the inexhaustible wood. However, the portal in the snowfield manor is a small portal and cannot transport bulk goods. Moreover, Daliang does not want a large amount of wood to come in and out of his snowfield manor. out.

As for finding valuable resources such as alchemical minerals and rare minerals, it is indeed feasible. There must be a lot of good things underground in such a large East Siberia.

But transportation is a very difficult thing to solve. There are no roads here, and it is covered with mountains and forests. A blizzard that blows at any time can cover everything up. It is difficult for the skeleton carriage of the Black Fire Leader to move here. However, this is not the most difficult thing. There are high-level monsters everywhere here, which is a great danger to the resource collection team.

Therefore, the cost of developing snowfields is very high. At least, it is necessary to build military camps and establish protection circles; at the same time, it is necessary to build and maintain roads to establish a transportation network; and there is also a sufficient force of heroes to kill the monsters that threaten the transportation network.

Daliang thought about the feasibility and calculated investment in developing the snowfield, and unknowingly arrived at the cave where the snowfield refugee camp was located.

A raging fire was lit at the entrance of the cave to heat the air entering the cave first, and then there was a smaller bonfire inside the cave to provide warmth and bake food for the people living here.

At this time, the three tauren heroes were roasting meat around the campfire.

The black bread prepared by Da Liang here is really unpalatable, but those who can come here are all powerful heroes. It is not too difficult for them to capture some beasts in the forest.

The tauren cut the meat into large pieces and threaded them on the branches, then roasted them slowly over the fire. The skin of the meat was a sauce-yellow color, and the fat dripping on the fire gave off a rich aroma.

It's all because the game is too realistic. Daliang couldn't help but said: "It smells so good. I'll bring some wine. How about we all have a drink together?"

The movement outside the cave actually alerted the three tauren. It's just that the wind and snow outside are too strong, and all I can hear is the sound of skeletons walking and the sound of bones rubbing against each other. They thought it was the skeleton soldier delivering dry firewood and didn't pay much attention until Da Liang made a sound, which aroused their alertness.

The three tauren stood up, and the magical energy made their eyes glow bright blue: "Who are you?"

Da Liang shook off the snow on his body and approached the bonfire, sat down as if no one else was around, then took out the newly brewed ale from the package, and said, "You can call it Evisceration."

The tauren were shocked. Seeing that the guards here were skeleton soldiers of the undead tribe, they thought that the undead had killed Gus and took back the foggy area. However, they did not expect that the human race would still be in charge of the foggy area. Looking at the performance of the garrisoned skeleton soldiers, the tauren did not doubt Daliang's words. They first saluted Daliang, then sat down around the campfire and gave Daliang a piece of roasted meat.

Daliang also shared the wine he brought with them, and then bit off a piece of meat and chewed it: "It's so delicious. Seasonings are very scarce in the Kingdom of Death. I don't seem to have left any spices here. I didn't expect you to." You can also roast such delicious meat. If you can persist here for three months and enter the foggy area, my manor can hire you to be my chef."

The leader of the tauren said: "The three of us are the best chefs in the underground city. If Mr. Eviscerate allows us to enter the kingdom of death now, we can make the most delicious food in the world for him."

Da Liang said while chewing meat and drinking wine: "The rules are the rules. The Mist Zone used to take in desperate people so casually. Some villains still committed evil after arriving in the Mist Zone. Gus died at the hands of the people he took in.

Now the foggy area is under my control. I don’t care how crazy and evil the people who come to the foggy area have done in the past. When they come to the foggy area, they must do their duty honestly. I offer you protection and you must completely separate from your past.

This three-month test period is for you to make a choice. If you can persist, I believe that you are strong-willed people and really need my protection. If you leave, it means that the foggy area is not your only choice, which means that I don't need to risk taking in a guy who will do bad things at any time. "

The three tauren are all very powerful heroes. Any one of them can easily defeat Da Liang, but the portal that allows them to escape is in Da Liang's hands, so they dare not use any strong methods.

"Mr. Eviscerate, we have no choice except the foggy area, otherwise we would not insist on waiting here for your arrival. We are being hunted and we don't know if we can survive these three months. I promise, the three of us will After arriving in the foggy area, I won't cause any trouble for you sir.

We can be our husband's cooks, as long as he provides us with shelter. "

When the ale enters the mouth, the flavor of the meat is stimulated again. The aroma of wine mixed with the aroma of meat makes people feel comfortable all over.

Da Liang, who noticed something strange about his body, quickly called up his attribute bar, and found an additional buff state that accelerated physical recovery by 5% and magic power recovery by 5%, which lasted for one hour.

So awesome...

No, that’s awesome!

Daliang knew that some food made with chef skills could add temporary attributes, but this was the first time he heard that such a simple barbecue could also add temporary attributes.

Such talented people really can't let them die so casually.

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