Start with an Archangel

Chapter 62 Shu Xiao in the game

After the adaptation period at the beginning of the game, players began to try to delve into the vast game map. The originally crowded conditions at the edges of cities, villages and towns have been greatly improved, and this glorious game world is slowly unveiling itself.

Shu Xiao's current location for spawning monsters and upgrading is a bugbear gathering place. These bugbears are close relatives of goblins. They have bodies as strong as orcs, but do not have the fear of death of goblins. You need to be very careful when killing bugbears here. Their advantage is quantity, so players who upgrade here must be prepared to be surrounded by spawned bugbears at any time.

It is precisely because bugbears are strong, durable and numerous that there are still very few players who dare to upgrade here. But if you have good skills, equipment, and troops, the speed of upgrading here is much faster than competing with an army of players to grab monsters elsewhere.

Shu Xiao obviously does not belong to such a player. She is here simply because there are few players here. She can beat up the bugbears as much as she wants, or be beaten up by a group of newly created bugbears.

Like now.

Shu Xiao ran desperately in the woods. Behind her were six bugbears holding tattered swords. They had brown-green skin, wore tattered clothes, and were chasing after her with stubby legs. Shu Xiaoxin The spearmen they recruited had been thrown away long ago.

The knight's heavy armor forced Shu Xiao to escape the bugbears' pursuit, and her aimless escape attracted more wandering bugbears. In a short time, more than a dozen bugbears surrounded her.

I'm not going to die again, I just reached level seven...

At this moment, Shu Xiao suddenly thought of Daliang. She quickly connected to Daliang's communication: "Master, what are you doing? I'm surrounded by bugbears."

"I'm at the coordinates you gave me right now. There's a spearman's body right here. Where did you go?"

"You come south, I'm right here, come and save me, I can't stand it anymore..."

The bugbears surrounding Shu Xiao would not let her finish her words there, and they all attacked Shu Xiao together.

Shu Xiao was happy to be active in the bugbear refresh area, and of course he had his own support. The fighting skills she had practiced since she was a child were used by Shu Xiao in the game. She held the knight's sword with both hands and moved deftly, shuttling back and forth between the bugbear's clumsy bodies, seizing any opportunity to immediately attack and cause damage to the bugbear.

But in the end, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and a hero cannot withstand a large number of people. The bugbear's occasional hits on her body also cause her blood loss. The little things add up, and Shu Xiao's health volume is reduced little by little. Many, and she only killed five bugbears. These rough-skinned and fleshy guys were too durable.

The blood volume that was constantly turning red made Shu Xiao dare not attack rashly. She relied on small steps to avoid the bugbear's attacks again and again, delaying as much time as possible.

At this time, there were bursts of eagle cries in the sky. Before Shu Xiao could raise her head to look, a magical light enveloped her whole body. Her blood bar began to rise, and changed from red to yellow, and then As it increases, it turns green again.

Shu Xiao thought to herself, the master has finally arrived.

The sound of the eagle's cry became louder, and the strong wind followed the sound, raising dust and weeds on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a royal griffon and two griffins ferociously descended from the sky. They pounced on the bugbears, knocking them down and flying with the momentum of their bodies, and then tore these poor creatures apart with their sharp claws, leaving flesh and blood flying. , the originally stubborn bugbear did not offer any resistance during the whole process.

The griffins, which had obviously been subjected to status magic, quickly ended the battle. They screamed in protest and paced back and forth on the ground, forming a circular cordon.

Shu Xiao was completely stunned by this straightforward and brutal scene. The current "Heroic World" is unfamiliar to almost all players. Players are exploring carefully and carefully dealing with every monster they encounter. Shu Xiao can be regarded as a unique existence among the players. She is leveling up here alone, step by step, trying not to encounter more than two bugbears, but no matter how careful she is, she will inevitably not be surrounded by bugbears and die.

She had never seen someone spawn monsters like this. The bugbears who had been in such a state of embarrassment all died in the blink of an eye.

Master is really great, really a master, a super master.

Daliang, who was riding the royal griffon, landed on the ground. Shu Xiao ran over enthusiastically, holding the reins of the royal griffin in his hand and touching the white feathers with his hands. At the same time, he flattered him first: "Master, you are so powerful. You are truly the 'Domineering Emperor'. A few bugbears are like ants in your hands. The gryphons are majestic, and the bugbears will be killed if they say they will." Of those two gryphons, which one will Master prepare to give me?"

Although Shu Xiao was talking about griffins, his eyes only glanced at the other royal griffon.

Daliang didn't get off the Royal Griffin. He said to Shu Xiao: "I just watched it in the sky for a while. Your skills are fine, even better than most players. It's just that the upgrade monster you chose is a bit too high, and you don't have any teammates." It's easy to die if you help. But...if you have a gryphon in your hand, it will definitely be no problem to upgrade here."

"That's it... Master, if you give me a gryphon, can't I just walk sideways here?"

"One is not enough, I need two to take turns..."

Hearing that Daliang wanted to give him two griffins, Shu Xiao's eyes turned into two hearts: "Two griffons?"

Daliang continued: "I suddenly remembered something now. You should be very familiar with Shangjiang City. Come with me back to the city to do some errands. If I am satisfied, the royal griffon will be yours."

"Royal griffon?" Shu Xiao felt happy that her head was a little dizzy.

"A royal griffin mount to be exact."

"Plop", Shu Xiao's limbs twitched and fell to the ground.

Each player in the game can set a return point for himself, which allows players to quickly return to the city to escape danger or replenish supplies.

Daliang had set the return point here when he was in Shangjiang City, but Shu Xiao resolutely refused to use the return skill to return to Shangjiang City, so the two of them rode a royal griffon and flew to Shangjiang City.

"Wow..." Along the way, Shu Xiao, who was experiencing flying in the game for the first time, shouted loudly, "Wow..."

It's shameful to have such a disciple.

Daliang silently lowered his speed, letting Shu Xiao race ahead while thinking about meeting Joyce.

From now on, he and Joyce will be in the same camp. If he wants to get along well in Shangjiang City, Joyce, a quasi-queen with a heavy army, must make good friends with her.

The q group is in the announcement.

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