Start with an Archangel

Chapter 623 Rare Resource Sales

Feng Moying clicked on the confirmed option of quitting the Xuyang Guild, and instantly felt relaxed. The crisis is over and you can finally enjoy the game freely.

"And the Pope in the Mist Zone didn't kill me, which means that even if this plot mission fails, I'm still in his database. Even though the favorability may be negative, it's better than not having any favorability at all.

Feng Moying, you are playing a game for yourself now. Wherever you fall, you have to get up. This time our task is to attack the Pope in the foggy area and reveal his true face. Your goal is to become the woman of the King of Heroes. …”

Not to mention how Feng Moying regained her momentum and prepared for a comeback, Daliang felt lucky to be able to prevent a possible tragedy from happening in time.

I hope this incident didn't have too big an impact on the little girl.

After the incident ended, Da Liang no longer thought about Feng Moying. He began to arrange how the church in the foggy area would sell those 15 units of rare resources.

Daliang does not plan to sell these rare resources directly in shops. This will only cause powerful guilds to send people to squat in the shops and buy the rare resources as soon as they appear.

This kind of monopolistic behavior is inconsistent with Daliang’s fundamental purpose of using rare resources to stimulate the activity of players in the foggy area.

After careful consideration, Daliang planned to use these rare resources as random easter eggs for church missions.

It is not unusual for players to publish tasks in the highly interactive Hero World game. When a player is in a certain position and has a certain identity, he can obtain the corresponding permission to publish tasks.

Lords can issue territory tasks, such as issuing collection tasks for certain resources...

Nobles can issue quests to players at specific locations in the city...

When you hold a certain official position, you can also use your authority to issue functional tasks...

Daliang has many identities. The Earl of Shangjiang City, the Admiral of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce Escort Fleet, the Lord of the Black Fire Lord, the Lord of the Judgment Lord, and the Foreign Affairs Pope of the Mist Zone all have the corresponding authority to issue tasks.

Among the many titles that have the authority to issue tasks, the level of tasks that the Pope of the Mist Zone can issue is undoubtedly the highest. Other lords probably would not even dare to think about issuing territory tasks to themselves.

Open explicit tasks do not require face-to-face interaction between players and NPCs. Players only need to click on the public notice board outside the church to see the task list released by the church. Players can receive the rewards at will according to the rewards given above and their own abilities. All task handovers are issued through public notice boards.

Simple and convenient.

Da Liang only needs to use his own authority to randomly add rare resource purchase coupons to the hidden rewards of the mission.

Players who accept church missions will not see the hidden reward rare resource purchase coupons in the mission list. When the mission is completed and the rewards are received, the rare resource purchase coupons will appear in their packages along with the rewards.

With a rare resource purchase coupon, players can purchase a unit of rare resources at a designated store for 10,000 gold.

This kind of randomly issued purchase coupons can effectively prevent the occurrence of monopoly. At the same time, this kind of unexpected surprise can stimulate players to actively complete church tasks and contribute to the development of the church. 15 rare resource purchase coupons every day will attract a large number of players and leave a foggy area.

Supplies arrived from the Order of the Curia.

After the equipment goods are renovated, they are transported to the equipment market built by the church in the foggy area.

The highly cost-effective high-end soldier ordnance immediately attracted players and merchants who were extremely sensitive to business opportunities. The first batch of equipment put into the market in Da Liang was swept away in a short period of time. Then these players directly set up stalls in the market and sold the equipment they had just bought at a price that was 50% higher.

However, this speculation was immediately hit, and Daliang quickly put the second batch of renovated equipment on the market.

Then they were swept in by players and merchants.

In other cities, the price of high-end soldier ordnance is very high, but the price of equipment in the foggy area market is only one-half of that in other cities. Although the durability is less, the attributes are not reduced. These players and merchants firmly believe that the reason why the foggy area equipment market started to release such low-priced equipment must be a marketing method. After several rounds of low-priced equipment being released, the price will rise.

Da Liang continued to put refurbished equipment into the equipment market batch by batch, and the prices remained unchanged. At the same time, he ordered the Church Knight team to tax the player merchants who set up stalls in the market.

As for how long these speculators can persist, it depends on when they understand that the church in the foggy area will not increase prices and that there is sufficient supply.

Compared with the "spring breeze turns into rain, moistening as silently" in the foggy area equipment market, the mission of the foggy area church can be described as exciting.

A player received a collection task from the church bulletin board: provide ten ghost grasses to the church.

Ghost grass is a low-level alchemical herb that can be used to make prayer materials, allowing low-level priests to slightly speed up their strength improvement when praying to the God of Death.

The collection task of ghost grass is a very low-level task, and the reward is only two silver coins. If the player goes to collect it outside the city, he can gain two silver coins. If he purchases it from players in the city, he can also earn one silver coin in the end.

However, after this player received the reward for delivering ten ghost grasses, he discovered that there seemed to be something else along with the silver coins.

The player immediately opened his package and found that the extra item was called "Rare Resource Purchase Scroll (Crystal)", and was reminded that he could use this purchase coupon to go to the mineral exchange run by the church and purchase a unit for 10,000 gold. of crystal.

The scarcity of rare resources is well known among the player base. 10,000 gold to buy a complete unit of crystal is absolutely worth it.

Although the lucky player had no money to sell rare resources, he immediately reported the news that he had obtained a "rare resource purchase coupon" to the president of his guild. The president immediately came to the foggy area, and after successfully selling a unit of crystal from the mineral exchange with the "Rare Resource Purchase Scroll (Crystal)", he casually rewarded the player with 100 gold, and then asked him in detail to obtain this Details of purchase volume.

100 gold is equivalent to 10,000 silver coins, which can be exchanged for more than 200 dollars in cash through the virtual bank. It is undoubtedly a small windfall for an ordinary player, especially if it is obtained from a task that rewards 1 silver coin.

Looking at the increasing number of gold coins, the players certainly know everything and talk about it.

At this time, equally lucky players continued to appear, and news of the appearance of "Rare Resource Purchase Scrolls" in the foggy area of ​​Lament City in the Kingdom of Death spread rapidly. There are no thresholds for these hidden rewards that appear randomly in the public tasks of the church in the foggy area, making it possible for every player to become a lucky winner.

More than ten rare resource purchase coupons appear randomly every day, attracting countless players into the foggy area. The consumption and output of these players have driven the entire foggy area to begin an explosive development.

The shops and stalls in the market that Daliang built in the foggy area became hot commodities, and Daliang was reluctant to collect taxes and rent. The church in the foggy area has sufficient financial resources, and the number of church missions released has also become more and more high-level. The benefits are that the church's supplies are abundant, the dead energy has become richer, the refresh rate of priests and church knights has accelerated, and their growth has accelerated. Quality is also improving.

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