Start with an Archangel

Chapter 633 Harvest

No. 2 said excitedly: "Since we are sure that the archangel just now is Da Liang's Angel Ji, and given the low possibility of players lending ultimate creatures to system NPCs, in addition to the target being a close player who has a strategic cooperative relationship with Da Liang, I Can't think of any other explanation.

Everyone has just seen the strength of this player. His combat awareness is not weaker than that of any adventure player. His strength can definitely easily surpass any of us. If you add in the army he has.

If we can win him into our 'Shadow of Death', we will have the strength to fight against two planes at the same time as a team. "

No. 1 agreed with No. 2's statement: "Although we have confirmed that the target is a player, I still can't believe that there is already a player lord with an army of this size. The other party is a lord of the undead tribe, absolutely. Lucky for us undead people.

The only regret is that we have sacrificed so much and still haven’t gotten his name. How should we establish contact with him? "

No. 2 said: "Leave this matter to me. Since the other party has a close relationship with Daliang in the Chinese Game Zone, I will start directly from Daliang."

At this time, Daliang looked confused...

Although the entire attack process was short, it could be seen that the other players had a complete attack plan. From the beginning to the attack to the retreat, all the personnel showed extremely high quality and were not sloppy overall. They did not give the Black Fire Leader's army any chance to control them. The chance of total annihilation.

But what do they want to do?

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

Don't think about it anymore. Many of the player's behaviors cannot be analyzed using common sense. The most important thing now is to clean up the loot.

The Lord of Darklight City is a level 15-like boss. If he dies, something good will be revealed.

"Fire Aegis": Fire defensive magic to improve immunity to fire magic. When the hero learns advanced fire magic, the Fire Aegis will counterattack melee attacks with fire attributes.

Advanced Fire Magic: Hero stunt advanced skill book, which improves the power and effect of fire magic and reduces the casting cost of fire magic.

When he saw the advanced fire magic skill book among a pile of dazzling top-quality equipment, Da Liang could no longer look at anything else.

He quickly picked up the advanced fire magic skill book and chose to learn it, and then saw extra prompts behind his hero's specialties.

[Congratulations on mastering both advanced earth magic and advanced fire magic. The Magic Forest has sensed your presence and opened a transmission channel between you and the Magic Forest. Note: There is an extremely powerful creature living in the magic forest. If you break into their territory rashly, you will be attacked by them. 】

Enchanted Forest…

Da Liang had long heard from the mouth of Holy Bella that it was a hidden plane inhabited by a kind of high-level dragons who were good at using magic.

All dragons are ultimate creatures, and a gathering place where dragons can cast magic is definitely a very dangerous place.

Danger naturally also brings opportunities. Even if you are not lucky enough to recruit this kind of dragon, there must be many other good things in this hidden plane.

However, Da Liang doesn't have time to go to the Magic Forest yet. He has to wait until he returns from Ash City to participate in the Blue Alliance Alliance at the earliest.

With a plan in mind, Daliang casually learned the "Fire Aegis".

Under the effect of advanced fire magic skills, the "Fire Aegis" allows Daliang to reduce fire damage by 25%, and at the same time cause 20% fire damage to melee attacks.

Another good defensive skill.


While Daliang was rummaging through the collected equipment, Monica brought a magic mage to Daliang.

"Sir, a magician was promoted to a hero in this battle."

I just got a way to enter the magic forest, and now I got a magic mage hero. Good things come in pairs.

Da Liang couldn't wait to click on the attributes of the magic mage.

Hmm... still an acquaintance.

Vincent was one of the five human monks sent by Joyce when Daliang attacked Feichen Island. He was also the first batch of magicians transformed by Daliang. Vincent has participated in all the wars of the Black Fire Territory. It can be said that he is the veteran who has witnessed the entire process of the Black Fire Territory from the beginning of its formation to its strength.

Now that he has been promoted to a hero, he has been rewarded for his continuous efforts.


Magic Mage: Level 12

Attack: 17

Defense: 12

Kills: 140-140

HP: 300

Special skills of the unit: Spellcasting (randomly apply group buff magic to friendly troops during war, or apply group curse magic to enemy troops, casting range: 70 meters × 70 meters, magic effect time: one hour. 3/3, recovery time is one day)

Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 2

Defense: 2

Intelligence: 4

Knowledge: 3

Specialty: Flame Control (the effect of fire magic is increased by 20%, the fire magic immunity is increased, the resistance of the commanded army to fire magic is increased by 20%, and the summoning flame elves are summoned: the summoning time is related to intelligence, and the number of summons is related to knowledge)

Special skills: Intermediate fire magic, elementary intelligence

Magic: Fireball, Explosive Flame

So popular!

Da Liang looked at the weapon he just held in his hand, and after comparing it with his own undead cane, he reluctantly handed it to Vincent.

"Vincent, you have followed me since the Blackfire Territory had nothing. I am very happy to see you finally become a hero. I got this weapon today, and you became a hero today, so I will He gave it to you, hoping that you can become a mage who can control the war as soon as possible and bring destruction to all my enemies."

Vincent excitedly took the weapon given by Daliang and uttered the oath of allegiance.

Harutu's swing (staff sword): attack +6, intelligence +5, knowledge +4, fire magic effect increased by 15%, magic: wall of fire; martial skill: spinning slash.

After the death of the city lord, Darklight City completely lost its ability to resist the attack of the Black Fire Lord's army. At the same time, after the Darklight City Church learned that Harotu was killed, it immediately sent out the Church Knights to recruit the army under the lord's command.

Soon the enemies of the Black Fire Lord's army changed their camps, and the battle against Darklight City ended with the Black Fire Lord's victory.

All the lord tasks that Daliang received have been completed so far...

Mission end information:

"Great, great. I really didn't expect that an eighth-level territory would be vulnerable in front of you. The strength displayed by your army has attracted the attention of the Sad Lord. In the kingdom of death that is about to become chaotic , the Melancholy Lord needs death lords like you at his service.

Of course, your territory level is too low to complete more difficult tasks. You must upgrade your territory to level 7 as soon as possible. Level 7 vampires can add wings to your army.


Use your loyalty to accept the generosity of the sad monarch. "

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