Start with an Archangel

Chapter 670 Yunzhong City’s Attitude

The elders of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild drew lines and set up the arena, threatening that whoever could defeat one of his wizards one-on-one would voluntarily give up his seat.

Not to mention the attraction of the Sighing City branch seats, it was the arrogance that regarded all the heroes in the venue as nothing, which stimulated powerful heroes to fly into the air to give the elders of the Sighing City branch a good look.

But Holy Bella's combat effectiveness at this level is unsolvable. As a hero who has already stood outside the threshold of level 16 creatures, no level 15 hero can be her opponent in a one-on-one battle. Therefore, all the challengers who rushed forward were defeated without exception.

After the seventeenth hero was easily defeated by Holy Bella, no more heroes rushed forward. The gap in strength was too obvious. Except for Boswell and Lucas, who were the wizards from the City of Sighs branch in the sky, none of the heroes from the League could compete with her.

Including Holy Brandon, the representative of Cloud City.

Holy Brandon has been staring at Holy Bella in the sky. Although Bella hides the aura of an angel with a restrained appearance, she does not even use the holy flame that she is best at. But Holy Brandon recognized her as an angel from some of her movements.

The elder of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild is a mysterious human race, and there is actually a very powerful angel among the wizards under him. Who are he and she? How did he appear in the Wizards Guild and hold an important position?

Holy Brandon recalled the angel legion sent by Yunzhong City to the Kingdom of Death. There was absolutely no such powerful angel among them. Cloud City will never fail to notify the Supreme Angel Gabriel, appoint another angel to enter the Kingdom of Death, and also join the Wizards Guild.

Brandon looked at Lucas beside him. Nothing could be seen from the old lich's face, but it was certain that he attached great importance to the City of Sighs branch. His return to the helm of the Wizards Guild also happened after returning from the City of Sighs. Variety.

Therefore, this human elder and powerful angel definitely do not belong to Yunzhong City. They are a trump card for Lucas.

But Lucas has been trying to get rid of the influence of Cloud City on the Wizards Guild, and even wanted to prevent this war. Therefore, although Yunzhong City stated that it would not interfere with the command of the cyan coalition's death army, Gabriel clearly pointed out that the cyan coalition should actively launch an offensive war against the Monarch of Ayin, and remove the monarch who is known as the number one in the kingdom of death from his position. Kick it down...

If Lucas becomes the commander of the death army, Gabriel's strategy may not be actively implemented by Lucas, but if the commander of the death army is Boswell.

He must be eager to bring the vast territory of the Wailing Lord under his jurisdiction.

Therefore, when all the wizards thought that Cloud City would support Lucas to become the commander of the army of death, Cloud City was actually planning to support Boswell.

But Lucas's prestige is too high. From the fact that he immediately regained control of the Wizards Guild after he changed his mind and was willing to go to war against the Lord of Death, we can see the wizards' support for him.

This alliance was held in the name of the Wizards Guild, and it was really difficult to exclude Lucas from the selection of commander.

The City of Sighs branch became a breakthrough at this time.

If Lucas cannot handle the matter of the City of Sighs branch, it will be a serious blow to his prestige in the Wizards Guild. Some wizards will not trust Lucas and instead support Boswell, who is fair, strict and commander-in-chief.

However... everyone seems to have underestimated the City of Sighs branch, thinking that they really failed to recover after experiencing a major crisis, and the wizard who flew in the air and scared all the heroes from coming forward to challenge, really made the cyan coalition good. I got to know the current City of Sighs branch again.

To be taken seriously by Lucas, it is true that he still has some abilities, but...

Lucas said at this time: "The City of Sighs branch is showing their strength. Anyone who questions their current position can now step forward to challenge, but we cannot affect the progress of our alliance because of this small matter.

The cyan coalition has been established, the Angel Volunteer Corps sent by our ally Yunzhong City has also arrived in the Kingdom of Death, and the death army jointly formed by the Death Lord and the Wizard Guild has also been assembled.

We have completed all preparations for launching a war against the Unsullied Holy See.

Throughout the war, the land of Evernight was our main battlefield, and the army of death also needed a commander. "

Lucas was preparing to bring the alliance process into the election of the commander of the Death Army. At this time, Holy Brandon said: "Cloud City does not intend to interfere in any way in the election of the commander of the Death Army, but for the sake of victory, we hope that The commander of the army of death is a hero who is fair, strict and has rich experience in commanding armies.

The war we are about to face is not a competition between a few heroes based on their individual strength, but a competition between the commanding ability and strategic and tactical vision of the army.

Just like the former Wizards Guild City of Sighs branch, in the secret battle at the hero level, the Melancholy Monarch did not have much advantage over them, thus allowing the City of Sighs branch to develop extremely powerfully. But once the two sides had a head-on confrontation, the City of Sighs branch quickly exposed their disadvantage in large-scale frontal combat, and their base was captured by the troops of City of Sighs.

Although there are reasons for traitors to leak secrets, this conflict also reminds us that no matter how powerful a single hero is, he is nothing in a large-scale war. Your enemies will not compete one-on-one according to the rules. Facing a powerful hero, they can use several or dozens of heroes to eliminate them through tactical cooperation.

The fundamental reason for the failure of the City of Sighs branch is their rigid thinking. They believe that the battle with the Unsullied Church is a competition for top combat power. Just like now... they can definitely easily kill a bishop of the Unsullied Church if they are sent to assassinate them. Finish. But how about capturing a city and holding it against the counterattack of the Unsullied Holy See army?

At this time, what you need is an army that can defend the results of the victory. You need a real commander to command this army and win in a head-on confrontation with the enemy.

Allies, we are fighting an existential war, and I hope you can put aside your selfishness and put capable people in their place. "

Holy Brandon's words sounded an alarm in the hearts of every hero who participated in the alliance. Although his speech seemed to be directed at the City of Sighs branch, saying that they were not qualified to sit here even with just one super combat power. At the same time, the finger is pointed at the selection of the commander of the army of death...

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