Start with an Archangel

Chapter 676 Promotion

Lucas has the same status as Gabriel, and the Wizards Guild is an ally with Cloud City. If he doesn't agree to hand over Misuka, the angel can't force it.

"Okay then, Michuka will be temporarily handed over to the custody of the Wizards Guild." The value of a crippled Hell Lord King is far less than what Yunzhong City has to do in the Kingdom of Death. Gabriel still needs the cyan coalition to help him. He charged into the battle, and this incident should not cause a gap between the two sides.

Moreover, the matter of Michuka in the hands of the Wizards Guild will soon spread everywhere. Then all kinds of monsters and monsters will come to the Kingdom of Death, and the Wizards Guild really does not have the ability to imprison Michuka...

Therefore, Gabriel seemed very magnanimous in this matter, as if Yunzhong City didn't care much about Misuka: "Now let's discuss together, what can my angel army do in this war?"

Lucas and Boswell took Gabriel into the pyramid, and Holy Brandon followed them. When he passed by Da Liang, he said: "No matter what you know, you should know what you are doing in Cloud City." We are as tiny as ants in front of us. Under the tide of justice, anyone who tries to stop us will only end up being drowned."

Then Brandon said to Holy Bella: "Your current situation is very dangerous. Questioning the Supreme Angel will only make you fall...Bella, you are a warrior. What Lord Michael needs is your sword, not Your thoughts.”

After saying that, Holy Brandon left the top platform of the tower.

Only Da Liang, Anthony, Holy Bella, Minia and Jonathan were left at the venue.

Anthony's spirit was still a little sluggish. He forced himself to ask Daliang: "Elder of Sighing City, regarding the matter of Misuka, the president chose to support you despite Gabriel's pressure. I also hope you can give me some help." We have a reasonable explanation.”

Through a few contacts, Daliang knew that Anthony was a very straightforward wizard and a trustworthy undead who could influence Lucas's decision-making. Therefore, if Daliang wants to detain Michuka, he must first convince Anthony.

Daliang said to Anthony: "I have been assisting Holy Bella in hunting down the escaped hell lord kings. Then during the pursuit, I found that Yunzhong City was planning a new plane war. In order to win, Yunzhong City is using Use all means to weaken the power of the evil camp.

This time Yunzhong City supported the Wizards Guild on a large scale to rebel against the Death Lord, with the ultimate goal of weakening the evil camp's strength.

The Hell Lord King is always threatening Lucifer's rule of Hell from the outside, preventing Hell from providing effective support to the Death Lord. At the same time, the existence of the Hell Lord King makes it difficult for the Kingdom of Death and Hell to form an alliance.

Therefore, the establishment of the Cyan Alliance was nominally to help the Wizards Guild acquire territory, but in fact it wanted to exchange the cyan flag for the gray flag of the Unsullied Holy See, so that the Kingdom of Death could become a member of the good camp. "

Anthony once thought about why Yunzhong City would support the Wizards Guild with great fanfare this time. But he has been blinded by hatred. The wizards are being massacred by the Unsullied Holy See. If you want to save the Wizards Guild, you must concentrate the power of all wizards to resist the Unsullied Holy See.

Da Liang's explanation this time allowed Anthony to figure out the purpose of Yunzhong City's sending troops this time. He also understood that Yunzhong City had supported the Wizards Guild from the beginning and was originally planning for the Kingdom of Death.

Although he was dissatisfied with being taken advantage of, Anthony knew that the Wizards Guild was inseparable from Yunzhong City. They had drawn a clear line with the evil camp from the beginning of their establishment.

At the same time, Anthony also wanted to understand why the elders of the City of Sighs branch were unwilling to hand over Michuka to Gabriel.

Recalling what Gabriel just said, he had already found an excuse to let Misuka go.

Misuka's return to the Monarch of Mourning will certainly cause great losses to the cyan coalition, and I'm afraid the angels will also suffer redundant deaths as a result. But from the perspective of Yunzhong City's grand strategy, Misuka threatens hell, and the only one in all planes that can compete with Yunzhong City is hell.

A layer of window paper, just poke a small hole, Anthony will understand everything.

He said to Daliang: "We are not sure of defeating the Death Monarch. If the cyan coalition army is defeated, the angels have Yunzhong City to retreat, but we have no way to go. Therefore, every time I weaken the power of the Wugong Holy See, I will gain one more share the hope of victory.

Misuka must not be handed over to Yunzhong City.

But where should we keep him? "

The Wizards Guild has received support from Yunzhong City for so many years, and the guild has probably been infiltrated by them for a long time. If Misuka was accidentally let go, the Wizards Guild would have to bear all the responsibilities.

Daliang knew that the Wizards Guild had a loose organizational structure, and he was worried about letting the Wizards Guild imprison Michuka, so he said: "Leave the matter of imprisoning Michuka to me, I will take him..."

"No..." Anthony stopped Da Liang and said, "You don't have to tell me anything. You don't have to tell anyone, including the president, how to take care of Misuka and how to imprison him.

I will personally report this matter to the president, and I believe he will also approve of my approach. "

Indeed, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Daliang nodded: "Yes, Elder Anthony, I will take care of Misuka's matter."

"The alliance has ended. Gabriel is being delayed by the president. You should leave as soon as possible. The teleportation array in Ashes City is a permanent teleportation gate, and the space energy inside is far more stable than the temporary teleportation array. There should be no problem with Misuka in the teleportation seal. .”

After saying that, Anthony also walked into the pyramid.

Just as Daliang was about to greet Jonathan and Minia to carry the coffin away, Holy Bella walked up to Daliang and apologized in a rare and low-key manner: "I'm really sorry. My breach of trust caused you to fall into this trap." crisis."

Daliang said calmly: "You once told me that my experience is very similar to yours. I have worked hard from the bottom to achieve achievements that others envy. I have always agreed with this, so I also trust you extremely. .

The only person who can gain my trust, besides Joyce, is you.

But today I found that we still have differences.

I keep breaking the rules, but you don't even have the courage to touch it within the rules.

Brandon said that you are Michael's sword, and I want to ask you, during your career as a warrior, have you ever swung your sword for yourself? "

Daliang's words stunned Holy Bella on the spot, and when she woke up again, Daliang had already left the Ashes City with the wizards from the City of Sighs branch.

At this time, Bella pulled out her sword and pointed it at the sky. A ball of holy flames as dazzling as the sun dispelled the unique mist over the Kingdom of Death, letting light and heat fill the entire city.

"I am Holy Bella. I am grateful for all the honors given to me by Cloud City. I will continue to retain this glorious title. But from this moment on, my sword will fight for myself!"

The voice of Holy Bella resounded through the sky and caused the spread of Holy Light, and the chant responded. Then Holy Bella flew into the sky, spread out the space with her sword and disappeared into the kingdom of death, and all kinds of strange sounds also disappeared.

The whole process is very short.

Lucas, Boswell, and Gabriel appeared at the top of the pyramid at the same time, and they looked at the location where Holy Bella disappeared.

A new level 16 hero is born.

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