Start with an Archangel

Chapter 679 How many people came in?

Daliang originally thought that the member of the Holy See was just a title. After all, his voice would have no say in the parliament and he would not be able to get out of the foggy area. But upon closer inspection, the position of a member of the Holy See really brings some good benefits.

The Holy See in the City of Sighs has 13 seats, corresponding to the 13 urban districts in the City of Sighs.

Before becoming a member of parliament, although Daliang directly ruled the Mist District, many things could not be executed by giving orders.

For example, Daliang can indirectly manage the foreign races and players in the foggy area through various methods, but for the undead native to the foggy area, Daliang's management ability is very low.

If you want the undead to do anything, you have to pay for it, which is unthinkable in other dioceses. It is compulsory for low-level undead to work as laborers and soldiers. The church can easily summon an army of hundreds of thousands of undead by issuing a rally order.

This time, Daliang became a member of the Immaculate Holy See, and the authority of the Mist Zone was almost completely open to him. Not only can he recruit the undead army at will to form the city defense army in the foggy area, but he also has all the construction authority in the city.

The Fog District is a level 10 undead city in terms of city level. All building trees within level 10 are all lit up. This means that Daliang can use the funds from the Fog District to build the Fog District into a fully functional level 10 city. Although the Mist Zone still belongs to the Melancholy Monarch, the entire construction process is a very good reference for the Blackfire Territory, which has just completed the level 7 territory upgrade.

In addition, Daliang also owns 10% of the ownership of the Mist Zone, which means that Daliang can take 10% of all the output of the Mist Zone, including soldiers generated by soldier recruitment buildings, city capital income, and various resources affiliated to the Mist Zone. mineral.

Daliang has been coveting the mineral resources around the Mist Zone for a long time. However, due to the previous state of the Mist Zone, all the resources that originally belonged to the Mist Zone were taken back by the Sad Lord and occupied by the Holy See Knights. Now that the foggy area has returned to normal, for the sake of urban development and construction, the foggy area should take back these resources and use them for urban construction and development.

This appointment of Daliang can be said to be the complete loosening of the control of the Mist District by the Melancholic Monarch, and it is completely handed over to the management of the Mist District Church, making the Mist District a normal city in Lament City. The only small regret is that the Sad Monarch still did not promote Daliang as the bishop. Daliang's qualifications in the Wugou Church are really too low.

However, after the sad monarch's Protestantism was officially established, the title of bishop would never be lost.

The cyan coalition forces have launched a comprehensive offensive against the Monarch of Aiyin. Although Daliang said during the alliance meeting that the Sighing City branch could contain the Melancholy Monarch, the cyan coalition was not at the discretion of Lucas, and there was no guarantee that Yunzhong City would not expand the battlefield into the Sighing City. Therefore, it is still very necessary to ask Hell to send troops to the City of Sighs to deter the cyan coalition forces.

The way to quickly connect with Hell is to go to Shangjiang City to find Macaulay.

This guy led the fallen angels to look for Ergus and Angela in Shangjiang City. I wonder if there will be any results?

However, last time I returned to Shangjiang, there seemed to be nothing unusual in the city. It is estimated that the fallen angels are also confused now.

After Daliang accepted the handed over resources and minerals and selected several urgently needed facilities for the foggy area, he returned to Shangjiang City.

Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is still making great progress in building its own business empire.

Even if a civil war breaks out in the Kingdom of Death, the Sad Monarch has no intention of withdrawing his mercenaries. This army makes a small amount of money every day at the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, Sigh City has no plans to intervene in this war. Now it reserves more funds so that when the plane war comes, it will have more confidence.

However, after Da Liang came back this time, he immediately discovered the tense atmosphere in Shangjiang City. Even Bartlett, who was commanding the undead mercenaries to open up trade routes from the front, also returned.

Including Joyce, who had led the pioneering fleet to Australian waters, also returned to Shangjiang through the space teleportation array.

As soon as Daliang showed up in Shangjiang City, he was urgently summoned to attend the imperial meeting.

Big bosses from all parties in the Shangjiang area gathered in the conference room, including Duke Joshua, the former prime minister, who was also sitting in his seat. What caught Daliang's attention was that the elven nobles of the city were all sitting on the right side of the long conference table; Joyce, Bartlett and other human nobles were sitting on the left side, and all of them had sad faces. On the contrary, the elven city lords and nobles looked slightly relaxed, and even seemed to take pleasure in others' misfortune.

Daliang first greeted the big guys present, then sat down next to Joyce. Just as he was about to ask what happened, Mother Abigail walked in from outside. She first looked at where everyone was sitting, and then sat next to Daliang without hesitation.

"Count Daliang, after you took over the management of Songjiang City, I saw that my city is gradually becoming more stable. Some small black elf tribes have settled on my land. I believe that Songjiang City will be able to restore its former glory soon. This also made me realize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with supporting you. No matter what difficulties Shangjiang City faces this time, Songjiang will firmly stand on the side of the human race."

Mother Abigail's identity is very special. Everyone is ignoring her, but they can't really ignore her. There is still no news about King Howard. If Howard leaves no direct heir, then the illegitimate child in Abigail's belly will be the future king.

This time, Abigail said this publicly at the imperial meeting, simply announcing to everyone that Songjiang was already a member of the human camp. This was definitely a major change in Shangjiang's circle of influence, and it was also a significant change for the elves. A major blow to the system.

However, Abigail's words did not cause much reaction from the elven city lords and nobles.

So what happened?

Da Liang is really confused...

At this time, the fallen angel Macaulay walked in. With a arrogant expression, he walked directly to the position of the Prime Minister and sat down.

Then he said: "Marquis Stanley seems to prefer staying in his castle, so the ministers should have no objection to me presiding over this imperial meeting."

Daliang didn't know the situation and was ready to take a look before speaking. The other ministers didn't speak either, seeming to acquiesce in Macaulay's overstepping behavior.

Macaulay stared at Daliang provocatively and continued: "Yunzhong City suddenly withdrew its right-wing guarding angels this time. Obviously they already knew that they were unable to hunt down the Hell Lord King lurking here.

But our determination to hunt down the Hell Lord King is stronger than theirs, but there are too few fallen angels in Shangjiang City. If we want to find Ergos and Angela, we need Shangjiang City to allow our troops to enter and exit freely. Shangjiang City.

Of's useless for you to object. "

Da Liang finally knew why Macaulay was so awesome.

Holy Bella was promoted to level 16 and left Cloud City. Naturally, she was no longer the Holy Right Wing. So of course the right wing angels she commanded had to return to Cloud City to wait for the new Holy Right Wing to be appointed.

The right wing guarding angels are gone, and hell has less constraints in Shangjiang City, so Macaulay can be so arrogant.

As for the performance of the elves, of course it was a joke on the Jiangcheng human race. Hell's army has entered the city on a large scale, and the prestige of the human race has been completely lost. What qualifications does Shangjiang City have to become the core of this city-state? Then the political and economic center of Shangjiang will be transferred to Chongming City of the Elf.

Duke Joshua will return to power, and becoming king may not be impossible.

Fortunately, my brother came back in time, otherwise Macaulay would have taken advantage of it.

Daliang said: "I think we can put the issue of Hell's presence in Shangjiang City aside for now. This time I'm back with the latest news from the Kingdom of Death.

Now in the Kingdom of Death, the Wizards Guild is in rebellion. Together with the angels in Cloud City and some Death Lords, they have formed a blue coalition and are attacking the lands of the Death Lords everywhere.

This is a war that Yunzhong City has already planned. The Sad Lord is very worried about this war, but he has no intention of withdrawing the troops deployed at Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. However, the defense gaps created by the lack of this army still need to be filled.

Therefore, the Sad Lord intends to ask friends from Hell to assist the City of Sighs in defending the Blue Alliance Army, and entrusts this matter to me..."

Macaulay immediately said: "Hell is willing to fully support the death monarchs..."

Ever since the fallen angels took control of Hell, the Lords of Death have refused to establish any contact with Hell. Of course, Hell got the news of this cyan coalition rebellion as soon as possible, but without the permission of the Lord of Death, Hell's army did not dare to easily enter the Kingdom of Death, so they could only watch Yunzhong City complete itself step by step. The strategy is to do it in a hurry.

Now the Sad Lord actually intends to invite the army of Hell to assist in defense. This is definitely a major diplomatic breakthrough.

This is a great achievement. As long as it can help the hell army enter the kingdom of death, it will definitely be favored and praised by Lucifer.

Macaulay was very eager, but Daliang smiled and said: "Sir Macaulay, would you like to change seats first?"

Realizing that this was Daliang's counterattack, Macaulay accompanied Smiley and moved to the seat next to the chief, and then said: "Count Daliang, regarding supporting the Kingdom of Death..."

But Daliang interrupted Macaulay and said, "I think we should talk about the hell's army preparing to enter Shangjiang City.

How many people are you planning to bring in? "

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