When the hell lord kings were imprisoned in Yunzhong City, they were thinking about how to escape from the prison all the time, so they naturally had a relatively deep understanding of sealing spells.

Senior prisoners are excellent prison designers. For Angela, it is not difficult to design and build a sealing alchemy equipment.

"No problem." Angela said: "I will give you a list of alchemy materials. As long as you prepare enough things, I will make you the best sealing equipment.

When can I use your plane teleportation array?"

Daliang observed 3 seconds of silence for Michuka.

Originally, Da Liang was still having a headache about Misuka. He didn't know whether the seal imposed by the wizards and the forest of the dead could imprison Misuka. It probably couldn't be locked up, otherwise Yunzhong City wouldn't have bothered to build a prison to hold the Hell Lord King.

It was inevitable for Misuka to break through the seal and escape, it was just a matter of time. But with Angela's help, there is basically no problem in imprisoning Michuka. At least as long as Da Liang doesn't let him out, he can be imprisoned until the end of the game.

Hahaha... Probably Misuka never thought that I would ask Angela to make the alchemy equipment to seal him.

Daliang picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "King Angela, you can use the teleportation array in Judgment City at any time. I wish you all the best in hell and gather an army that is good at fighting."

Then Daliang nodded slightly and saluted the attendant behind Angela.

Howard, the missing King of East China Sea.

Daliang has guessed the identity of the attendant brought by Angela.

His body shape is very similar to Howard's, and his stance and the invincible aura of commanding an army are the same as Howard's.

And Angela dared to come directly to use the plane teleportation formation of the Judgment Leader, so she must be relying on something. Howard is still the King of East China Sea and the object of allegiance to Daliang as Earl, and Daliang has been going to the river to support the backbone of the royal family's orthodox faction, so Angela believes that Daliang will not disobey Howard's orders.

Of course, the loyalty to the royal family is because Daliang's interests are involved with the royal family. If Daliang wants to set up a plot against Angela, he will not care about Howard's existence at all.

But catching Angela will not do any good to Daliang now.

How to place it after catching it?

Yunzhong City definitely can't give it to hell... It's very unwise to get too close to hell at this time, so I can only keep it in my hands.

How to close it?

Could it be said to Angela: I want to imprison two very powerful heroes, please help me make two sealing devices. Not to mention whether Angela will be suspicious, she definitely can’t control herself with what she makes.

Then you will have a headache for the extra Hell Lord King.

Anyway, as long as Angela doesn't provoke him, Daliang doesn't intend to provoke Angela.

As for why Howard would join Angela, Daliang couldn't guess.

There must have been some handle... and blackmail was carried out.

In short, since Angela has conquered Howard, it would be a waste to keep his abilities underground in Shangjiang City. Howard has a strong ability to lead an army, and he has never failed to lead a battle. As long as he is placed in hell and given an army, he can snowball to expand his military power and territory.

Moreover, Howard is a human race, so launching a war in the chaotic hell will not attract too much attention from the Hell Furnace, and he can just raise an army before the hell lord kings return to hell.

Angela drank the red wine in one gulp and said teasingly: "I know I can't hide what I do from you. Are you interested in joining my army? You are a very capable person. I promise that when I get back what I lost, After all, you will have power beyond your imagination.”

Daliang smiled and said: "I'm sorry, the power I have now is beyond your imagination. That's it for today's meeting. The fallen angel Macaulay who is chasing you has applied to meet with me. If he sees you here, We would all be very embarrassed."

Angela stood up and gave Da Liang a list and an address: "These are the alchemy materials for making sealing equipment. When you are ready, put them at this address. I will send them to you when I am ready. So...goodbye …”

Then Angela opened a portal and walked in. Howard said to Daliang at this time: "Thank you very much for still wanting to protect my honor in this situation. I can give everything for this city, and I will do it for Angie." I will fight until I am able to protect this city.

From now on, I am no longer the King of East China Sea.

This crown..."

Howard took out a crown, and this headdress that represented royal power disappeared with him. At this moment, he didn't even know who to give this crown to.

Daliang said: "Mother Abigail is pregnant with your child."

Howard shook his head: "It's too young. At this time, Shangjiang City cannot rely on an unborn child...

Earl Feichen, your loyalty has won my trust.

I give you my last order as king. If the orthodoxy of Shangjiang can be maintained, then leave this crown to my children. If Shangjiang City encounters a crisis and needs a king to stand up and lead everyone, please give this crown to the person who needs him. "

[You get the crown of the King of East China Sea]

Crown of the King of East China Sea: Quest item, (the holder has insufficient reputation and cannot be activated.)

Da Liang held the crown, thinking that by wearing it he would be the King of East China Sea and own Shangjiang City, but he was reminded that he could not use it, which made him very excited.

When Daliang looked at Howard again, he had already entered the portal.

The portal closed and Daliang quickly put the crown away.

Although I can't be a king, I can be a man who can be a king.

As for who will be the king? Let’s talk about it later. Now is not the time to take out the crown. People from the elven family definitely don’t have to think about it. There is no reason to support political opponents to rise to power. As for the human race... they are all still loyal to the royal family, thinking that they will be loyal to the new king after the child in Abigail's belly is born. Now that Daliang can influence the position of Prime Minister, it is okay, but rashly naming him king will only be self-defeating.

After asking the vampire sword guard to take away the wine glass used by Angela, and then using cleaning magic and anti-detection magic to eliminate any traces she may have left, Daliang asked the attendant to bring in Macaulay, who had been waiting outside.


Vampire Sword Guard (half undead, half hell level 9)

Attack: 14

Defense: 10

Kill: 120-160

HP: 700

Characteristics of the unit: Bat transformation, blood-sucking (attacks have a blood-sucking effect, you can replenish your blood loss, you can resurrect fellow members, but you cannot resurrect heroic units)

Hero Unit: Level 11

Attack: 24

Defense: 23

Intelligence: 23

Knowledge: 24

Hero Specialties: First-generation Ancestor (all attributes increased by 25%, bloody rebirth: resurrected from the blood pool after death. First Embrace: consume 50% of the upper limit of blood volume to transform the living hero into a second-generation vampire. The second-generation vampire has the ability to first embrace Transformed into three generations of vampires, the number of generations of vampire development is related to the strength of the first ancestor. The previous generation of vampires in the blood chain has pressure on the next generation of vampires. The previous generation of vampires enters a weak period after completing the initial embrace, and the duration of the weak period is related to the strength of the caster.)

Hero special skills: intermediate offensive skills, intermediate defensive skills...

Skills: sonic shock, rapid stab, weak point attack...

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