Start with an Archangel

Chapter 701 Brave Heart

What does Daliang want to do?

Brave Heart thought silently, he did not dare to despise Daliang because of the success of the battle, because all those who had despised Daliang and thought they were sure of victory had lost.

This is an extremely dangerous opponent...

As the commander with the most impressive record in the gaming world, Daliang's combat style has been studied by all his potential opponents.

In the battle against Feishanzongshi, Daliang captured half of the Chinese gaming area; in the battle against Iori, the Japanese and Korean combined fleets were forced to the negotiating table.

These are two very classic battles, and they are also two battles that every commander must study.

What can be confirmed is that Daliang never sits still when facing a superior enemy. He likes to use surprise troops to insert a knife in the opponent's most critical place. Moreover, Daliang is very covert and deceptive when making strategic deployments. When he actually launches an attack, he will not give his opponents any chance to react.

Since Da Liang had made bold promises to defend the city for a month, he would never see the eight lords' coalition easily break through the Sunshine Plain. Even though the outer defense line was continuously breached, Daliang still did not use the 100,000 player mercenaries on standby in the main world to participate in the defense, so we knew that he must be planning some conspiracy.

Moreover, Archangel Julian and the black sky battleship are not here, as well as the frost distance thunderstorm that disappeared from the Judgment Legion sequence, and other ultimate creatures that may exist.

Daliang definitely wants to attack somewhere, a key location of the Eight Lords.

The key points of the Eight Lords Alliance are undoubtedly their logistical routes and their respective territories.

Attacking logistics roads can block the coalition's material supplies. Without arrows, stones, planks, ordnance, food and damaged war equipment... the coalition's attack will be weak.

If Da Liang uses that high-speed aerial warship to attack the coalition's logistics with some of the ultimate creatures, the results will be great and quick. While weakening the coalition's forward attack capabilities, it also forced the coalition to dedicate part of its troops to ensure its own logistics security.

In the end, the purpose of prolonging the battle can be achieved.

And if Daliang places his attack targets on eight territories...

Thinking about the kind of artillery coverage and meteor showers that washed the ground that Yagami's King of Fighters leader encountered, the lords who were attacked and had their aerial warships break through the defense and directly ride on their faces, I'm afraid they would be forced to retreat and negotiate.

Of the two options, the first is undoubtedly the easiest to implement and the most effective.

The war took place in the World of Heroes. The entrances to the eight territories were all located near Yunzhong City, and the logistics support lines were also here. Da Liang can rely on the maneuverability of its air and space battleships to quickly strike and deter these later routes, achieving the purpose of weakening the offensive of the Eight Lords coalition.

In order to achieve the strategic goal of sticking to it for one month.

In comparison, the other solution is too difficult.

The territories of the lords are scattered in various places in the main world. Except for a territory in the Japanese game area in the alliance that is slightly closer to the Judgment Territory, the other territories cannot be reached in a short time. Even though Da Liang has high-speed air and space warships that can carry out long-distance flying attacks and can defeat the defenders in attacking the territory's construction facilities, the coalition's strength advantage over the Judgment Territory does not mean that one or two lords are threatened and retreat, which can change the attack and defense of the Sunny Plains. Form.

If Da Liang wanted to attack the territory directly, he would have to force at least four lords to retreat in order to effectively alleviate the pressure on the Sunshine Plain.

To attack the four territories scattered in the main world...

How can it be? can be concluded from Daliang's past actions in wars that when everyone thinks it is impossible, his army often appears somewhere.

The more Brave Heart thought about it, the more he felt that Daliang was preparing to attack the Eight Lords' territory. He looked at the battle on the ground below.

The vanguard of the lords' coalition is already attacking the second line of defense of the Judgment Territory.

It seems a little too smooth...

The first line of defense of the Judgment Territory is still in battle. The armies of the lord coalition are gradually advancing. More and more troops have entered the battlefield. It seems that the war will soon be extended to the second line of defense. It has been exceeded. Today’s battle goal.

At this time, everyone is paying attention to the battle in the Sunshine Plain. The armies under the lord are also constantly attacking. They want to break through the teleportation array of the Judgment Leader in the shortest possible time and give the big Liang face who claims to defend it for a month. Give him a hard slap.

Brave Heart suddenly realized that the current mood of the coalition forces was very dangerous. Almost all wars in history in which the weak defeated the strong were reversed when the dominant party thought it had a chance to win.

Da Liang is paralyzing the nerves of the coalition forces. He wants to use the depth of the Sunshine Plain defense network to trap the coalition forces here.

If Daliang wants to attack the coalition's logistics road, there is no need to do so. Instead, we must hold on layer by layer and make every effort to reduce the time when the position is lost.

His purpose in doing this was to drag all the coalition personnel here and then launch an attack on eight territories.

The territory is in danger!

Although Brave Heart didn't know how Daliang attacked the eight territories, he firmly believed that Daliang would definitely steal the house.

"Send the order and ask the coalition forces to immediately slow down the pace of the attack. For the rest of the day, we will not expand the occupied area and consolidate the current front as our top priority."

The originally overwhelming offensive of the eight lords' coalition was instantly retracted. Then, under the watchful eyes of the audience who didn't know what was going on, they built fortifications on the spot while guarding against the Judgment Leader's counterattack, and then moved the war equipment behind them forward.

What's wrong? It was about to break through the second trench and extend the battle into the second defensive zone. Why did the Eight Lords Allied Forces stop attacking at this time? Didn't this give the Judgment Leader defenders time to rest and redeploy their forces?

The other seven lords also asked Brave Heart their own questions after receiving the order to stop their armies.

Why stop attacking.

"It went so well..." Brave Heart expressed his guess about Daliang's plan: "The opponent is Daliang, no matter how careful we are, we can't be too careful. Today, my combat mission has been completed, and I shouldn't be fighting for more results. And lose the due vigilance.

We can all see that no matter how we fight, Daliang will never be able to withstand our attack for a month with the Sunshine Plain defense network. He dared to boast that he could defend it for a month, so he had to attack our vital points with surprising moves.

I think we don’t have to worry. Our advantage lies here. Even if we advance one kilometer a day, we can achieve our ultimate goal. What I need now is... stability, don't let Daliang take advantage of him. I don't think you all want to lose the war and become a stepping stone for Daliang to become famous again, right? "

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